*Episode 5

High school Life [EDITING]

*Hana POV*


Wednesday finally comes around and I decide to pick Sherry up on the way to school. I really need to tell her about Daehyun and I. I was going to tell her yesterday, but I panicked. I figured it would be better to tell her in person, so I’ll tell her today!

I smiled to myself as I looked at my uniform in the mirror, making sure that my skirt was straight and the right height. I look at my watch and realise that it’s time to leave for school, so I give Sherry a call.

“Hello?” Sherry said with a yawn.

“Good morning!” I chirped into the phone.

“Hana! Let me sleep.” She groaned.

“Wake up, lazy !” I giggled.

“It’s so early.” She whined. “and I’m so sleepy.”

“I called you to talk to you.” I said.

“Oh, well what’s up?” She asked, seeming more awake than before.

“I’m going to come pick you up for school.” I said. I didn’t even ask because I knew she’d say yes.

“Was that it?” She asked, surprised. “Really Hana?”

“Yep, that was all.” I answered.

“Hana! Why would you call me so early in the morning, just to tell me that?” She asked, slightly mad.

“Early? Hana, look at the time.” I said.

“Oh my god! I slept in!” She yelled.

“Ouch Sherry, my ears!” I yelled back.

“Sorry! I have to get ready, I’ll see you when you get here.” She said as she hung up.

“That girl.” I muttered under my breath as I got in my car and drove to her house.


*Sherry POV*

I finish getting dressed in record time, run down stairs, kissing my parents as I run past them.

“Bye!” I yell as I shut the front door. My timing is perfect, because as I shut the door, Hana pulls up. I open the car door to see her smiling at me.

“Hey.” She said.

“Hey.” I replied. “Can we go to the canteen before class? I missed breakfast.”

“Sure.” She said, still smiling.

“You seem happy today. Did I miss something?” I asked.

“You’ll see, you’ll see.” She replied.

“I hope it’s nothing bad.” I said, squinting slightly, hoping I would somehow figure out what was going on.

“Ah.” She said as she gulped. “Nothing bad, it’s nothing bad at all.”

“If it’s nothing bad, then why do you seem so nervous?” I asked as I starred at her, crossing my arms.

“It’s nothing!” She quickly replied. Something is up, I just know it. Finally we arrived at school and I got out of the car with a smile.

“Ah school. My lovely school, I have missed you.” I said with a sigh of content. Hana just giggles.

“Okay, okay. We get it, you love school.” She said. “Come on, let’s go to the canteen.”

We get to the canteen and I head straight for the fruits, knowing that class will start soon, and fruit it quick to eat.

“Good morning.” I said to the lady behind the counter.

“Good morning, Sherry. I haven’t seen you around here in a few days.” She replies.

“Did you miss me?” I asked.

“Of course!” She smiled. “Now what can I get for you?”

“Can I please have an apple and an orange?” I ask.

“Of course.” She said, turning around to grab them. “Here you go.”

“Thank-you!” I said as I picked up my fruits and walk to the table Hana sat at.

“Sherry, I have to tell you something,” She said hesitantly. “Please don’t kill me.”

“What’s up?” I asked.

“Well,” She paused. “I’m not single anymore.”

“Oh my god! Why didn’t you tell me?!” I exclaimed, happy for my friend. “So, who’s the lucky guy?”

“Um well, it’s Da-” She was suddenly cut off when someone sat down next to her. I looked up to see Daehyun, smiling at Hana as he grabbed her hand. The rest of BAP pulled out chairs and sat with us.

“Hey, I missed you.” He said, placing a kiss on Hana’s cheek.

“Excuse me.” I said, startled. “What the hell is going on?”

“You didn’t tell her?” Daehyun asked Hana.

“I was literally in the middle of telling her, oppa.” She replied.

“Wait, you’re dating him?!” My eyes widened in shock. “Seriously?”

“Yeah, she is.” Daehyun answered on Hana’s behalf.

“You’ve got to be kidding me!” I said, slightly raising my voice.

“What’s wrong with Hana dating hyung?” Zelo asked me, joining in on the conversation.

“I wasn’t talking to you.” I practically growled at him.

“I don’t see what’s wrong with them dating.” Zelo said with a shrug of his shoulders. “I mean, if they like each other, why shouldn’t they date?”

