
Introduce Me To Your Hyung


The roommates were decided. NU'EST members with NU'EST members, and B.A.P members with B.A.P members. Since there are only five bedrooms, one room must be shared by three members, meanwhile the other rooms will have two members each.


"Hyung! I'm your roommate again!" Baekho cheers. He turns his head to Aron who is laying on another bed at the other side. It seems like both CEOs from their specific companies arranged the roommates by purpose. To make them comfortable with original roommates, maybe?


"Yes, Baekho. I'm happy to know that too, but..." Aron stops and Baekho stares at him.


"But what?"


"With other boys, besides our members, are living with us, you can't go hugging Minhyun, Minki or Jonghyun to sleep, you know. Their room is across from us." Aron smirks.


"I.. I don't see anything wrong with that." Baekho stutters, his face flushes and he is so cute and adorable looking like that.


"They will think you're acting like a baby. Should I tell them that you can't sleep without hugging people?" Aron raises his voice at the last sentence.


"Hyung!" Baekho half-shouts, worrying that they will probably interrupt the others who may be sleeping at this time, or actually the others will hear them. He suddenly walks to Aron's bed and sits beside the oldest hyung. "You can't do that! But that means... I can only hug you?"


"What? No." Aron turns his back to Baekho and pretends to sleep. Baekho pouts.


"Hyuuunnggg~" Baekho chants so many times to annoy Aron. He knows Aron is not even sleeping. Aron groans.


"My bed is not big enough for you to fit. Just try to sleep in your own bed—" Aron is stunned when the bed dips on the other side and an arm is slumped across his waist. Why this kid won't listen...


"I fit perfectly! See? And why are you behaving like I've never hugged you before? You're so tense."


Baekho's breath is tingling on his neck and he jumped a little. "Relax, Aron-hyung. Relax." Again.


Aron wonders to himself if he can endure this everyday.




Minhyun is always the early bird. As soon as he wakes up, he shifts his gaze to the alarm clock and winces as the number shown on the clock almost blinded his eyes. Still, he squinted hard and the clock shows that it's 5 a.m. He sighs before stretching his arms and walking outside the room, his smartphone in his hand.


Half asleep, he practically drags himself to the... wait, where is the bathroom? Aish, I should have really 'explore' this house first...


The tall boy scratches his hair, frustrated. He just walks in the dark until he can find the bathroom. But the sound of humming catches his attention.


Did somebody just woke up?


His footsteps are much faster than before, eager to see just who had woken up. He unlocks his phone and activates the flashlight. Then, he sees a light coming from where he didn't know. He walks again and turns to his right, and he finally finds the bathroom. But the sound of humming can be heard more clearer.


Hesitantly, he knocks on the door. The humming stops and Minhyun sees a hand reaching for the door as it slowly opens.


Revealing a topless, shaving Yongguk with his wet blond bangs sticking to his forehead.


Minhyun's eyes widen, blood rushing up to his cheeks, and swiftly turns around, avoiding Yongguk's eye contact.


"Oh. Minhyun—" Yongguk's deep voice breaks the silence, but Minhyun cuts him off.


"S-Sorry for i-interrupting! I-I never meant to peek at you or something!" With that, Minhyun runs away, the need to pee long forgotten.


Yongguk blinks in confusion. But when he looks down, his own cheeks matches the colour of a tomato.




It seems like the mommies are starting to do their 'work'.


"Kang Baekho! Hurry and get up!" Minhyun pats (more like whipping) Baekho's thigh. The said boy doesn't even move an inch, and Minhyun is getting louder. "Aron hyung, can you please wake him up?"


Aron who is changing into new clothes looks over them both. "Come on, Minhyun. You deal with this every morning, right? Just do whatever you usually do." The oldest sticks his tongue out playfully before bolting out the room. Useless hyung.


"What's happening, Minhyun?"  A damp-haired blond peeks from the door. "Baekho doesn't want to wake up?"


Minhyun nods. "Aron hyung doesn't give me a hand, too. He must have been playing computer games until it was late..." He grunts.


Minki smiles softly. "That's our Kang Dongho that we know. Anyways, why don't you try waking him up like Ppakgom hyung always did?" Oh, Minki is sure one hell of a genius.


'Tickle Kang Dongho Until He Wakes Up' mission start~!


` notes.

//have a cutie moon jongup ;w;//


Hello guys! Sorry for this short update T^T  I updated this 2 days before NU'EST's leader JR's birthday~

Oh, I also hinted a crossover pairing if you squint :D

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Chapter 4: yeayy NU'BAP !!! :) please author next the chapter :) i like your story #bbuing bbuing
TinyMushroom #2
Chapter 4: heh cute little idiots^^ and i can't with the second link... And aww the gif~
Chapter 4: I had to google junhong lol XD
see I'm learning more every day ^^
Can't wait for more~
TinyMushroom #4
Chapter 3: aww it's cuteee^^ heh wow you mentioned me~
Chapter 3: wah I'm enjoying this way too much XD
I don't know much about BAP tbh but I still like reading these crossover pairings because I learn more about BAP. Like I didn't know Zelo was called Jello for example~
ok sorry but I just got all excited XD
Can't wait to read more. fighting!