
Introduce Me To Your Hyung


Let's get the romance started!

When Jonghyun is overly happy he goes insane. "Agu~ Agu~ Agumon~!"


"Dammit Jonghyun not again!" Dongho throws a pillow at the now dancing boy. Aron laughs while Minhyun and Minki are watching a show, pretending they did not hear a thing. Jonghyun notices them ignoring him and pouts and pulls at Dongho's arm but the younger boy stiffs himself in his seat — like his was already being glued there — and frowning up at the leader.


"Aw, come on guys! Let's play outside with the others!" Jonghyun jumps childishly and Dongho gets pulled up no matter how much he protested. He is already being dragged out by the now hyped up Jonghyun. Aron glances at Minhyun who is poking the laughing maknae's rib. Minki yelps.


"What was that for." It doesn't sound like a question, since Minki is talking with his teeth gritted and a palm on his rib, probably bearing the impermanent pain. Aron gives their baby an apologetic look; like he was the one who attacked him. Minhyun shoots a 'don't-pamper-him-too-much' look to the eldest.


"You just won't listen to me if you keep your eyes stick to the screen. Sorry, by the way." Minhyun says as a matter-of-factly. Minki huffs and nods, giving him the sign to continue. "Jonghyun is asking all of us to play outside, which explains why Dongho isn't here. Should we join the—"


"Oiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!! Where are you guys?!" a voice which they recognize it is Jonghyun's shouts. Minhyun rolls his eyes and turning his head to his side, only to see Minki reaching for the remote and pressing a button, which make the TV shut off. Then the blond jumps to his feet and inviting them both, before sprinting off like there's a marathon, without even waiting for Minhyun and Aron.


The both of them give up. Aron is the one who gets up first, stretching with a mumble which Minhyun catch them as "I'm too old for this".




It's hot outside. But they are still playing badminton, which they had agreed earlier. Now it's a double play match between Himchan-Daehyun and Dongho-Jonghyun. The audiences clap as loud as they could, anticipating the game.


Just right after Himchan serves the audiences keep quiet. Dongho turns the shuttlecock back to his opponent team. And then, Daehyun jumps gracefully; everyone expecting him to smash like a boss— only to miss the. freaking. shuttlecock. The Busan guy glares at the innocent shuttlecock and he looks like he wants to burn it despite the fact that his cheeks are turning red. No one say anything and Himchan feels like burying a hole right there from the second hand embarrassment.


They continue the game like nothing had happened. The game is not even exciting because they are all amateurs so they decide to end it with the score... 1-1. Hooray.


Dongho and Jonghyun joins Aron, Minhyun and Minki as they pass water bottles. Dongho opens the cap and gulps down the cool water. Jonghyun is all shifty as he knows what the younger boy is going to say.


"Jonghyun-ah," Dongho starts, sending shivers down the leader's spine. "Come with me." Jonghyun follows like a little guilty puppy behind him.


The triplets talk in a slow voice to each other. Aron gasped silently. "It seems like Baekho is the real leader." Minhyun and Minki nods.


Minki chuckles. "It's actually cute seeing Jonghyun following him like a little puppy."


Minhyun adds. "Do you meant dinosaur? Not puppy?" He laughs out. Aron agrees by sneakily saying, "a cute baby dino he is."




"It's hot..." Junhong fans himself with his sweaty hands. "My science teacher said the sunlight during afternoon is not good for your skin."


"Oh, really? I've never knew that." Daehyun nods. Youngjae 'tsk'-ed at him. Before the brain of the group could say anything — which Daehyun can predict he will comment on how lazy he is and what do you do at school? sleep? — and says, "Youngjae, for your information, I ain't always sleeping in classes. You're welcome." He ends with an annoyed eye roll.


"I've also learned that you can boil raw egg under the sun! Only that it takes a long period." Jongup smiles widely as if he had just won an award. Beside him, Yongguk gulps down some water.


"You're really good students, no?" Yongguk says, then throwing his towel to the hissing Himchan next to him. Himchan catches it. "I don't really care about—"


"Wow Bbang thank you so much for the towel but CAN'T YOU FREAKING SEE THAT MY HAIR IS ON FI-YAH!?!?!?!"


"Fire extinguisher, anyone?!" Daehyun adds dramatically which makes the others laugh. The three NU'EST members also come to join them.


Youngjae wants to leave an impression on them too so he tries to be sarcastic by throwing his joke in English. "Amburance! Amburance! Himchan iz on da fi-yah!"


.... Seems like he left a bad impression.


