A Series of (Un)fortunate Days


Lay is having an off day.

Chen is having a bad day.

Tao is having a field day.


And Luhan's just there for kicks.

Oh, and Xiumin and Kris are stored under the bed, to be pulled out when necessary. 



This series of oneshots are a collaboration work between Drifterqueen and iLuvYesung. 

(Drifterqueen has yet to create an AFF account.)

Words in maroon are written by Drifterqueen.

Words in navy are written by iLuvYesung.



Lay smiled sleepily at the angelic boy nestled beside him. He couldn't remember the angel's name, but he was sure it would come to him.

One day.

But that day was not today!

Tao chuckled evilly from under the bed, clutching a bottle of pills to his chest. 

Giggling maniacally like the crazed C hinese maknae that he was, Tao crawled out from under Lay and Chen's bed, and inched his way out to the hallway, commando style.

His plan had succeeded once again! 


Tao chuckled ominously once more.

Looking out from the bathroom, Luhan wondered why Tao was clutching a bottle of vitamins in his hand whilst giggling like he was on crack.

The older member shrugged. 



Luhan went back to brushing his teeth.


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GwagHyeYu #1
Chapter 1: Awwwkkkkwwaaaaaaarrrddddd. Why do I keep wondering what on earth i'd just read?
Chapter 1: LOL X'DD that was suuuuper funny xD