*Episode 10

High school Life [EDITING]

*Zelo POV*


What the hell is wrong with me? Why do I suddenly care about her so much? Why am I mad that Yongguk is talking to her? Why is it that I can completely forgive her for slapping me?

I sighed.

My phone vibrated as it received a text from Jongup.


From: Jongup

To: Zelo

Where are you

From: Zelo

To: Jongup

Hey hyung, I’m at home, why?

From: Jongup

To: Zelo

Nothing, we were just worried about you

From: Zelo

To: Jongup

I’m okay hyung, don’t worry

From: Jongup

To: Zelo

Why are you being such a loner lately? What happened to the Zelo that was attached to us?

From: Zelo

To: Jongup

Haha, I’m still the same Zelo, I’m just tired.

From: Jongup

To: Zelo

Tired? Lots of homework?

From: Zelo

To: Jongup

Um, yeah, homework.

From: Jongup

To: Zelo

Okay, rest up then.

From: Zelo

To: Jongup

Will do.


Deciding to take Jongup’s advice, I go to sleep.


*Sherry POV*

The next morning when I left for school, I was surprised to see Yongguk-oppa leaning against his car in front of my house, waiting for me.

“Um, can I help you?” I asked with a raised eyebrow.

“I’m here to pick you up.”He said with a chuckle.

“You don’t have to do that oppa.” I told him.

“Come on,” He chuckled as he opened the car door for me. “Let’s go.”

“I’m going to walk.” I said.

“Sherry. I just want to be your friend.” He said, trying to convince her.

“Fine.” I said with a sigh and got into his car. I heard him mumble ‘finally’ under his breath which made me chuckle. I watched him walk around the front of the car, tapping the bonnet as he went past, before climbing in the driver’s seat, starting the car and driving us off to school.


*No Ones POV*

“Is that Yongguk?” Himchan asked as he saw a car approaching.

“Yeah, but who’s that in his car?” Daehyun asked, “I didn’t know he had a girlfriend.”

“Oh my god.” Hana exclaimed. “Oppa, that’s Sherry.”

“What?!” The others all yelled as Yongguk and Sherry exited the car and walked towards them.

“What’s up guys?” Yongguk said.

“Would you like to explain?” Youngjae asked. Yongguk smiled, but as he turned to look at Sherry, she tried to walk off. Yongguk quickly reached out his hand to grab her wrist, making her stop.

“Sherry has opened up her heart, just a little bit, for us.” Yongguk explained. “Please be nice to her.”

Himchan, who was standing on the other side of Sherry, put his arm around her shoulder, exclaiming that he will definitely be nice. Sherry immediately shrugged his arm off.

“Whoops. Sorry.” Himchan apologized. “Got a little excited there.”

“Whatever.” Sherry said as she rolled her eyes.

Daehyun noticed that Zelo had looked away, so he leaned over to asked if he was okay.

“You okay, Zelo?” Daehyun whispered. Zelo’s eyes widened slightly for a moment, shocked that someone had noticed, and then replied.

“Yeah hyung, I’m fine.” Zelo said.

The bell rang making everyone say goodbye to each other, while Zelo, Hana and Sherry all walked to their class together.

“Finally, you’ve accepted BAP.” Hana cheered.

“Not really.” Sherry said.

“Oh come on, you’ll love them.” Hana insisted.

“We’ll see.” Sherry replied.

“Zelo, why are you so quiet today?” Hana asked.

“Oh, it’s nothing.” Zelo assured, mumbling ‘this is so awkward’ under his breath.


*Sherry POV*

The recess bell finally rang, and everyone hurriedly packed up their things to leave.

“I’m going first,” Hana said. “Someone is waiting for me.”

“Yeah, sure,” I said. “Go ahead.” I waved at her as I continued packing my stuff. As I finished packing up my things, I stood up. But as I went to take a step, my foot got caught on the leg of my chair. I braced myself, ready to hit the ground when someone caught me.

I opened my eyes to see Zelo staring back at me, and for some completely unknown reason, I felt my heart skip a beat. I felt a spark.

“What the is going on here?!” We snapped out of it and stood up quickly when we heard Yuri yelling.

“It’s none of your business.” Zelo said to her.

“What do you mean ‘it’s none of my business’?!” She asked as her eyes widened.

“Stop yelling to get attention.” He told her.

“Who cares?” Yuri said with a shrug as she raised her hand, ready to slap me.