I scoffed as I stood up, getting ready to leave.

“Where are you going?” Hana asked.

“Away from here.” I said as I grabbed my fruit and walked off.


*Hana POV*

I sighed, looking down at the table. I knew she wasn’t going to be happy, but I hoped she wasn’t going to be that mad.

“Don’t worry babe. She’ll come around.” Daehyun said with a smile, giving my hand a reassuring squeeze.

“She’s my best friend. I don’t want her to be mad at me.” I said quietly.

“She won’t be mad for long, you’re best friends right? She needs you just as much as you need her.” He said, trying his best to make me happy.

“Why does she hate us?” Himchan chimed in. “I mean, what have we ever done to her?”

“You heard her the other day didn’t you?” I asked him.

“What? She hates us because she thinks we’re perfect?” Himchan asked, frowning slightly. “That’s it?”

“She has a bad history, that’s more the reason.” I said with a sigh.

“What happened?” Yongguk asked.

“I don’t know if I should tell you.” I said, not wanting to make Sherry angrier.

“Come on, we won’t tell anyone.” Daehyun said. “Isn’t that right guys?” The others nodded their heads, telling me that they swore they wouldn’t tell anyone. “See? We won’t tell. Please babe?” I sighed, thinking about it for another moment before giving in.

“Fine.” I said. “She’s always been smart, nice, and everyone use to call her perfect. A few years ago, she was bullied. No one could understand how someone so smart could be so naïve, so they bullied her for it. Eventually the bullying went too far and one of the boys cornered her in the change rooms. He almost her. He would have if I didn’t walk in at the right moment. We went to tell the principal immediately, but he refused to believe us, saying that we must have misunderstood the situation. She was shaken up for weeks, constantly jumping at any little noise, freaking out about being alone and having nightmares almost every night. Eventually the stress of it all got to her and she tried to kill herself. Luckily, I found her in time.”

“Why the hell didn’t the principal believe you?” Jongup asked.

“I honestly don’t know.” I said, shaking my head.

“Stupid principal.” I heard him mutter.

“So she hates perfect people because she used to be ‘perfect, and she hates bad boys because someone tried to her?” Himchan asked and I gave him a nod in return.

“We’re not bad boys.” Yongguk said.

“Are you sure, oppa?” I said, raising my eyebrow.

“Okay, fine. Maybe just a little bit.” He said, pinching his fingers together to show just how small that ‘little bit’ was. We all laughed just as the bell went, making us get up and leave for class.

When I got to class, Sherry was already sitting in her seat. I immediately walked over to her to try and fix things between us.

“Hey.” I said when I was standing next to her desk.

“Hey.” She said. Good, at least she’s responding to me, that’s a start.

“Are you mad at me?” I asked her. She looked up to me, only for a second though, before looking back down at her desk and sighing deeply.

“No.” She said.

“Lies.” I simply said.

“I’m not lying, Hana. You’re still my best friend.” She replied.

“So you’re not mad at me because I’m dating Daehyun?” I asked.

“Look Hana, just forget about it okay? I don’t really want to talk about it.” She said with a firm but quiet voice.

“Okay.” I said, pausing for a moment and then walking to my seat.


*Zelo POV*

Hearing everything that Hana said before class, and listening to how sad both Hana and Sherry sound make me determined to prove to her that we’re nothing like she thinks we are. I sighed as the teacher walked in, instructing us on what page to open out text books to.


The bell rang for recess and before anyone could notice, Sherry had already left the class room.

“Zelo, do you know where Sherry went?” Hana asked me.

“Sorry.” I said. “Honestly I didn’t even notice her leave.”

“I think she’s really mad at me.” Hana said, looking at the floor.

“Hana, don’t think about it too much, it’s not good for your brain.” I said, hoping to stop her from being so sad. “I’m sure she’s fine.”

“I just really don’t want to lose her.” Hana mumbled.

I paused for a moment. ‘I’ll make her better’ I thought.

“Wait, what?” Hana asked, making me realise that I said it out loud.

“Nothing, nothing.” I quickly denied saying anything. “The boys are probably waiting for us, come on.” I said, leading her to the canteen.


*Hana POV*

“Hey Hana.” Yongguk said as we got to the canteen.

