At the Park

Action Figures and Delivery Vans


"So you were the girl he always talked about?" He suggests.
"I suppose so." She looks at Kyungsoo while taking a sip of her tea.
"I just don't get it. Kai isn't one to do those kinds of things. This makes me so angry." He sits back and crosses his legs, thinking about the past.
"Why would you be so angry? It's not like it affected you right?" She asks him.
"Well it didn't really affect me, but my respect for Kai changed that day." And the flashback started.
Kyungsoo and Kai were the best of friends. Going everywhere together, doing everything together. They were glued to hip. Until Kyungsoo had found Kai in bed with a random girl, at HIS, house. Kai had promised he just needed to pick up something that he had left there, but that promise was broken when he had found Kai. Kyungsoo barely remember the picture Kai had shown him of the girl he had liked, but the girl he had seen that night was not the girl in the picture. The girl in the picture looked nice, she was petite with hair down past her shoulders. The girl he had seen had light brown hair that barely past her shoulders.  
Anyways, Kyungsoo was a big, hopeless, romantic. He had never once, thought about betraying his significant other. He was the type to shower a girl with gifts and show her affection, no matter who saw, yet they had always broken up with him at some point in the relationship.
He knew why.
He had known that Kai wasn't one to open up about his feelings, so his situation came expected from Kai. Though the fact that he had done something so careless shocked Kyungsoo. 
After finding Kai in his bed he hadn't talked to him in days. Kai would call, text and ask the other guys to tell Kyungsoo to talk to him, but he wouldn't have any of it. 
Finally after some time, his friends caught him at the park and had told him that Kai had left to go to a dance school for a scholarship he was offered.
After that, Kyungsoo had never heard anything from, or about Kai.
"So you've been holding a grudge against him since?" She says after Kyungsoo finishes his story.
"Yes, and I know its not good to hold grudges, but I had never expected something like this from him. But I assumed you would have held one against him too." He claims.
"I did, yes, for a while, but I got over it. He never made any attempt to get a hold of me, and I had tried. So I figured why keep trying?" Dae had a point.
Kyungsoo didn't want to reminisce about Kai, and neither did Dae so he changed the subject.
"You remember my cousin I was talking about the other day, right?" He perks up.
"Yeah? Why?" She looks up in curiosity.
"Well, I was going to see him, my other cousins and friends today at the park, do you want to come?" Kyungsoo looks at her hoping she will say yes.
"Are you sure? I feel like I'd be intruding on you guys." She tries do decline.
"No! You wouldn't be intruding, I had told them about the whole meeting Kai thing and I ended up telling them about you, so they kind of want to meet you..." Kyungsoo explained.
"Oh, well okay then." She agrees.
"Really? Cool. Well, they said to meet up there at 1, and its 12:30, so... Would you like to head out now?" He offers.
"Yeah thats fine!" She stands up and gets ready to leave for the park.
After 20 minutes of driving, Kyungsoo and Dae finally made it.
Dae got out of Kyungsoo's car and looked out to the middle of the park. She saw a big group of guys, some passing around a ball, some sitting down and eating, while some were what looked to be wrestling.
"I'll be right back." Kyungsoo looked back at Dae and ran off to get all of the guys attention.
Dae could see Kyungsoo running off in the distance waving at everyone. When they all noticed him they stopped what they were doing to say hi. After they all got up to stand around Kyungsoo for a couple of seconds, Dae sees all of their eyes train on her. 
She stops walking and gets startled. Kyungsoo waves at her to head over to where they are.
Just as she walks up to the group, Kyungsoo grabs her by her waist introducing her to the group.
As Kyungsoo started talking about her, she tuned out and payed her attention only to Kyungsoo's hand around her hips. She was smiling at everyone, nodding and saying hello, but her mind was focused on how his arm fit perfectly around her. She couldn't help but blush until someone called her name and snapped her out of her thoughts.
"Dae, are you blushing?" One of the tallest boys spoke up and everyone ohh'd and ahhh'd when Kyungsoo and Dae split apart now standing a good two feet away from each other.
Kyungsoo introduced all of the guys to Dae, after what took a while she got everyone down.
Luhan, Chen and Tao were Kyungsoo's distant cousins but they were all very close. Xiumin, Kris and Lay were the friends of the three and they introduced them to Kyungsoo. The other four went to school with Kyungsoo, and Dae, previously. They had all met through music when their school had done a mix-up program where all of the music departments joined together and had a big music thing.
Sehun knew Suho, who knew Kyungsoo, who knew Baekhyun who is friends with Chanyeol, who had also known Kai, who was into dancing. At the time they all joined together and jammed out until they were the last ones at the music festival. Then the whole "Kai" thing happened, and none of them could get a hold of Kai.
After they finished introducing each other to Dae, she finally spoke up.
