Making Impact

Action Figures and Delivery Vans


"No you can't talk to her." Lian put all her weight on her right leg with a hand on her hip, telling Kai over and over again that he is not aloud to talk to Dae.
Dae gets up to take the phone away from Lian but she pushes her hand away giving Dae a look that says she can handle it. She's standing close enough to catch what Kai was saying.
"Why can I not talk to her I have every right. She's my best friend." She can hear him faintly raise his voice as he lies to her on the other line.
"Were. You were her best friend, and you have no right to talk to her. YOU were the one to up your relationship with Dae and look where it's gone." Lian did use swear words from time to time, usually around her friends and family. Aside from that she almost never, ever swore in front of Minseok, let alone Dae.
"Look, I'm sorry b-" 
"Don't say sorry to me, say sorry to Dae. Oh, wait. You can't do that, because you didn't get the chance to say that to her when you ed that sl-"
"That's enough!" Dae was now boiling with anger and took the phone from Lian.
"Listen, Jongin." She called him by his real name. By now, the other three knew he was in for it. "I don't give a single , what you have to say to me right now, so you either grow some balls to actually come and find me, or you stop calling and just forget about me all in one go. You were doing pretty good until now." Dae sighs as she takes the phone away from her ear, then puts it back up.
"Goodbye, Jongin." 
The four of them can hear his protests as Dae slams the phone on the phone holder, looking at the group slowly.
"Sorry you guys had to hear that."
"No! I don't mind at all. I think it's great that someone finally had the gall to tell Kai straight up." Minseok stands up and stands next to Lian clapping his hands and bowing to Dae, "The slow clap goes to you, Dae."
"Thanks." She smiles at him.
Kyungsoo says he got a text from Kris, saying to meet up at the cafe down the street from the park, telling to hurry, which meant that it was probably empty. 
"I just got one too. Let's hurry before it gets packed again." Minseok grabbed Lian's hand and headed towards the door.
"Wait, why do we have to hurry? The shops just down the street." Dae asked Kyungsoo as they all put their shoes on.
"That cafe is our main go-to place to meet up. During sophomore-slash-freshmen year we would always meet up there to hang out and do stuff." Kyungsoo explained while Minseok continued.
"But suddenly the place got popular so it was impossible for all of us to fit comfortably in there."
Kyungsoo then continued again, "So everyday, one of us check to see if it's empty or not, and today is one of those days, so we gotta hurry!" Xiumin and Kyungsoo take Lian and Dae's hands as they rush outside to the cafe.
They make it to the cafe and can see Chen and Baekyun standing outside, looking for the four.
"Oh! I see them! Hey! You guys over here!" Baekhyun and Chen frantically wave their arms in the air, catching their attention.
They all settled down with their drinks and all talked for awhile. Some minutes after, more and more people started to pile in and it started to get crowded.
"Aye, lets head out to the park. I can't handle all of the people in here." Luhan suggests and the whole gang gets up.
Everyone starts to walk when they all see Minseok zoom past them and run towards the park.
"TAG YOU'RE IT!" Minseok yells at Lian who he had just tagged.
Minseok and Lian were both fast runners but could only endure short periods of running. Seeing as she didn't want to run she looked at the person closest to her.
"TAG YOU'RE IT DAE!" Lian then starts running, catching up to Minseok and hides in front of him.
Dae is too tired to run and uses the same tactic as Lian.
"YOU'RE IT LAY." She then runs to Lian and Minseok.
"Oh great."
"Oh no." Everyone groans as they get ready for the unicorn boy to burst.
"Y'all better run.." He slyly looks at the rest of the boys as they all start fast walking.
"Lay no. You know this won't go well."
"Oh, I know that perfectly fine. I just want to see who can run away from me the fastest.."
"Zhang. Yi. Xing. You calm the heck down this instant." Kris was stern with his words but it wasn't enough for the latter.
"I'M GONNA GET YOU ALL!!" Lay starts hitting everyone on various body parts: arms, legs, backs, heads, backs of heads, and the list goes on.
While Dae was engulfed in the nature around her after running away, Minseok and Lian had already hidden from the abusive Lay, while Dae was out in the open.
Right before the whole ordeal started, Kyungsoo had already hid behind the whole group, while Kris had already trailed off.
"HOLY SH-. Kris! Don't do that!" Kyungsoo clutched at his heart when Kris had suddenly popped out from behind him.
"Sorry." He throws his hands in his pocket when he sees everyone running and Lay laughing menacingly. "So he's at it again." 
"Yeah." Shaking his head at his competitive friend, "How long do you give him until he blows over?"
"An hour at the least." Kris bets.
"20 minutes." Kyungsoo thinks he'll give up earlier today.
"NO LAY! GET OFF OF ME IT TICKLES!!" One of the girls yell.
"How long until you blow over?" Kris looks at Kyungsoo, who was currently watching lay, straddled over Dae, tickling her.
"W-what do you mean?" Kyungsoo keeps his eyes on the two, teeth clenched together, not bothering to look up at Kris.
"I can tell you like her. Your eyes show it all."
"Oh, well yeah. We're actually, kind of.. Dating." Kyungsoo admits.
"YOU AND DAE ARE DATING?!?!?!" An angry maknae makes them turn around and everyone stops the commotion to go to the two who were previously, casually talking.
"You and Dae are dating?"
"Since when?"
"Didn't you both meet like, a week ago?"
Kyungsoo was bombarded with questions and his eyes, yet again, go wide.
"Woah woah woah woah! Give him some space guys! His eyes might actually pop out of his eyes this time.
