Door Bells

Cho Kyuhyun's guide to Daddyhood


Lately, Cho Kyuhyun had been a little busy. Not that he could help it, he was a family man after all, and his main priority is to always make sure his family was getting the best. But that didn’t mean he misses the simple things, like picking his son up from school, or cuddling with his lovely spouse when they watch TV.
No, that week had been hell, deadlines and work kept his nose on the table, bags under his eyes and stress levels almost nearing that when they had Donghae inside their house. Thankfully, it was going to be over soon.. Just a few more details to his proposal and he was going to finally get the rest he had been deprived off for weeks and hopefully get to make up to his spouse and son for neglecting them for the time being.
After more than 15 minutes of the goddamn door bell ringing, Kyuhyun decided to get up, cursing under his breath as he pulled on his robes and dragged himself down the stairs, ready to unleash hell to whoever was disturbing his much anticipated rest.
“What the hell do you want?” he growled, almost shouting the moment he opened the door, but in less than five seconds he was rendered speechless at what was waiting outside his house.
Standing there was a young blond man, Kyuhyun couldn’t place his finger on a name but he thought his face looked familiar, and to Kyuhyun’s shock and confusion, the young man smiled at him, a little nervously, gripping the bouquet of flowers he was holding tightly.
“Hey there, Mr. Cho. Good evening” he greeted casually, like they have known each other for years.
Kyuhyun frowned, staring at him from head to foot, then glared “Who the hell are you and what are you doing in front of my house?”
But instead of being thrown off, the man laughed, annoying him. “You were always funny Mr. Cho, you would do well on variety shows too” he nodded, and Kyuhyun almost wanted to scoff, he WAS someone who did good on variety shows back then.
But that didn’t still explain who this bastard outside his house was.
Kyuhyun continued to glare at the man “Look, are you just going to stand there or do I need to call the police to throw you—-“
“Baro-yah!! you’re here!” someone ran past Kyuhyun, or more like bounced into the arms of the blond man he was talking to. Kyuhyun stared.
Baro grinned, patting the other’s hair and handing him the flowers. “Yep, you know I don’t like to keep you waiting. Here, these are for you Sandeullie”
Sandeul smiled back “Thanks, this makes up for that time you made me cry then?” he teased as a faint blush appeared on the blond’s cheek, nodding shyly. “I’m glad you learned your lesson”
“You know I’d never hurt you on purpose” Baro mumbled, and Sandeul nodded, pinching his cheek.
“I know”
Now Kyuhyun had been watching this little exchange in front of him, trying to process what in the name of Starcraft is going on…but as he stared at the shorter one of the two, his name finally got the chance to register in his seemingly lost brain,
and he lives in my house„,
wait a minute…
Kyuhyun’s eyes went so round one would think they were going to snap out from their sockets “S-Sandeul??”
“Hmnn?” the brunet looked at him “Good evening Appa, did you have a good sleep? You were so busy this week”
Kyuhyun stuttered “S-sandeul? How? What… but you can’t be my duck! He’s only six years old! This can’t be…what…” He gaped, a little panicky.
Sandeul stared at him. “Appa, I just turned 20 last week” he shook his head. Kyuhyun thought he was going to faint. “And since I’m already 20” he smiled widely, walking towards Baro who was waiting for him “You agreed that I can date Baro, right?
He didn’t know how long he stood there staring at his son and his ‘date’…wondering what on earth he ate to agree to his precious duck dating some punk with blond hair. Kyuhyun must have been drunk if he actually agreed to this… 
“No” he suddenly said, finally finding his voice “No, I don’t allow it anymore!”
Sandeul pouted “But you promised me!”
“I…I did?”
“Yes Appa! you promised, so now me and Baro are going out and that’s that!” he may be twenty years old now, but Sandeul was still the little kid Kyuhyun always knew, was he THAT busy that years already passed?
Kyuhyun gritted his teeth, glaring at Baro “Fine…if you say I promised…then I will agree…for tonight”
Sandeul beamed, “Thanks Appa! You’re the best!” and went over to kiss his father on the cheek before going over to Baro and pulling him towards the latter’s car. “See you later”
Kyuhyun watched them drive off, mentally debating if he should just go and follow and see if his son was going to be okay. What if Sandeul needed him? What if they got lost? What if—-
“Kyu, Sandeul isn’t a girl you know” Sungmin said, looking at the way Kyuhyun was pacing up and down the living room. He chuckled ” Geez, you worry too much.”
“How can I not worry, how can I trust that Baro kid?” the father found himself whining, but allowing himself to be pulled as Sungmin made him sit beside him.
“Well, I trust him” he said, his hair, a gesture he always did to calm Kyuhyun ” They’ve been friends since they’re kids… and I do believe his intentions are real”
“How would I know that for sure?”
Sungmin kissed him on the forehead “We’ll just have to wait and see, won’t we?”
Of course he knew that waiting didn’t mean ‘literally’
But here he was, pacing yet again as he waited for his son to come back from his date. Sungmin had fallen asleep and Kyuhyun carried him to their room, promising to join him as soon as he could
It’s 2 in the morning and 2 mugs of useless coffee later, Kyuhyun was about to fall asleep on the couch when he heard the sound of a car going up the driveway. He jumped to his feet at once, already going about in his head how he was going to scold his son, and his date about knowing about the value of time. He opened the curtains a little just to make sure he wasn’t expecting him and run away when for the second time that day, Cho Kyuhyun got close to feeling a heart attack coming.
