Action Figures and Delivery Vans


No one told Dae that liking and collecting action figures would bring back a past she didn't want to remember. But those little figures brought her to a new future that would throw that past away, but that past won't go down without a fight.


"He said they were tween-tortoise-fighter-monster thinggiemabobbers, or something."

"You mean Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?'






Im sorry for not updating my other stories. Stuffs came up and I couldn't handle 'em.


To somewhat make it up to you guys,

I am writing this short story.

I do not know how long it will be.

So forgive.


This story is for my friend.

But also for you guys too!

She's working on a Tao fic, so go check it out here!!!

Give her loves guise.

She deserves it for being awesome!

Anyways, thanks for reading if you are.



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inspirit40 #1
update soon:) sounds interesting...