Get Along

Introduce Me To Your Hyung


"Get along nicely!" a man shouts, who is NU'EST's manager, which the Pledis Boys call him 'Ppakgom Hyung', before shutting now B.A.P and NU'EST's shared terrace.


Their terrace house is really huge and big so the eleven boys could fit in. They know that's crazy and insane. Just... how? There are five bedrooms, three bathrooms and three toilets.




"It feels like living in a castle!" Himchan exclaims. Junhong smiles before he glances at Himchan's hand. The wound will heal pretty soon, and all the members are happy to have their Hime back.


Aron tries to make them communicate, so he begins a conversation. "Guys, how about I cook lunch? It's already one thirty." He peeks from the kitchen. Since when did he got in there? The boys looked at him weirdly before Minki and Youngjae nod at the same time. Aron smiles, feeling awkward, before he gets into the kitchen again.


Maknae Junhong tugs at his leader's jacket slightly and whispers to Yongguk. "Hyung..." He is shy and worried about how are they going to get along with each other. This may be a good choice for them to be friends, or maybe worse things will happen if they don't get along.


"Why, Jello?" Yongguk asks, looking into the taller boy's eyes. Junhong is blinking his eyes and biting his lips and frowning. He parts his lips, only to close them back. Yongguk raises an eyebrow, signalling the younger boy to just speak his mind out.


"Will we... get along? I'm shy, and I don't know how to communicate with NU'EST hyungs." Junhong whispers. Yongguk nods slowly.


"We must try. I bet they are, too. So, let's just be friends with them, okay?" The leader ends his words with a light squeeze to his shoulder, then a playful ruffle to his locks. They both smile to each other.


They hope they will.




The house is filled with bright laughter of B.A.P and NU'EST's. They are chatting happily, and they see this as a good start to be friends.


"Aron-nim's cooking was really delicious! Thank you~" Daehyun bows his head, before patting his stomach lightly. The others nod and Aron smiles.


"Daehyun-sshi, you can just call me 'hyung'. 'Aron-hyung' or something. And you're welcome."


"Got it... hyung! Also, you can just call me Daehyun, or Busan Wonbin, or B.A.P's best vocal. Oh, how about handsome guy—"


"Yah!" Himchan slaps Daehyun's thigh. Daehyun winces painfully. "Why are you being a narcissist? You're embarrassing us!"


"It seems like we have meet with Minhyun's twin!" Jonghyun says excitedly. "Himchan is like the mother figure of B.A.P, right? I saw it from a show. Anyways, our Minhyun here sometimes acts like a lady, too!"


Before Minhyun could protect himself, Minki continues. "He's right! Rather than using the word 'lady', 'old granny' suits him more. This tall guy here, he nags a lot. By a lot, I mean he nags like there's no tomorrow."


Dongho makes an agreeing hum. "I find sleeping is hard these days.."


"Clothes on the floor, he nags. Leaving dirty plates in the sink or on the table, he nags. Blankets—" Minki feels a hand grabbing for his.


"Choi. Min. Ki. You talk too. much." Minhyun is literally peeling his skin off with his hard glare. Oh, mad Minhyun is never the best...


To not make the situation worse, Minki quickly says, "What I'm trying to say is... he made us more disciplined through his nags, though. We take that as a good thing. Right?" Aron, Dongho and Jonghyun nod hesitantly to their maknae's words. The grip on his wrist loosens a bit, just a bit.


"You think I would buy that. Hmph." Minhyun sulks, but deep in his other members' hearts, they know this Busan guy was touched, even if it's just a little.


"Double the mothers, double the trouble...?" Jongup says out of the blue. Minhyun and Himchan share a glance for a second before they go—


"We're not your mothers!"




rain-bow is back with chapter 2! How was it, people? I also edited chapter 1 o u o; I will use their real names instead of their stage names :D I'm having a hard time trying to get some lines for the characters ;____; Thank you my dear subscribers! I hope you like it~ Till then!


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Chapter 4: yeayy NU'BAP !!! :) please author next the chapter :) i like your story #bbuing bbuing
TinyMushroom #2
Chapter 4: heh cute little idiots^^ and i can't with the second link... And aww the gif~
Chapter 4: I had to google junhong lol XD
see I'm learning more every day ^^
Can't wait for more~
TinyMushroom #4
Chapter 3: aww it's cuteee^^ heh wow you mentioned me~
Chapter 3: wah I'm enjoying this way too much XD
I don't know much about BAP tbh but I still like reading these crossover pairings because I learn more about BAP. Like I didn't know Zelo was called Jello for example~
ok sorry but I just got all excited XD
Can't wait to read more. fighting!