"So you're Tao, who had the birthday recently?" She looked at Tao and he nodded. "Yup! And thank you for helping Kyungsoo find Donatello. He would've picked Raphael without your help, and I don't need another one of him. Anyways, I hear you're into action figures too?" He had to ask. He never really met anyone who was into action figures as much as him. So when he heard from Kyungsoo that there was a girl that was into action figures, man was he excited. But they way Kyungsoo had talked about her, he knew he couldn't ask her out or anything. Kyungsoo talked about her like she was the most beautiful girl on the planet, and Kyungsoo had never had a real, honest relationship, but looking at Dae, she could give him that.
She chuckles and answers him, "I am into action figures! Ever since I was young! I was just too afraid to tell anyone about them but I guess you all know now." She smiles.
They all laugh lightly and continue talk about each other and how they all met.
"Hyung, you didn't tell me that she caught you when you fell?" Sehun looked at Kyungsoo while Dae was talking about how he had fallen. 
"Oh, uhh. Yeah." Kyungsoo looked down and blushed, embarrassed that she was the one who had caught him. All of the guys had started to laugh and point at Kyungsoo when Dae scooted over to him and wrapped an arm around his.
"It's okay Kyungsoo. Everyone falls, all the time." She looks up at him and he smiles. He leans his head on hers and she freaks out. 
"Ooooh lalaa~" Chanyeol sees the two just smile and points at the both of them now.
Everyone joins in and the two just blush, still holding onto each other.
Everyone starts talking again, saying old stories, making a joke or two. While a certain someone is a couple hundred feet away thinking about how he had seen Kyungsoo kiss Dae.
I can't believe Kyungsoo was kissing Dae! Why those two? My best friends and the girl I used to really like. Why were they kissing in the first place? They hadn't even known each other back then. 
As Kai was contemplating on the past situation he hears someone call his name.
It's Sehun. With all of the other guys. And.. Dae? 
Why is it that they all start popping up out of no where?  
"Yo! Kai! Over here!" Sehun stands up and waves his hands at Kai, but he starts walking away.
I can't talk to them now.
Kai looks at Sehun, with sorrow in his eyes, and runs off. 
"Kai wait!" Dae catches up to him, with Kyungsoo behind her. She grabs his wrist and turns him around to get his attention but Kai pulls her off.
"Don't, Dae." With that he walked away.
Dae starts to feel hurt and tears up a little.
"Dae are you okay?" Kyungsoo makes her face him and she looks up at him with red eyes.
Kyungsoo grabs her and embraces her. He knows how she feels. To finally see the one you used to like after a few years without any contact and have them brush you away like dust. He hugs her, while she cries on his chest.
They finally let go and Kyungsoo asks if shes alright. 
"I'm fine. Could you take me home?" She asks him while hugging him again, looking down again.
"Of course." He grabs her hand and heads toward the guys.
"I'm gonna take her home, guys. I'll see you guys tomorrow." Kyungsoo bids the guys goodbye while Dae hugs everyone. They all wave goodbye while the two get into the car.
For a while, the ride is silent, Dae feels uncomfortable so she breaks the silence.
"I'm sorry for what happened back there. I didn't know I would cry." She feels get hot again.
"Don't be sorry. It was Kai that did everything, not you." He reaches over to hold her hand and she gladly takes it. Kyungsoo rubs her knuckles with his thumb, lulling her to sleep.
They finally make it to her house and Dae is fast asleep. Kyungsoo doesn't want to wake her up, so he looks into her purse and finds her keys. He goes out side to unlock her door and comes back outside to carry her in.
After a few tries, he finds her room settling her down on her bed. Just as he's about to leave, the floor creaks and Dae wakes up again.
"Sorry Dae. I'll leave now." He's just about to leave when she grabs his hand.
"Wait, Kyungsoo." She looks up at him while he turns around to face her.
"Yeah?" He searches her eyes.
"Can you stay? I don't think I can go back to sleep." It was half a lie. Part of her couldn't sleep because of Kai, but the other half just wanted to be with Kyungsoo.
"Yes." Kyungsoo takes his button up shirt and has a v-neck on.
For a moment, Kyungsoo hesitates to lay down, but he finally lays down, facing Dae. He puts his left hand under the pillow and places his right on her cheek, lightly caressing her face.
A tear strays from her eyes and Kyungsoo wipes it away. They stare at each other for a few seconds when Kyungsoo brushes his hands through her hair.
"Go to sleep, I'll be here in the morning, I promise." He scoots closer to her and kisses her gently on the lips. She separates from him, looking up at his eyes and back down to his lips. She kisses him again, allowing his tongue to intertwine with hers. He presses his forehead to hers and looks at her in her eyes.
"Goodnight, Dae." He kisses her once more and she closes her eyes.
"Goodnight, Kyungsoo." She turns around to face the other way, and Kyungsoo pulls her towards his chest, embracing her in his arms. Never letting go the whole night, the two sleep, off in their dreams.


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inspirit40 #1
update soon:) sounds interesting...