Cho Kyuhyun's guide to Daddyhood

Cho Kyuhyun's guide to Daddyhood


Kyuhyun pours some medicine unto the spoon he was holding, placing it up in front of the small boy who still stubbornly refuses to open his mouth. He sighed and stared at his boy “Come on now Sandeul, open up and take this medicine so you’ll feel better”


Junghwan woke up that morning coughing badly and having slight fever so Kyuhyun was following Sungmin’s instruction of taking care of him and letting him drink medicine while the latter was out buying stuff to make their son feel better (in hindsight, he knew it should be the other way around, but his memory of that morning was all panic because sandeul’s face was all flushed)


“You need to take this so your fever will go down”


But Sandeul crossed his arms and pouted; refusing to take the syrup. “No! I don’t want to! It tastes icky! Just like when appa prepares breakfast!” he cried.


Kyuhyun gawked at that, sure he already knew he wasn’t the best cook in town but hearing those words from his own son made it feel even worse “What the! Yah Cho Junghwan that is not a very nice thing to say!” he exclaimed.


“So is the taste of your cooking appa!” Kyuhyun wanted to face palm, torn between feeling proud that his boy got the sharpness of his tongue or feeling frustrated because he was currently a victim of it.


“But you still need to take this!”


“No! No! I don’t want to!” the little duck said stubbornly and Kyuhyun groaned, making his son drink medicine was never an easy task, it was usually Sungmin who succeeds in this and he had no idea what kind of power his other half had to be able to make him take it easily.


Sandeul coughed again; looking so sick Kyuhyun almost panicked…his son was a lively boy and seeing him like this was something he wasn’t used to. He even considered just taking him to the hospital but he was sure that would be just an even uglier scenario. Sandeul wasn’t fond of hospitals, something he got from both his parents.


“Come on Deullie, just one gulp! Then I’ll buy you some ice cream to drown the ugly taste okay?”


He smiled inwardly when Sandeul looked as if he was considering the offer, but a few seconds later reverted back to being the stubborn child. He almost ruffled his hair in frustration. “What do you want me to do to get you to drink this Sandeul? You really need to drink this okay?”


The little boy looked close to crying, probably because he’s sick, or maybe he’s thinking of the taste of the bitter medicine “But Appa…I don’t want to…”


“But you have to, you don’t want to be sick anymore right?” he said softly.


“No…” the boy mumbled weakly, staring at the medicine still in his father’s hands. Kyuhyun wished he’s take it soon because his arm was slowly turning numb from holding it.


“Then you’ll take it?” he grinned.


He thought he persuaded him by then…


But it turns out…


He didn’t.


“No! I don’t want to take it! I won’t take it! I want my umma!!!” Sandeul wailed, knocking Kyuhyun backwards and the spoon off his hands. He groaned loudly, almost getting mad, but he couldn’t. He sighed and watched Sandeul cry, wishing Sungmin was already home.


It took all of Sungmin’s motherly (Fatherly, because he would argue that even though he gave birth he was still a man, let’s not argue) will to get everything needed to make Sandeul feel better, when he realized that his baby is sick, he immediately dashed to the store to buy stuff to make some coup and congee, because Sandeul always had a hard time taking in anything if he was sick. He sighed and quickened his steps, wanting to come back to his two men as much as possible.


“Kyu! I’m home! Kyuhyun?” he called out the minute he got back home. But no one answered him, he bounded up the stairs at once, stopping at the door and unconsciously smiling at the scene that met his eyes.


His boys were fast asleep.


Kyuhyun holding their boy close, Sandeul was still coughing and obviously still feverish, but he was holding on to his father tightly, seeking for comfort the taller man gave. He made his way in, chuckling and resisting the urge to take a picture of them. He sat on the edge of the bed, gently waking up his spouse. “Kyu? Wake up”


Kyuhyun opened his eyes at once “Min!” he gasped in relief “Finally! Sandeul wouldn’t stop crying and he still won’t take his medicine I---” he stared at his son “Oh, he fell asleep. He still needs to drink his medicine, Sandeul hey, wake up”


Sandeul poked one tired eye open “Appa? I’m tired…I want to sleep”


“I know but you need to drink meds first little duck”


The boy pouted “But I don’t want to”


Kyuhyun looked at Sungmin desperately “He doesn’t listen to me at all Ming” he wailed, almost childishly. Sungmin chuckled at both of their antics.


He smiled and caressed Sandeul’s hair “Deullie-ah, you need to take your medicine. If you don’t feel better Appa and Umma will be sad, do you want that?”


Sandeul shoo k his head “N-No, I don’t want sad umma and appa”


“Then will you drink this for me?”




And so finally, Junghwan was able to take his medicine. Kyuhyun stared as Sungmin helped the boy take the syrup, smiling encouragingly and praising him when he took it all in one gulp. “How did you do that?” he asked his other half.


“Do what Kyu?”


“Make him drink his medicine so fast! I tried all morning but still failed! It’s not fair~”


Sungmin laughed “I wonder why…”


Kyuhyun crossed his arms “Maybe Sandeul secretly really hates me or something…”


He turned when he felt a tug on his shirt. Sandeul was looking at him with one eye open “Appa?”


“What is it sandeullie?”


“Sleep with me again, pwease~”


Sungmin smiled, kissing him on the cheek “I don’t know about that Kyu, I think he loves you just the same”




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Chapter 3: this chap. is my fave ! :3 BaDeul plus ovrprotective daddy khuhyun .. yieeee ! ^^. keep it Up authornim!
LovelleHeartsSuju #2
Chapter 4: Bwahahaaha! FANS!
I can totally picture that happening. And its so adorable i just asdfghaafgzjd.
MizzPeel0007 #3
Chapter 4: Oh what a cutie, just had to laugh at first i did not get the fan in the living room, but when I did I just had to laugh. really the mind of achild would think that way.
rizzorin #4
Chapter 4: hahahah!!
such a cute family ft. baro~ lolz
MizzPeel0007 #5
Chapter 2: Those three make a lovely family, the two Kyu and Sandeul convincing Ming to dress as a women again for a school presentation. What apair they make.
Chapter 4: KYAAAA ;;; sandeullie is definitely so freakin innocent leh lol
fans as e-fan ? kkkk but good job sandeulli *wink*
shinichinarita #7
Chapter 3: Hahaha. That is hilarious! Kyuhyun, you were buried in your jobs for too long, you didn't even realized years have passed. Kkkkkkkk
Suddenly Sandeuckie is a young adult. Of course it was a dream!
It is funny tho, the way Kyu order his son not to date...... seriously.....
pinkynoyen #8
Little Sandeul is sooooo cute trying hard to take care of the fan in order to get gift (^.^).AppaKyu and OmmaMin really lucky to have cutesandeul
elmokyu #9
Chapter 4: Aiisshhh... Cho KyuHyun!! Who doesn't know that the one & only love in your life is SungMin? He's your everything and yiu care for him more than life itself..
Thanks for the update though it's been a while...
rainbowed_grass #10
Chapter 4: Awww~ so cute~~