
Cho Kyuhyun's guide to Daddyhood


General Cleaning day inside the Cho-Lee household, and everyone has their fair share of duties. Even little Sandeul has his job of helping arrange the boxes in their storage and determine which ones should be kept and which could be given away. The little duck smiled and did his work diligently, happy to be able to help his parents with the household work.
Of course that was until he found a picture of a girl in one of his father’s boxes. He frowned and stared at it closely, not wanting to admit the girl was pretty, but his mother was definitely more beautiful. He turned to his father who was currently lifting the heavier of the boxes and glared. “Appa, why are you keeping pictures of your ex-girlfriend in our house?”
And Cho Kyuhyun almost dropped the boxes of Christmas Decorations he was holding as Sandeul stepped on his foot “Ow! W-What? What ex-girlfriend? What are you talking about?” the man asked, hopping on one foot and looking at him confused.
“Appa, do you really love Umma?”
“What kind of question is that? Of course I do!” Kyuhyun stared, wondering what on earth has gotten into his son this time, he swears he got his mother’s mood swings. “We wouldn’t have you if we didn’t love each other”
“Then why do you still have this woman’s picture then?!” Sandeul demanded, holding up the picture he saw in one of the boxes. “If you love umma then why are you keeping another woman’s picture in your box!” he looked close to crying Kyuhyun almost didn’t know what to do, one thing is for sure though, he didn’t keep any ex-girlfriend’s picture in their house, or more like he couldn’t because he never had an ex-girlfriend.
He stared at the picture Sandeul found closely and suddenly everything made sense.
He laughed, so hard his son looked at him as if he had gone off his rocker. “A-Appa? Oh no! My appa has gone mad!” the boy wailed, not understanding why his father had reacted like that.
“Stop that! That's not it!” he said, shaking his head and trying to control his laughter “And Deullie, that’s not my ex-girlfriend you see on that picture” he smirked.
“It’s not? Then it’s umma’s?”
“Boys? What’s taking you both so long here?” just in time Sungmin entered the room to check up on the two boys, as Kyuhyun looked up to him and grinned teasingly.
“That ‘girl’ you see in the picture is your Umma”
“Really? Really? This is umma? But I thought it was Appa’s ex-girlfriend!” Sandeul said, half an hour later after another round of explanations, Kyuhyun laughing non-stop as he recalled the memory of how Sungmin’s cross-dressing picture of the former actress Kim Hyuna came to be and teasing a blushing Sungmin who scoffed at his husband about keeping such embarrassing picture.
“I can’t believe you still hid that!” Sungmin exclaimed, he wanted to take the picture and dispose of it himself, but neither son nor dad wanted him to hold it, knowing full well of his intentions “After I told you to throw that away!”
“How can I throw this away babe?” Kyuhyun simply said, “It’s one of my favourite pictures of you!”
“I hate you~”
“I love you too~”
“But still!” Sandeul butted in “Why did Umma dress up like this? Why?”
Sungmin smiled and ruffled his hair “Let’s say it was for a presentation okay?”
Kyuhyun nodded readily “And a special presentation for your appa too—-ow!” he winced as the former elbowed him on the side, glaring as if saying ‘say-more-and-you-will-be-sleeping-on-the-couch-for-a-fcuking-week’, as the father of the family was rendered silent.
Sandeul smiled as he stared at his umma’s picture “I wish I can see umma like this again!”
Kyuhyun nodded “Yeah me too—-ow!” he whined, but Sungmin just scoffed.
For a whole week the hyunaming incident was almost forgotten inside their house, until one day, Sandeul came home with the news of a Parent’s night in school, that would have been simple enough, unfortunately their son had signed them up for one of those who would give a presentation.
“Deullie, why did you sign us up without asking us first?” the boy’s mother asked softly, shaking his head as he was given the letter from the teacher. There were times he thinks he got too much of his impulsivity from his father.
“But…I thought umma and appa likes to perform, didn’t you two used to do that?” the little duck looked a little guilty, using his puppy dog eyes (which Sungmin reckoned the boy got from him, which could sometimes be a bad thing, just like now) at him. Of course his mother hadn’t the heart to scold him after that. “I’m sorry Umma”
“It’s okay Deullie-ah, but next time you should ask us first okay?” he said, patting his son’s head. Sandeul smiled and nodded, reciting the promise, but that didn’t change anything that they still had to perform something.
