
Introduce Me To Your Hyung


Attention! There will be links used in this chapter (text with blue bold).



It is already night when the boys had finished their album recording. They literally jump into their van and flop down in the seats.


"Good work, boys! Oh, why so glum, boys?"


"Hyung..." Daehyun sounds desperate. "I. want. food!"


The other five boys agree with him, nodding; too tired to speak. Their manager sighs, somehow understanding their really tiring schedule. With a fatherly smile, he says, "Do you want fast foods?"


Suddenly, Jongup sits up straight. "Oh. I remember... our friends had done a McDonalds CF, no?"


The whole McDonalds topic immediately catch their attention. Himchan and Junhong follow Jongup's action. "Our friends? Who?"


Just before Jongup wants to tell them, Youngjae joins in their conversation. "Ah! NU'EST! Right, Jongupie?" The younger boy nods.


"So, you guys want McDonalds, am I right?"


Junhong turns to the leader. "How about Yongguk-hyung? Hyung what would you..." The said leader was fast asleep.


"Just order the regulars, then." Jongup suggests.




When they arrive home it's already past midnight.


Leader Bang who is half-asleep drags himself to his shared room with Youngjae. Himchan calls his name. "Yongguk, won't you eat your burger?"


"Save it for tomorrow. I'm going to sleep. Night!" With that, he disappears from their sight.


"Well, it won't be delicious if the burger is cold..." Youngjae comments. Daehyun nods, but his face lit up at the thought of his BigMac burger. Without waiting anyone, he grabs his food and starts eating.


"Gee, you should be worrying about Yongguk-hyung!" Jongup joins in, but sits beside Daehyun with his own burger in his hands, anyways.


"No, I wowwy avout mai vurger de mosh! (No, I worry about my burger the most!)" says Daehyun with his mouth busy chewing. He ignores the look Himchan gives him because he talks with his full mouth. Whatever.


After his brain processed the words Daehyun said, Junhong asks, "And why is that?"


Daehyun swallows. "Don't you remember that day I got all upset because someone ate my burger?"


Junhong nods. "Ah, that day..."


"I mean, only Yongguk-hyung gets to eat the delicious burger so many times at our 'Hajima' shooting place! I really should be the one who gets to play the main role! But then Manager Kang bought us the burgers too, probably because he saw me literally drooling. I saved it for tomorrow because I was already full and boom——"


"Jung Daehyun-sshi." Youngjae says. Daehyun quirks an eyebrow. Why bother me when I'm talking to maknae— "Junhong is not even listening."


Daehyun looks over his shoulder and Junhong is not there. That little kid is eating with Himchan. Embarrassed, he looks to Youngjae again, and the said boy shakes his head and walks over to Himchan and Junhong's table.


"Hyung," a voice calls him. "I'm here if you want to talk to me." Jongup smiles. Daehyun wants to tear up.


"Oh, Jongup. You..."


"I know who ate your burger."


"Really? Who? How? Why?"


"Yes. It's you who ate it. You were sleepwalking and somehow the next morning we found you smelt like your burger. Why eh? Because you... love burgers..?"


Daehyun does not realize he has been spacing out and Jongup lets him do so.


Why is it ME?! But how can that be... I don't—


Himchan's squeal snaps him out of his thought.




` notes.

//eating jung daehyun //


Hey! So, this chapter is B.A.P-centric~

Click the links that I inserted!

Till then ^^

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Chapter 4: yeayy NU'BAP !!! :) please author next the chapter :) i like your story #bbuing bbuing
TinyMushroom #2
Chapter 4: heh cute little idiots^^ and i can't with the second link... And aww the gif~
Chapter 4: I had to google junhong lol XD
see I'm learning more every day ^^
Can't wait for more~
TinyMushroom #4
Chapter 3: aww it's cuteee^^ heh wow you mentioned me~
Chapter 3: wah I'm enjoying this way too much XD
I don't know much about BAP tbh but I still like reading these crossover pairings because I learn more about BAP. Like I didn't know Zelo was called Jello for example~
ok sorry but I just got all excited XD
Can't wait to read more. fighting!