Airports, Luggage, and Magnaes

Around the World in 80 Days with Super Junior

The airport's departure lounge was silent and dim. There were not many passengers flying off in that early morning of 2AM, and except for a small group of 15 approaching the lounge, there was virtually no one there.


It was getting eerily quiet, until...



"YAH!!!! STOP STEPPING ON MY FEET!!!"  A screech rang out through the air, unmistakably Kim Heechul of Super Junior.


" It's not my fault! Henry keeps pushing me!"


"Well, Zhou Mi's luggage keeps hitting me! So it's not my fault either!!"


"Shut it, maknae."


"Mi, I thought I asked you to pack the bare necessities." Leeteuk pointed out, suddenly aware of the enormous pile of luggage carried by the Chinese member. 


"I did." The Eternal Fashionista nodded earnestly.


"Then why do you have fifteen pieces of luggage?!?"


"I think you mean sixteen pieces, hyung. Mi's carrying a handbag too."


"It's called a MAN-BAG." Zhou Mi sniffed haughtily. "It carries all the manly essentials I need, like my compact mirror, moisturizer, lip balm, measuring tape, camera, sunscr-"


"Does it carry a crowbar?" Kangin interrupted curiously. Zhou Mi shot him a glare.




"Then it's not manly."


"...whatever." Zhou Mi huffed grumpily, and continued dragging his mountain of luggage.


"Why are we here again?" Kibum asked, interrupting the brief moment of silence.


"I'm not sure," Leeteuk shrugged. "Manager-hyung just said to pack the bare necessities  and to go to the international departure lounge. He said that we would find out there."


"Maybe we're going for another World Tour," Eunhyuk suggested hopefully. Kangin snorted in disagreement.


"Nah, I bet we're going on Hello Baby. The manager's gonna throw a kid at us to baby-sit." Kangin cracked his knuckles at the thought. "You actually watch Hello Baby?" Henry's eyes widened in disbelief. The Raccoon ignored him.


"Five bucks if it's a World Tour." The blond rapper affirmed.


"It's Hello Baby. And make it 10 bucks." Kangin argued, raising the bet.


"If it's Hello Baby, then why the heck are we in an airport?!"


"It's Hello Baby."


"World Tour."


"Fine then, 15 bucks if it's Hello Baby."


"I think it-"



"Can you DERPS just continue walking and stop gossiping?!?" Kyuhyun exploded out impatiently from behind, nearly crashing into the Raccoon and Anchovy, who was in deep discussion.



"YAH, WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME?!?"  Kangin shot daggers at the Evil Magnae, who stared back defiantly.


"He called you a Derp-Head." Henry chirped out helpfully from behind.


"Magnae, you're not helping the situation."


"Yeah, and besides, I called him a DERP. Not a derp-head." Kyuhyun corrected, wisely deciding to hide behind Sungmin.


"CHO KYUHYUN, YOU WANNA DIE???"  A vein popped out from Kangin's forehead.


"Is there a difference between a derp and a derp-head?" Hangeng wondered aloud. "And what exactly is a derp?" Zhou Mi asked, equally confused.


"Urm, Derp-head has a hyphen in it?" Shindong offered helpfully. Kibum frowned thoughtfully. "No, I think Kyu is referring to Kangin on whole, as a derp. While derp-head would only refer to Kangin's head, I think-"


"YAH!!! KIM KIBUM, YOU WANNA DIE TOO?!?" Kangin lunged forward, ignoring and forgetting Kyuhyun's pink ninja bunny bodyguard, and started chasing the two magnaes down the airport, with his luggages in hand. The three members soon disappeared from view, Kyuhyun and Kibum's screams softening as they went into the distance.


The members blinked. Then Yesung spoke up.


"Do you think Kangin's going to notice he accidentally took Zhou Mi's luggage instead?"





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GwagHyeYu #1
Chapter 4: Clancy.
You named the first Super Junior fanboy in AFF who isn't in a slash theme Clancy. You named the first fanboy of Suju in your HISTORY of fanfics.... Clancy.
Sighs. Okay. I guess dass legit.
Though, lol, I can totally visualize him, with him walkin out of the set of Call Me Maybe and slippin into blue Suju merchandise. And yesssss... ryeowook deserves more... fanboys... resulting from his... y... solo.

I fear for his life.
Here i am tellin u smtg u already know.
You're evil. Lol ah luv it u shall make an awesome suju manager. bwahaahahah *allhailtwistedscandals
Great update btw, ajjumma. :))
TaiShanNiangNiang #2
Chapter 4: How do you stop a charging bull?
Take away his credit card! ;)
So glad that you came back 310 days early for an update - I've missed this!
I find both your older and newer styles of writing entertaining/funny, but I can tell you are working hard trying new things and improving. Keep it up!
Had to chuckle, it was a Ryeowook fanboy who told me first about SJ >< (Though he isn't an overly enthusiastic corn-fed Texan)
Did you see Yesung's recent instagram about philtrums? I MISS HIM!!!
Yes thank you omg every one of ur chapters are worth reading again after an update. I'm literally dying while reading these. Good job on improving ur writing skill! :p
Chapter 4: yay, update, I love this fic
Chapter 4: Your writing style is okay as it is. Though it's a pretty good improvement^^

I almost jumped up and squealed when the updated noti popped up beside this fic LOL I even wondered when I started subscribing to this story xD It's been a while...WELCOME BACK!You made it out alive /shot/
jinxkey #6
Chapter 3: update soon... ^^
jibraillajane #7
Chapter 3: u know what ... the world needs more fanboys ...
and I love fanboys ~~~
Chapter 3: Ahaha lol xD I dun wanna miss this

Hibernate for 2 years n 4 months?U'll hit the World Record thingy x)
Chapter 3: *hugs* for Yesung. :) We'll be here waiting with you. I hope he's as visible as Teuk even when enlisted...

Now, this chapter.

I cannot get over Sungmin and the plushie bunny!!! I can see it in my head - IT'S SOOO CUTE!!! aaaaggghhhhh!!!

I would like to offer my condolences to the members w/in reach of Hyuk's feet. Or armpits.


*throws inspiration at u so you'll update again soon*
TaiShanNiangNiang #10
Chapter 3: Aw, don't hibernate for two years! You've got a fun fan fic to write ;) Love the banter in this chapter, the selca king (of course) and the fanboy - hahaha!
Have to admit, I'm going to spend today pouting, sad, mopey, and sighing. WAH!