I waited for the stinging pain to hit my cheek, but it never came. I looked up to see that Zelo had grabbed her wrist before she could hit me.

“Don’t.” He said.

“What?” Yuri asked in shock. “Why the hell are you defending her?!”

“Just go away Yuri.” Zelo said. “Stop disturbing us.”

“But oppa-” Yuri started to say but Zelo cut her off.

“We are nothing Yuri,” Zelo reminded her. “I broke up with you.”

“I didn’t agree with that.” Yuri argued.

“I don’t care if you agreed or not,” Zelo said. “For me, it’s over.”

Feeling like I was intruding on something, I tried to leave, but Yuri wasn’t having any of that.

“Where do you think you’re going?” She sneered.

“I can go wherever I want to go.” I replied.

“This is all your fault!” She yelled.

“What has any of this got to do with me?” I asked her.

“Yuri, I said leave it alone.” Zelo interjected. “You’re talking nonsense. We’re through. We’re not together any more. We’re over.” Zelo said, hoping to get the point across. He grabbed my wrist and dragged me away.

“I swear to God I’ll make you pay Sherry.” Yuri muttered.


*No One POV*

“What’s taking them so long?” Hana pouted.

“Be patient baby.” Daehyun said as he rubbed his thumb over her knuckles.

“I’m trying, but it’s been so long since I’ve eaten with Sherry.” Hana said.

“Speak of the Devil,” Himchan said as he pointed to the door. “There she is, with Zelo.”

“They’re so going to end up together,” Youngjae insisted, “Don’t you guys think?” Hana nodded.

“But what about Yongguk?” Jongup asked.

“What about me?” Yongguk question him.

“Don’t you like her hyung?” Jongup asked.

“I like her as a friend.” Yongguk clarified, “I consider her as my little sister, so it would be weird if I liked her.”

“What’s up guys?” Zelo said as he got to the table.

“Yay!” Himchan exclaimed as he threw his arms around Zelo, crushing him in a hug. “Our Junhong is back!”

“What on Earth are you on about hyung,” Zelo asked. “You saw me this morning.”

“No, I mean your mood.” Himchan explained. “You seem happier.”

“Sorry hyung,” Zelo apologized. “I’ve just been tired is all.”

“Sherry!” Yongguk yelled. “Where are you going?”

“To that table?” She said as she pointed to a table half way across the room.

“Just come sit here.” Yongguk said.

“No thanks.” Sherry declined.

“Sherry, just come sit next to-”  Hana paused as she looked around the table at the empty seats. “Zelo. Come sit next to Zelo.”

“It’s okay Hana, I can sit by myself.” Sherry insisted.

Himchan quickly stood up and steered Sherry to the seat next to Zelo. He pulled out the chair and pushed down on Sherry’s shoulders making her sit down.

“Ugh, fine.” Sherry said as she started eating.

“So, you guys want to hand out after school?” Daehyun asked.

“Yes!” Hana said excitedly. “You coming Sherry?”

Sherry paused for a moment, trying to decide what she was going to do.

“Oh come on Sherry,” Hana said. “It’ll be fun!”

“Fine.” Sherry said while rolling her eyes.

Edited: 29th of August, 2015

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Chapter 41: She's obviously lying!!!! One month when you had 3 months ago?! The !!!
dyqakim #2
Chapter 100: Yeahhh..happy ending :')). I really really really love your fanfic. ㅠㅠ you such a good author, you inspire me now. You did a great job
bbombbunnyy #3
Chapter 63: The story was pretty good until I got to chapter 16 and then you started doing the character: *speaks* thing, and that kinda made the story seem to have less substance in it. That just made the story not as good as it could be but other than that I enjoyed what I read. :)
this story is awesome! love this story so much!
shilaINSPIRIT #5
Chapter 100: Congratulations Author-nim . you really do a great job :D
This is DAebak Authornim!

Please do check my Zelo story too
Chapter 100: Really I have to say that this is the best fanfic<3 it's my first time reading an fanfic with 100 captures XD but I don't regret spending the last two days reading this<3 you're really an amazing writer although there were some grammar issues but it's okey,Fighting!You're DaeBak>.<
Chapter 100: AMAZING!!!! I loved the story Well thought ^_^
Wwhyda #9
Chapter 75: this is going greatt really curious though how would you make them together again since they each have their one child,
Wwhyda #10
Chapter 12: authornim fanfic so cool and nice oh well no offense but exclude your grammar its so niceee