You're A Little Too Close For Comfort

Around the World in 80 Days with Super Junior

credits to st★rdivarius graphic shopvincentia_alvina for the awesome poster.


“Hyung, are you sure we’re at the correct place?” Donghae stared incredulously at the sprawling mansion up ahead.


After a very, very long flight, Super Junior had finally arrived at their first destination: Texas of U.S.A.


Upon arrival at the Texas International Airport, they had rented a van, (following the instructions given by the manager earlier) and started driving to their lodgings. After passing an endless number of cows and horses, they were greeted with the sight of a huge white mansion.


The mansion was particularly impressive, for it was the only tall building in sight for miles. It stood up like a white statue amongst the dusty flat ground, with a gleaming swimming pool lying behind it. There were a few small buildings beside it, but other than those, there was virtually nothing else for miles around.  The only thing that was in abundance were cows and horses. No fangirls, no crowds. And except for a small 7/11 store in a nearby town, there weren’t even any shopping malls around.  It was the perfect place for Suju.


“Well, it follows the letter’s description.”  Leeteuk mumbled from the backseat, squished between Shindong and Kibum.  The Angelic Leader had been banished to the backseat after several close encounters with a cow’s backside and the van, and was forbidden by Heechul to ever drive again.


“Hyung, couldn’t we have rented another van too?” Siwon moaned from underneath.


“Yah, at least you’re not sitting next to Hyukkie.” Zhou Mi gasped out, squirming uncomfortably. The small limited space of the van forced the members to pile up on each other, and the Chinese Fashionista had the good fortune of having his face squished up against Eunhyuk’s feet.


“Hey, if you guys had let me sit shotgun with Donghae, we wouldn’t ALL suffer together,” The blond member protested, pouting.


“The last time you sat in front, you dumped coke down my shirt.” Heechul shot a glare at Eunhyuk from the driver’s seat. “And besides, Hannie’s already here.” He gave the Chinese member a fond pat on the head. Hangeng was snuggled up between Donghae and Heechul, in deep sleep, blissfully unaware of his fellow members’ sufferings.


“It was an accident!!!”

“Yeah, and it-YESUNG!!! GET AWAY FROM THAT CAMECORDER!!!” Heechul screeched, suddenly noticing the eccentric singer.

“NO, I wanna be the cameraman!! I never get-EEEK!!! Get your foot away, Hyukkie!!” Yesung spat out in disgust, his face nearly coming in contact with Eunhyuk’s notorious feet. Zhou Mi heaved a sigh in relief.

“Kyu, grab the camera!!”

“It’s a camcorder, hyung.”

“JUST GET IT!!!!” Heechul ordered, a crazed look in his eyes. Kyuhyun sighed and squirmed over to Yesung.

“Magnae, GO AWAY.” The Cloud turned away, desperately clutching the camcorder in his tiny hands.

“Did you just take selca videos all the way till now?!?”  Kyuhyun demanded, noticing the camcorder’s odd angle position.


“YAH!!! YOU IDIOT!!!”  Several voices yelled out, as Yesung squished his way through the dogpile of members and luggage, trying to get away from the approaching Evil Magnae.

“You creased my shirt!!! Just look at it!” Zhou Mi spazzed out.

“Mi, I think you should be glad your shirt survived till now.” Kibum said with a groan.

“Is there a MagnaeAbuse Hotline I could call?” A small voice called out from below, unmistakably Henry. “I think someone needs to lose weight.”

“Shut it, maknae.”

“Sungmin, get your bunny out of my face.”

“Oh, sorry.”

“I need to go to the bathroom. Really bad.” Ryeowook proclaimed suddenly.

“Hold it in, magnae.”

“But it’s URGENT!!”


“IT’S URGENT!!!!!!”



“YAH!!! YOU’RE GOING TO WAKE HANNIE UP!!! KEEP QUIET!!!!!” Heechul suddenly roared from the front, twisting around in his seat to glare at the members. The members blinked in surprise, taken aback. Then Ryeowook spoke up.

“But I really, really need to go…”




(One hour later…)


“Is anyone supposed to meet us?”  Shindong asked curiously, looking around.