“Hey oppa.” I smiled at him.

“I’m glad to see that smile back on your pretty face.” Daehyun said as he placed a kiss on my cheek, making me blush.

“Ew.” Himchan complained.

“Oh, shut up hyung. You’ll be doing this when you get a girlfriend.” Daehyun said, rolling his eyes at Himchan. We all chuckled at Daehyun’s comment, when Zelo stood up.

“Where are you going?” Jongup asked Zelo.

“Just getting some fresh air.” He said with a shrug.

“You want me to come with?” Jongup asked.

“Nah, it’s okay hyung.” Zelo said, walking out of the canteen.


*Sherry POV*

I was just about to walk back to class when I was shoved into the brick wall behind me. I looked over to see Yuri looking at me furiously.

“What the hell?!” I yelled.

“This is all your fault!” Yuri screamed at me as she slapped me over and over again.

“The , Yuri?!” I yelled, trying to make sense of what was going on as I tried to block her slaps.

“It’s your fault Zelo broke up with me!” She screamed. She started punching me when she realised the slaps weren’t hurting me as much as she wanted them too. She got me a few times in the nose, and I could feel the blood running from  my nose, and over my lips. I tried to dodge and block them, but I was already too disoriented. The punches were hard enough to knock me to the ground. As soon as I hit the ground, she started kicking me in the stomach.

“Someone, help me.” I said quietly, coughing in between every word.

“I’m going to make your life a live hell, Kim Sherry.” She said as she crouched down, making sure I could hear. “Do you hear me?” I managed to nod enough for her liking and thankfully she walked away.

I could see my vision starting to blur, and just as someone came running towards me, I passed out.


*Hana POV*

I walked back into the class room and notice that neither Sherry or Zelo have come back yet. I pulled out my phone to call Sherry, knowing that it’s not like her to miss class.

“Hello?” a male answered. I paused for a moment, pulling the phone away from my ear to check that I called Sherry.

“Um, who is this and why do you have my friends phone?” I asked, confused as to what was going on.

“Oh, Hana it’s me, Zelo.” He replied.

“Why do you have Sherry’s phone?” I asked. “And where are you guys? Class is about to start.”

“Jeez, you nag just like my mom does.” He chuckled. “We’re in the sick room.”

“Oh my god, what happened?” I asked, panicked.

“I found Sherry passed out behind the school so I took her to the sick room.” Zelo explained. “Um, I’ll take care of her. Can you text me her address so I can take her home?”

“Yeah, of course.” I responded quickly. “Are you sure you don’t want my help?”

“Nah, it’s fine. Just give me the address, okay?” He said.

“Okay, will do.” I said and we both hung up. I quickly texted her address to Zelo, trying to think of why he would suddenly want to take care of her. While I was trying to figure it out, the teacher came in, telling us what work to do. When he noticed that Sherry and Zelo were missing, I raised my hand to let him know what had happened.

Edited: 23rd of August, 2015

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Chapter 41: She's obviously lying!!!! One month when you had 3 months ago?! The !!!
dyqakim #2
Chapter 100: Yeahhh..happy ending :')). I really really really love your fanfic. ㅠㅠ you such a good author, you inspire me now. You did a great job
bbombbunnyy #3
Chapter 63: The story was pretty good until I got to chapter 16 and then you started doing the character: *speaks* thing, and that kinda made the story seem to have less substance in it. That just made the story not as good as it could be but other than that I enjoyed what I read. :)
this story is awesome! love this story so much!
shilaINSPIRIT #5
Chapter 100: Congratulations Author-nim . you really do a great job :D
This is DAebak Authornim!

Please do check my Zelo story too
Chapter 100: Really I have to say that this is the best fanfic<3 it's my first time reading an fanfic with 100 captures XD but I don't regret spending the last two days reading this<3 you're really an amazing writer although there were some grammar issues but it's okey,Fighting!You're DaeBak>.<
Chapter 100: AMAZING!!!! I loved the story Well thought ^_^
Wwhyda #9
Chapter 75: this is going greatt really curious though how would you make them together again since they each have their one child,
Wwhyda #10
Chapter 12: authornim fanfic so cool and nice oh well no offense but exclude your grammar its so niceee