"Thanks, Minseok." Kyungsoo rubs his temples while sarcastically thanking him.
"Anything for you brotato chip."
"Really? Enough with the 'bro' jokes." Chen groans.
"Alright! Sorry broda." Minseok looks down at the grown, hiding the smirk on his face.
This time everyone groans and stares at Minseok, shaking their heads at him. He starts to feel out of place and really puts his head down.
"It's okay, I like your 'bro' jokes." Lian takes his hand and leans on his shoulder, looking up at him.
"Really? Awe, thanks babe." He lifts his head up and kisses Lian, lingering there for a couple seconds, smiling into the kiss while everyone around them groans.
"GET A ROOM HYUNG!" Everyone yells at the eldest who was the first to manage to get a girlfriend before all of them. As much as the boys had liked girls, seeing their hyung kiss openly around them disgusted them.
"Okay okay! It's not my fault you guys don't have girlfriends, well, except for Kyung over here." Minseok points to Kyungsoo, reminding everyone why they had all gathered together in the first place.
"Oh yeah, HYUNG WHEN DID YOU TWO START DATING!?!?" Sehun was shaking him back and forth by his shoulders, demanding an answer.
"I'D TELL YOU IF YOU LET ME GO FIRST, SEHUN!" Kyungsoo took hold of his forearms and plucked them off of his shoulders.
"Sorry.." Sehun let go and looked down.
"Can we sit down while we talk? My legs are tired from running.." Chanyeol suggests as he already starts walking towards the benches.
"Wait! We haven't determined the winne-" Lay was cut off as Kris didn't care to look back at him while they all walked.
After everyone was situated with laying on the grass, or finding space on the benches, Kyungsoo and Dae sit down next to each other on the grass.
"Awwwww, you guys are so cute together!" 
"Really Minseok?" Lian looks up at him while shaking her head as she lays down on his chest.
"Okay enough, just get to the explaining Mr.Owl." Lay waves his hand at the bun couple and motions for Kyungsoo and Dae to start explaining.
"Well, um. We started dating.." Kyungsoo couldn't tell them how quickly they had started being together, but this time, Dae finished his sentence.
"Today." She looked up at him, shyness painted on his face.
"Wow, that was fast." Chanyeol looked at Dae chuckling a little.
Baekhyun starts laughing a little too and adds in, "Well at least you were faster than-"
"Kai." Suho sees him walking past and calls him. Everyone turns to the direction he was looking and sure enough, Kai was there.
Again? Really? Why do you guys keep popping up in my life?!
Kai looks at everyone once before he runs off. Though Dae is fast enough and catches him in time with no intent to let him go.
"Don't Kai, we need to talk." 
"There's nothing to talk about, Dae."
"Yes there is, Jongin." She firmly says his name attempting to make him hear her words. "We need to talk about how you just walked out of my life, all of our lives before.. Befo-" 
"Before I ed that and ran away from all of you?" He finally looks at her, his eyes empty, filled with nothing but anger. By now the two have raised their voices and the rest of the group have slowly started walking towards them, Kyungsoo the closest.
Kai pulls his wrist back towards his own body, walking away, yet again, trying to forget the past that has oh-so gracefully resurfaced in his life before another hand grabs his arm.
Without turning around to look at the person he speaks in hushed tones, "Dae I said we don't have anyth-"
"Kai." A deeper, familiar voice calls out to him before he turns around and sees Kyungsoo
"Hyung, what are yo-" Kai was cut off and shaken by a furious Kyungsoo. Though he was short, he could hold a lot of anger.
"Don't call me hyung. You left us without saying goodbye!" By now Kyungsoo could feel the past start to get to him as he continued. "It wouldn't of changed anything but you couldn't of just left us to think you had gone missing! And How do you think Dae feels?" Dae saw his arm go behind his back, waiting for her to grab it. She walked to his side and Kai saw this.
"Well currently she looks perfectly fine with you," He looked down to where the two were connected and started to say something he really shouldn't have, "I mean, considering the fact that you two are together now, am I correct? And how is that going between you? Are you happy that you got to her before me Kyungsoo? Have you ed her ye-" Kai's last statement was cut short when he fell to the ground.
Kyungsoo knew Kai would cover up his hurt with words he'd never meant to say, and had seen where his little 'speech' was going. By the time he had almost finished his insult, he made his way up to Kai and punched him square in the jaw. Kai fell to the ground and cupped his face. When someone, ANYONE tried to hurt him, no matter who it was, he would fight back. So, he got up and trudged 
back to Kyungsoo getting ready to punch him back before he's knocked down to the ground again, but by someone else.
"Don't even think about it, Kai. You hurt me more than that punch would ever hurt him. Hitting him back won't do you any good. If you try to hurt him or me ever again, I won't just punch you once and leave." With that, Dae balled her now throbbing hand into a fist and rushed past the group to the benches. One by one, everyone started to walk back, leaving Kai to look at all of their backs as he stayed on the ground, stunned that Dae had actually punched him. When he knew her back then, she was one to stand up for herself. Though he never expected to defend herself and Kyungsoo with punching him. 
After he processed everything, he got up to leave. He took one last look at the group who were circled around Dae talking quietly to her, but at that moment, Kai made the mistake of looking for too long when he saw Kyungsoo wrap his arms around Dae, who looked up to him and leaned in to kiss him. 
He couldn't look away, for his heart felt like it was thrown into fire. He didn't know what he was feeling, jealousy, anger, or hate, but he knew one thing for sure..
Just because I did it with Jiyeon and left you, doesn't mean I stopped loving you, Dae.
After that, he walked away.
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inspirit40 #1
update soon:) sounds interesting...