
Cho Kyuhyun's guide to Daddyhood

Another normal day inside the Cho family household, Sungmin was preparing to cook lunch and Kyuhyun was simply watching him. The former glared at him “Are you going to help or are you just gonna stare at me?”


Kyuhyun grinned “Really? You’re asking me to help?”


“…no on second thought…” Sungmin shook his head; he had too much experience of the man trying to help in the kitchen and ended up giving him more work than he needed in the first place. Kyuhyun huffed; looking as if he was about to protest, but Sungmin was saved by the sound of the doorbell. He sighed in relief “I’m fine here, go check out who’s at the door”


Left with no choice, the younger of the two eventually agreed and complied, walking towards the door and seeing who it could be on a weekday morning.


“Kyu? Who’s at the door?” Sungmin asked curiously, seeing Kyuhyun come back alone.


“A gift from your fans.” the man informed, making Sungmin smile softly, the package was from one of his fan sites when he was still an active idol, and even if he’s not anymore, they would still send gifts occasionally, and letters from fans who often gave him support and love after all this time.


Kyuhyun was checking out the package, frowning a little “Man, they must love you a lot to still give you gifts until now” he said.


Sungmin chuckled “Is that jealousy I hear Cho Kyuhyun? If you treated your fans well when we were younger, they’ll still be sending you gifts until now, but hey, didn’t you get a gift from your fan site last time too?”


“Yeah…but your fans send you more”


“So basically…you’re jealous?” the older teased, not really minding he was clad in a pink apron and holding a spatula in one hand, Lee Sungmin should never miss an opportunity to tease Cho Kyuhyun.

“I’m not”






Meanwhile, Sandeul who was playing near the couch heard what his parents are talking about…”umma and appa and…fans?” he thought, tilting his head in confusion.


He looked around, eyes wide when he realized something “Oh! I should treat the fans well so I can get gifts too!!” he cried, getting up to his feet to do just that, but of course when Sandeul courteously bowed to the fan in their living room, Kyuhyun and Sungmin had no idea what their child was doing, and thought that little Deullie was playing a game by himself.


That afternoon, when Baro came over to play (and endured almost half the way to their door being glared at by dear father Cho) he found Sandeul trying to make the fans in their house look (or at least, that was what it looked like) comfortable. He stared in confusion, “Deullie?”




“What are you doing?”


Sandeullie smiled widely before saying proudly “I’m treating the fans well!”


Baro sat down beside him “but why?”


“I heard umma and appa say that if we treat fans well, they’ll give us gifts! So you better do it too if you want them too!” he said to his friend sternly. “Okay?”


Baro nodded, “okay!”


So for the good half of that afternoon the two little boys made sure the fans were treated very well and comfortable, and even getting angry at Kyuhyun at one point for trying to use the fan for himself, Sandeul drove him away and huffed at him “That’s why fans don’t give you gifts anymore Appa!” and left a bewildered father walking away.


“I wonder when we’ll get the gifts though” Sandeul wondered, a little more into the afternoon after the two of them remained sitting there for a while. “I’m sleepy.”


But when he turned to his friend, Baro was asleep too, Sandeul pouted a little “Yah, don’t sleep! Baro!”


When Sungmin called for the two kids a little later, he wasn’t at all surprised to see them both asleep, cuddling next to each other. He smiled, cooing at how cute they looked together, he might have even taken his phone out and snapped a picture of the two together before deciding to wake them up to eat snacks. “Deullie-ah, Baro-ah…wake up, it’s time to eat...”


Sandeul woke up at once, looking a little alarmed “Umma?” then he shook Baro by the shoulders “Baro! Wake up! We fell asleep!!”


The taller of the two boys blinked sleepily “oh, we fell asleep” he mumbled.


Sandeul suddenly looked crestfallen. “What’s wrong?” Sungmin asked gently, pulling his boy into a gentle hug, Sandeul sniffed a few times.


“Does this mean we won’t get gifts like umma does anymore?”




“Because we neglected the fans” Sungmin blinked, confused as to what he was saying, then he remembered how the two had been treating the electric fans earlier and realized.


“Deullie, did you hear what your father and I was talking about earlier?”


The boy nodded “I want gifts too so I treated the fans well, but we fell asleep” he said sadly. “Umma is still the best when treating fans”


Sungmin chuckled, torn between amusement and a little exasperation “Well, maybe not now, but maybe in the future, you’ll get real fans and get real gifts” he patted them on the head




“Yes, really. Even your Appa who’s always evil then gets gifts” he smiled at the two kids, who now look a happier. “But before that, who’s hungry?”


“We are!” they said in unison.


“I’m hungry too you know~” Kyuhyun’s voice came from somewhere in the room too.


“Let’s go eat then” he picked up the two kids and headed over to the dining area.


“Now I know why fans love umma~” Sandeul said while nodding. “Umma’s the best”

“Hey I love umma too” Kyuhyun suddenly said “I love Umma the best”


Sungmin, Sandeul and Baro laughed, while Kyuhyun stared at them “What?”



It was just another normal day in their household.


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Chapter 3: this chap. is my fave ! :3 BaDeul plus ovrprotective daddy khuhyun .. yieeee ! ^^. keep it Up authornim!
LovelleHeartsSuju #2
Chapter 4: Bwahahaaha! FANS!
I can totally picture that happening. And its so adorable i just asdfghaafgzjd.
MizzPeel0007 #3
Chapter 4: Oh what a cutie, just had to laugh at first i did not get the fan in the living room, but when I did I just had to laugh. really the mind of achild would think that way.
rizzorin #4
Chapter 4: hahahah!!
such a cute family ft. baro~ lolz
MizzPeel0007 #5
Chapter 2: Those three make a lovely family, the two Kyu and Sandeul convincing Ming to dress as a women again for a school presentation. What apair they make.
Chapter 4: KYAAAA ;;; sandeullie is definitely so freakin innocent leh lol
fans as e-fan ? kkkk but good job sandeulli *wink*
shinichinarita #7
Chapter 3: Hahaha. That is hilarious! Kyuhyun, you were buried in your jobs for too long, you didn't even realized years have passed. Kkkkkkkk
Suddenly Sandeuckie is a young adult. Of course it was a dream!
It is funny tho, the way Kyu order his son not to date...... seriously.....
pinkynoyen #8
Little Sandeul is sooooo cute trying hard to take care of the fan in order to get gift (^.^).AppaKyu and OmmaMin really lucky to have cutesandeul
elmokyu #9
Chapter 4: Aiisshhh... Cho KyuHyun!! Who doesn't know that the one & only love in your life is SungMin? He's your everything and yiu care for him more than life itself..
Thanks for the update though it's been a while...
rainbowed_grass #10
Chapter 4: Awww~ so cute~~