His son was kissing his date.
His initial reaction was to freak out and run to them and force them apart, but he realize he would be making a fool of himself because Sandeul was of age and he was going to sound like the stupid old protective father, and he panicking mentally about Sandeul going to have a steady boyfriend from now on-
Screw it—Kyuhyun wasn’t going to let his son become tainted at his young age. He screamed bloody murder, running out the door where the teens gaped at him in surprise. He pushed Baro away but the blond was able to evade his push, and Kyuhyun found himself falling on the grass.
Kyuhyun jerked upward, suddenly confused when instead of being outside, he found himself inside his study, papers sticking to his cheeks and drool from the side of his mouth, he blinked, frowning as he tried to process everything.
“It was a…dream?” he whispered, a sudden scary thought filled his mind as he run all the way to his son’s room. Almost crying out in relief when he found sleeping on the bed, hugging his mother, was a young six year old, his innocently cute and chubby Sandeul.
Kyuhyun had never been so thankful in his entire life (he was exaggerating of course).
Deciding he would just finish what was left of his work in the morning, Kyuhyun slipped in beside his two most important people, making sure Sandeul fitted perfectly beside him and Sungmin. The bed was a little small, since it was only for a little boy, but Kyuhyun didn’t mind. In fact, he wouldn’t have it any other way. He kissed the top of his boy’s head, and leaned forward to kiss Sungmin on the cheek. He missed them so much, and vowed never to let work be in the way he spends time with his family again.
For all their sakes.
“Kyuhyun?” Sungmin mumbled sleepily, trying to see if it was really him, but Kyuhyun stopped him, he was definitely going to make it up to them in the morning.
“Go back to bed okay? I’ll be right here in the morning”
“mmmkay„ night Kyu…”
Kyuhyun smiled “Night Ming~”
“Sandeul~ are you ready yet? You’re going to be late for school if you don’t hurry” Kyuhyun called, fixing his tie as he made his way down the stairs. it was morning the next day, and sad to say Kyuhyun still have to deliver his papers, but he promised to come home as soon as he was done so he could make up for their lost time
“Yes appa! Coming~” Sandeul was shouting from his room.
Kyuhyun frowned, wondering who could that be at such a time, he made his way to the door and almost yelled out in shock.
Little Baro was waiting outside the door “Good Morning Mr Cho, is Sandeullie ready? We’re going to school together-
“No!” he said firmly, glaring at the face of the boy who had kissed his precious son, even if that was only a dream there was no way he was going to let it happen, at least not anytime soon. “I’ll be driving him to school today…and everyday starting from now on”
“Really Appa! Cool! Then Baro can come with us too since he lives next door, right??” Sandeul chimed in, to his father’s disappointment
“Tch….fine but he is sitting in the back while you’ll be with me in front, you’re not allowed to talk to each other. and there will be no dates even in the future!!”
Sandeul just looked at him confused, Baro was staring.
Kyuhyun glared “I mean it.”
“Whatever you say Appa”
“Understood Mr Cho”
But when Kyuhyun wasn’t looking Baro whispered to Sandeul “What’s a date?”
“I’m not sure…are you curious?”
“a little”
“Can we eat that?”
“maybe we should try it out!”
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Chapter 3: this chap. is my fave ! :3 BaDeul plus ovrprotective daddy khuhyun .. yieeee ! ^^. keep it Up authornim!
LovelleHeartsSuju #2
Chapter 4: Bwahahaaha! FANS!
I can totally picture that happening. And its so adorable i just asdfghaafgzjd.
MizzPeel0007 #3
Chapter 4: Oh what a cutie, just had to laugh at first i did not get the fan in the living room, but when I did I just had to laugh. really the mind of achild would think that way.
rizzorin #4
Chapter 4: hahahah!!
such a cute family ft. baro~ lolz
MizzPeel0007 #5
Chapter 2: Those three make a lovely family, the two Kyu and Sandeul convincing Ming to dress as a women again for a school presentation. What apair they make.
Chapter 4: KYAAAA ;;; sandeullie is definitely so freakin innocent leh lol
fans as e-fan ? kkkk but good job sandeulli *wink*
shinichinarita #7
Chapter 3: Hahaha. That is hilarious! Kyuhyun, you were buried in your jobs for too long, you didn't even realized years have passed. Kkkkkkkk
Suddenly Sandeuckie is a young adult. Of course it was a dream!
It is funny tho, the way Kyu order his son not to date...... seriously.....
pinkynoyen #8
Little Sandeul is sooooo cute trying hard to take care of the fan in order to get gift (^.^).AppaKyu and OmmaMin really lucky to have cutesandeul
elmokyu #9
Chapter 4: Aiisshhh... Cho KyuHyun!! Who doesn't know that the one & only love in your life is SungMin? He's your everything and yiu care for him more than life itself..
Thanks for the update though it's been a while...
rainbowed_grass #10
Chapter 4: Awww~ so cute~~