“How hard can it be? After all, we used to do that for a living right?” Kyuhyun says confidently as they brainstormed for what they can perform.
“Maybe we can sing a duet?” Sungmin suggested, but the two boys immediately turned it down. “What? That’s the only thing we can do properly you know!”
“Umma, that’s too boring!” Sandeul pouted, “I told everyone you two are going to be the best among everyone!”
“Well, what do you suggest we perform then?”
Sandeul and Kyuhyun stared at each other “I have an idea” the older of the two boys proposed with a smirk, and Sungmin just knew he was doomed.
And so…Parent’s Night came.
“Hey Deullie-duck!” a tap on his shoulder made Sandeul turn, smiling widely as he greeted his classmate and almost best friend Cha Baro. “You look good”
“My umma says I always look good” he replied with a shrug. “And you look handsome to Baro~” he nodded in approval, staring at the other clad in formal clothes, grinning widely.
“Yeah, thanks…” Sandeul might be imagining it, but he thought a ghost of a blush spread on Baro’s cheeks. But it was gone the moment he tried to take a second look, “hmnn” he thought, “Must be my imagination”
Baro stared at Sandeul closely, but looked away when he saw the other looking at him too. He didn’t know why he suddenly felt a little nervous. Maybe because Sandeul looks really good today, but then again he always looks good. “Are you with Uncle Kyu and Ming?” he asked.
“Duh, of course I am” Sandeul answered “They’re just busy getting ready with their special performance!” he smiled.
“What will they perform?”
“You’ll see” the boy said in sing-song, and Baro just nodded as they took their seats and waited.
Of course he was still staring occasionally at Sandeul.
“I can’t believe I’m doing this!” Sungmin said annoyed as he stared at Kyuhyun, who was fixing his bowtie ready for their special “number” “Damn it Kyuhyun! I told you I’d never do this ever again!”
“It’s for our son Ming, besides, you look breath-taking” Kyuhyun said in all honestly, staring at his spouse smirking. Well, Sandeul’s dream of seeing Sungmin in his Hyuna outfit was going to come true tonight, good thing he never did throw away the dress (which miraculously still fits the man, though how he had no idea). “Just like our first night together” he whispered in Sungmin’s ear, nipping it teasingly, he couldn’t resist it.
Sungmin blushed and tried to push him away “Gezz, how you can still act like a teenager?”
The younger chuckled “Don’t look so innocent, you like it too”
“Love you too~”
“As I’ll ever be”
1, 2,3!
When I look into your eyes, I’m a Trouble Maker
When I stand next to you, I’m a Trouble Maker
Trouble Maker Trouble Maker
Trouble Maker Trouble Maker
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Chapter 3: this chap. is my fave ! :3 BaDeul plus ovrprotective daddy khuhyun .. yieeee ! ^^. keep it Up authornim!
LovelleHeartsSuju #2
Chapter 4: Bwahahaaha! FANS!
I can totally picture that happening. And its so adorable i just asdfghaafgzjd.
MizzPeel0007 #3
Chapter 4: Oh what a cutie, just had to laugh at first i did not get the fan in the living room, but when I did I just had to laugh. really the mind of achild would think that way.
rizzorin #4
Chapter 4: hahahah!!
such a cute family ft. baro~ lolz
MizzPeel0007 #5
Chapter 2: Those three make a lovely family, the two Kyu and Sandeul convincing Ming to dress as a women again for a school presentation. What apair they make.
Chapter 4: KYAAAA ;;; sandeullie is definitely so freakin innocent leh lol
fans as e-fan ? kkkk but good job sandeulli *wink*
shinichinarita #7
Chapter 3: Hahaha. That is hilarious! Kyuhyun, you were buried in your jobs for too long, you didn't even realized years have passed. Kkkkkkkk
Suddenly Sandeuckie is a young adult. Of course it was a dream!
It is funny tho, the way Kyu order his son not to date...... seriously.....
pinkynoyen #8
Little Sandeul is sooooo cute trying hard to take care of the fan in order to get gift (^.^).AppaKyu and OmmaMin really lucky to have cutesandeul
elmokyu #9
Chapter 4: Aiisshhh... Cho KyuHyun!! Who doesn't know that the one & only love in your life is SungMin? He's your everything and yiu care for him more than life itself..
Thanks for the update though it's been a while...
rainbowed_grass #10
Chapter 4: Awww~ so cute~~