Super Junior finally reached the mansion, and was currently standing in front of the mansion, their luggage piled up behind them.


“According to the letter manager-hyung gave me, there are apparently two caretakers at this place, who’ll also be our tour guides.” Leeteuk replied, referring to the piece of paper in his hands.


“Are they ELFs?” Sungmin asked, cuddling his plush bunny in his arms.


The SJ leader frowned thoughtfully. “I think he said that one of them is…but I don’t think they’re sasaeng fans. The male caretaker’s in his twenties, and his sister’s a…teenager?” Leeteuk shrugged.


“Well, at least it’s only one fangirl to deal with,” Kibum sighed in relief. The members nodded in agreement.


“OMIGAWD, ITS SUPER JUNIOR!!!!” A scream suddenly rang out from the mansion. The members looked up in surprise from their discussion, and saw the front door open with two figures standing at the entrance.


One of them was a petite teenage girl with spiky black hair, a mildly interested expression on her face. The other was a tall muscular youth, who was waving excitedly at Suju.


“OMIGAWD, YOU’RE FINALLY HERE!!!!!”  The tall boy ran excitedly to the members, a crazed grin on his face. A wave of uncertainty ran over Suju, and Kangin leaned over to Leeteuk.


“Are you sure it’s a fangirl ??” 



Hi guys!! ^_^ Yep, this is a record for me, updating so soon. The words totally flowed out of me this time. *sigh* Yesung's leaving tomorrow for two long years....I feel like curling up and hibernating till he gets back. T_T  Any Clouds out there??

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GwagHyeYu #1
Chapter 4: Clancy.
You named the first Super Junior fanboy in AFF who isn't in a slash theme Clancy. You named the first fanboy of Suju in your HISTORY of fanfics.... Clancy.
Sighs. Okay. I guess dass legit.
Though, lol, I can totally visualize him, with him walkin out of the set of Call Me Maybe and slippin into blue Suju merchandise. And yesssss... ryeowook deserves more... fanboys... resulting from his... y... solo.

I fear for his life.
Here i am tellin u smtg u already know.
You're evil. Lol ah luv it u shall make an awesome suju manager. bwahaahahah *allhailtwistedscandals
Great update btw, ajjumma. :))
TaiShanNiangNiang #2
Chapter 4: How do you stop a charging bull?
Take away his credit card! ;)
So glad that you came back 310 days early for an update - I've missed this!
I find both your older and newer styles of writing entertaining/funny, but I can tell you are working hard trying new things and improving. Keep it up!
Had to chuckle, it was a Ryeowook fanboy who told me first about SJ >< (Though he isn't an overly enthusiastic corn-fed Texan)
Did you see Yesung's recent instagram about philtrums? I MISS HIM!!!
Yes thank you omg every one of ur chapters are worth reading again after an update. I'm literally dying while reading these. Good job on improving ur writing skill! :p
Chapter 4: yay, update, I love this fic
Chapter 4: Your writing style is okay as it is. Though it's a pretty good improvement^^

I almost jumped up and squealed when the updated noti popped up beside this fic LOL I even wondered when I started subscribing to this story xD It's been a while...WELCOME BACK!You made it out alive /shot/
jinxkey #6
Chapter 3: update soon... ^^
jibraillajane #7
Chapter 3: u know what ... the world needs more fanboys ...
and I love fanboys ~~~
Chapter 3: Ahaha lol xD I dun wanna miss this

Hibernate for 2 years n 4 months?U'll hit the World Record thingy x)
Chapter 3: *hugs* for Yesung. :) We'll be here waiting with you. I hope he's as visible as Teuk even when enlisted...

Now, this chapter.

I cannot get over Sungmin and the plushie bunny!!! I can see it in my head - IT'S SOOO CUTE!!! aaaaggghhhhh!!!

I would like to offer my condolences to the members w/in reach of Hyuk's feet. Or armpits.


*throws inspiration at u so you'll update again soon*
TaiShanNiangNiang #10
Chapter 3: Aw, don't hibernate for two years! You've got a fun fan fic to write ;) Love the banter in this chapter, the selca king (of course) and the fanboy - hahaha!
Have to admit, I'm going to spend today pouting, sad, mopey, and sighing. WAH!