Some of them laugh half-heartedly, not sure if what Youngjae said is laughable or not, and Daehyun didn't laugh, at all. "Wow, really, Youngjae. Re-o-lly?"


"Wat?" Youngjae laughs some more. His broken English makes Daehyun's face cringe.


"Are you sure you're our brain?"


"Whyyyy? Wat did I wrong somewhere?"


"Your English is annoying. Ugh, ambulance isn't for fire! Fire fighters are!"


With that Youngjae face-palmed. Aron has been the one who had rolled like a buffalo the most.


"I'm sorry, guys! I need to use the bathroom. Excuse me!" Aron sprints off, clenching his stomach.


"What's taking Baekho and Jonghyun so long?" Minki mumbles while he plays with his mineral bottle, spinning it like he always do with the chairs in 'FACE' live performance.


Only to fail which makes Junhong grins at his cuteness. Or so.




"What are they doing in there gosh! I can't hold it in any longer!" With that Aron doesn't care anymore and opens the bathroom door.


Only too see a static-doll like Dongho and Jonghyun looking at him. But what's weirder is... Dongho's hand is on Jonghyun's strands of hair, and Jonghyun's hand is on the younger boy's arm; as if to stop him from touching his hair. Plus the fact that their body is quite close with each others.


Wild imaginations run through Aron's hair, which gives him a sudden chill. "Don't tell me..."


Dongho quickly pulls his hand to his side. Jonghyun stuns for a while before realizing the awkward situation. He clears up his suddenly dry throat and waves his hands in the air. "I-It's not what y-you are thinking!!" He half-squealed and half-yelled. Then he hangs his head down in embarrassment and takes a glance at the boy beside him—


He... he is blushing? Our White Tiger is blushing? Why... what the hell are you blushing for?! You should state the truth to hyung!, Jonghyun's eyes are glaring to Dongho; but it seems like it didn't work.


"What? What were you thinking about, hyung?" Dongho says, his tone quivering.


Something's fishy... Aron thinks, not bothering with their white tiger's question. Suddenly his stomach is aching again and he runs into the toilet.


Leaving the awkward two together.


"Umm, let's... go back to play with the rest of them?" Jonghyun breaks the silence. Dongho startles for a second before nodding without making any sound.




Yongguk is chatting with them until Minhyun immediately freezes when... the man's left knee brushes again his right one. His fanboy heart is beating like crazy and he feels his head suddenly feels light and he thinks Yongguk is really—




Minhyun tries — really hard — to contain these feelings but his face is just stubborn to cooperate with him. His face is making different expressions, not to mention that he's all squirming now.


"What?" Minki asks.


"Smoking hot." The tall boy says automatically the English phrase Aron had taught him.


Minki frowns, confused. "Minhyun-ah, what's wrong?"


Minhyun turns his head to look at the worried Minki. "W-What's wrong what?"


"Don't tell me that... you're sick again? Tell me if you do, not keep it to yourself like the last time. Are you okay?"


"Do I even look like I'm sick, Minki?" Minhyun tries to keep his cool.


"Yes. Your cheeks are flushed!"


Minhyun can't hear anyone or anything as he is busy asking himself. Oh heart, is this...?


I hope you enjoyed this one long-assed update. ^^

The thing is... I have been diagnosed with a disease. It . I've been really depressed that I don't care about anything else. But seeing your comments make me feel like nothing's wrong and everything is normal. You guys are my heroes. Thank you very much! You make my life 40% better <33333

you, please comment; and subscribe if you like this story!


I would really be happy if you watch this video so we can reach 200,000+ views! :DDD

And I'm sorry to burst your bubbles to those readers who thought the pairing will be HimRen but...

it wouldn't. I'm sorry...

Don't kill me even though I want to die ;;

I wrote "e.g" which means "for example"~ Hope I cleared out the misunderstanding(?)~!

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Chapter 4: yeayy NU'BAP !!! :) please author next the chapter :) i like your story #bbuing bbuing
TinyMushroom #2
Chapter 4: heh cute little idiots^^ and i can't with the second link... And aww the gif~
Chapter 4: I had to google junhong lol XD
see I'm learning more every day ^^
Can't wait for more~
TinyMushroom #4
Chapter 3: aww it's cuteee^^ heh wow you mentioned me~
Chapter 3: wah I'm enjoying this way too much XD
I don't know much about BAP tbh but I still like reading these crossover pairings because I learn more about BAP. Like I didn't know Zelo was called Jello for example~
ok sorry but I just got all excited XD
Can't wait to read more. fighting!