Walking, Rain, and Reviving Old Scars

Action Figures and Delivery Vans

One more. That was all she needed. Optimus Prime was the last one. Yet she couldn't find him.

"Ugh! Come on! I've been looking for you for two months, the least action figure stores could do is tell me when and or-" She scans the shelves for the one part of her Transformer collection. She even had Starscream! You'd think he was a hard one to find, but no. It had to be one of the main characters of all Transformers history. But before she could complain about her situation, she heard someone burst into the store, quietly arguing with someone on the other line of his phone conversation.
"Okay! I'm here whatever Lu-" He takes his phone away from his ear and looks at the dark screen.
"Wow. Okay, hang up on me then." He walks up to the counter to ask the clerk for help.
"Excuse me, could you help me find an action figure?" The girl has headphones on, reading a magazine, paying no attention to him.
"Well then." He walks away, towards the direction of shelves of a bunch of action figures.
He looks up, down, left, and right looking for the action figure his cousin had asked for, but couldn't even remember the name.
The girl near him sees his struggle and offers to help.
"Are you okay? Do you need help with finding something?" She breaks his eye contact with the shelves as they look at each other.
He has cute eyes.. She thinks to herself as she smile at him.
"Do you work here?" He asks, surprised of the girls sudden attempt to help him.
"Nah, I'm just looking for an action figure." She smiles.
"Oh well same here. Do you think you could help me? I need to find one for my cousin in an hour an a half and if I don't, I'll be labeled as the worst cousin ever." He looks down at his feet.
"Hey it's okay. Just tell me what you're looking for and I'll try to find it for you." She bends down to catch his eyes but regrets it when he looks at her with big eyes.
Awww crap, here we go again.
She quickly stands up straight and waits for him to tell her what he needs.
"Well, he said they were tween-tortoise-fighter-monster thinggiemabobbers, or something."
"You mean Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?"
"BINGO! That's what they were called. That's an awfully awkward name to give to action figures." He gives his opinion.
"The show was actually really good and the one movie they came out with was pretty interesting." She retorts.
"Oh, alright." He replies.
"So which is his favorite one?" She looks up at the racks of figure after figure, looking for the desired object he needed.
"I do not know, but I did hear him talk about a purple turtle if that helps.." He answered unsure.
"Purple, purple... Oh! He likes Donatello?" She asks openly though he doesn't reply as she mumbles to herself, "Most boys like Leonardo."
"What? No! Leonardo is one of the other characters. There's four of them and were all named after famous artists you know.. Their names are Donatello, Leonardo, Michelangelo, and Raphael." She states a random fact about the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles..
"Oh.." He looks down again, feeling embarrassed.
"Donatelloo..O!" She reaches up to grab the the figure but falls a little too short for the shelf.
"Here, I'll get it." He strides to retrieve the action figure but is also just a little too short. He manages to grab the figure, but not without knocking down a couple other boxes.
She manages to catch the other two and looks at them.
"Optimus!" She yells, happy that she had finally found him.
"I'm sorry?" Confused, he looks at her.
"Oh, I was just looking for this little guy." She shakes the box in her hand.
"Oh well alright then. Should we go pay for our action figures now?" He starts walking towards the counter and she follows.
The girl rings them up and the two walk out of the about to go their separate ways when..
"Wait! What's your name?" They say in unison, both laughing as the walk up to each other.
"I'm Dae." She puts out her hand.
"Kyungsoo." He takes her hand and firmly grasps it. 
Kyungsoo is still shaking her hand, while she looks at him laughing at him.
"What? Oh." He lets go. Sporting a flush of red on his cheeks. 
"Anyways, thank you for helping me find Donatello. I really couldn't have done it without you." He looks at Dae and smiles.
"You are very welcome." She looks at Kyungsoo.
She smiles at him and slowly start to bid him goodbye right before he asks.
"Can I get your number?" He rushes the words, hoping she wouldn't catch them.
"What?" Shocked, she walks back to him, looking at Kyungsoo.
"J-just in case I need more help finding another action figure. Plus I want to know more about you and your action figures.. So, could we go out to coffee or something sometime?" He timidly asks her, waiting for the rejection when she accepts his offer.
"I'd love to." She looks up at him, smiling.
"Here, I'll give you my number so I can get a hold of you." They put their bags containing the action figures on the bumper of a delivery truck that was next to them.
They swap their numbers as the truck drives off.
Dae looks to her right and glances at the truck before looking back at Kyungsoo. He does the same.
It doesn't take long for the both of them to realize that the truck had driven off with their action figures.
"Wait!" The two run after the truck trying to catch it.
They nearly sprint, but finally manage to grab their bags and slow down.
Kyungsoo notices a tiny dip in the road and attempts to move to the side, but it's too late for him.
And here comes the embarrassment.
He feels himself fall, but not before a pair of tiny strong arms grab him, preventing from impacting with the ground.
"You gotta watch where you running Kyungsoo." Dae looks down at Kyungsoo.
Realizing their positions, they quickly get up and straighten themselves out.
They notice the sky get noticeably darker and rain starts to pour down on them.
"Oh sh-" Kyungsoo grabs Dae's wrist, and run for cover from the rain.
"And I have to walk in this weather. That's just great." She huffs, looking up at the sky.
"I have an umbrella, if you would like to use it.." Kyungsoo offers.
"I can't possibly take your umbrella. You need it too." She debates.
"I'll walk you home then. We'll both have the umbrella, then once you get home, I'll have it again and we both go dry." He counter argues.
"Alright." She gives up.
"Show me the way." He walks next to Dae, putting the umbrella underneath the two of them, extending his arm for her to hold.
"This way kind sir." She laughs taking his arm.
She notices his warmth, how it engulfs her and radiates her entire body. Though he is also short for a guy, she feels miniscule next to him, how he towers over her. Was she really that tiny? They walk in a silence for several blocks, but it's a silence that feels comfortable for the two. A block ahead, she sees her place. The only dark red structure on her street. Everything else was blue, green, or a light yellow, but hers was just, red.
"I'm right up there." She points out her place while cars fly by them.
"The red one?" He asks.
"Yup. The one and only." She looks up at him.
She looks to her right and sees a car whiz by and drive straight into a puddle.
"Kyungsoo watch out!" She grabs him by the shoulders and blocks him from the splash of water coming towards them.
The umbrella covers his face, but the splash had Dae soaking wet.
Kyungsoo looks down into Dae's eyes, as she looks up into his.
He leans down to close the distance between them.
Yet he doesn't know why he's doing this.
They continue to kiss. Arms encircling waists and hands cradling faces in each other.
They abruptly stop when someone speaks Dae's name.
Dae notices the voice in the background, but slowly parts from Kyungsoo looking into his eyes again, the voice speaks her name again.
She looks at the man with a chiseled jaw and light brown hair.
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inspirit40 #1
update soon:) sounds interesting...