You Should Never Trust Your Dongsaeng or Hyung. EVER.

Around the World in 80 Days with Super Junior


The departure lounge was in chaos.


Luggage was strewn all over the floor, there were paper planes being flown around, (courtesy of EunHae), and Leeteuk was having a screaming match with the manager on the phone. Siwon was preaching a sermon to Donghae's stuffed toys (since Heechul kept running away), and the K.R.Y was about to dissect an unconscious Kangin.


Apparently, even Kangin couldn’t run more than 300 meters, while carrying Zhou Mi’s luggage. The rest of SJ were forced to drag/carry him all the way to the departure lounge, along with the two screaming magnaes.


“Do you think he’s dead?” Ryeowook asked, wide-eyed, giving the unconscious Raccoon a poke in the stomach. “He looks dead…even his tongue’s poking out.”  


Kangin was sprawled all over Zhou Mi’s luggage, and currently also had a paper plane in his mouth. EunHae had excellent aim.


"We should just take a picture." Heechul cackled evilly. He exchanged high-fives with Zhou Mi, the both of them laughing like hyenas at a picnic. The Diva and Fashionista had decided to give Kangin a make-over while he was knocked out, and had transformed the masculine member into a total drag-queen.


“Nah, I think he’s fine.” Yesung disagreed, shaking his head. "Except for the purple eyeshadow...But still. If he’s not bleeding, he’s not dead,” The eccentric singer pointed out, proud of his logical thinking.


"It's kinda hard to tell with the eyeshadow, though..."


 “He could be having internal bleedings,”


“Yah, I only threw my Nintendo DS at his head,” Kyuhyun defended himself, scowling in Ryeowook’s direction.


“And it cracked.” Henry pointed out, joining the K.R.Y on the floor.


“And you threw your laptop at him, too.”


“No, I didn’t.”


“Yes you did, you knocked him out with your laptop bag.”


“No, my laptop’s here.” Kyuhyun patted his beloved fondly.


“He threw my laptop,” Eunhyuk answered grumpily from the corner. “And it was my RED laptop too!”


“And…?” The Canadian Maknae started to look confused.


“Eunhyuk has…things in that laptop.” Zhou Mi explained, shooting Eunhyuk a look.


“Things like por-OWWWWW!!!”  Yesung’s explanation was cut off by a sharp pinch from Siwon, who had overheard the conversation.


“Puppies. Hyukkie keeps puppy pictures in his red laptop.” Siwon answered firmly, shooting Yesung a glare.




“Do you think hyung’s okay?” Ryeowook asked, changing the subject. “He looks like he wants to throw up.” He gestured to their leader, who was currently walking over to them, his facial expression a mixture of pure delight and agony.


Leeteuk paused in front of s and heaved a big dramatic sigh.


“I have good news and bad news.” He paused, waiting for everyone’s attention. Once he had it, he continued.


“Firstly, we’ll be having our own variety show again.” The members cheered, happy at the idea.


"It's called Around the World in 80 Days with Super Junior. We'll be travelling to about 15 countries, and yes, Hyukkie, it can also be counted as a world tour. But...." The angelic leader paused midsentence and looked down.


“But?” Shindong prompted, noting Leeteuk’s painful expression.


“We’re the camera crew too.” The SJ leader gave a weak smile. “Does anyone know how to work a camcorder?”



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People, go check out this Suju fic:   It is an AWESOME comedy fluff fic. YooLing is an AMAZING author, and I'm trying to pressure her into updating faster. keke. ^_^ Seriously, I love her fics.


AND...if you want crazy funny Suju and B.A.P, check out my other fic!    I'm writing it with GwagHyeYu, so you might find some similarity in the writing style.


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GwagHyeYu #1
Chapter 4: Clancy.
You named the first Super Junior fanboy in AFF who isn't in a slash theme Clancy. You named the first fanboy of Suju in your HISTORY of fanfics.... Clancy.
Sighs. Okay. I guess dass legit.
Though, lol, I can totally visualize him, with him walkin out of the set of Call Me Maybe and slippin into blue Suju merchandise. And yesssss... ryeowook deserves more... fanboys... resulting from his... y... solo.

I fear for his life.
Here i am tellin u smtg u already know.
You're evil. Lol ah luv it u shall make an awesome suju manager. bwahaahahah *allhailtwistedscandals
Great update btw, ajjumma. :))
TaiShanNiangNiang #2
Chapter 4: How do you stop a charging bull?
Take away his credit card! ;)
So glad that you came back 310 days early for an update - I've missed this!
I find both your older and newer styles of writing entertaining/funny, but I can tell you are working hard trying new things and improving. Keep it up!
Had to chuckle, it was a Ryeowook fanboy who told me first about SJ >< (Though he isn't an overly enthusiastic corn-fed Texan)
Did you see Yesung's recent instagram about philtrums? I MISS HIM!!!
Yes thank you omg every one of ur chapters are worth reading again after an update. I'm literally dying while reading these. Good job on improving ur writing skill! :p
Chapter 4: yay, update, I love this fic
Chapter 4: Your writing style is okay as it is. Though it's a pretty good improvement^^

I almost jumped up and squealed when the updated noti popped up beside this fic LOL I even wondered when I started subscribing to this story xD It's been a while...WELCOME BACK!You made it out alive /shot/
jinxkey #6
Chapter 3: update soon... ^^
jibraillajane #7
Chapter 3: u know what ... the world needs more fanboys ...
and I love fanboys ~~~
Chapter 3: Ahaha lol xD I dun wanna miss this

Hibernate for 2 years n 4 months?U'll hit the World Record thingy x)
Chapter 3: *hugs* for Yesung. :) We'll be here waiting with you. I hope he's as visible as Teuk even when enlisted...

Now, this chapter.

I cannot get over Sungmin and the plushie bunny!!! I can see it in my head - IT'S SOOO CUTE!!! aaaaggghhhhh!!!

I would like to offer my condolences to the members w/in reach of Hyuk's feet. Or armpits.


*throws inspiration at u so you'll update again soon*
TaiShanNiangNiang #10
Chapter 3: Aw, don't hibernate for two years! You've got a fun fan fic to write ;) Love the banter in this chapter, the selca king (of course) and the fanboy - hahaha!
Have to admit, I'm going to spend today pouting, sad, mopey, and sighing. WAH!