Exhaustion setting in

Road Of The Trainee/ Road Of The Idol
Kira let Minho pull her outside of the house, dodging a few drunk people on the lawn. She was still surprised he had been the one to save her from whatever that guy wanted. 
Without a word he pushed her into his car and shut the door sharply behind her. With a final glare toward the house, Minho walked around the car and got into the drivers seat. 
For a few moments the two just sat in silence, Minhos hands gripped tightly around the staring wheel. Finally he reached over to Kira with a softer expression pulling her seat belt around and into its buckle. 
"Lets get out of here" He said in a softer voice. 
"Why did you come?" Kira asked quietly 
"Kyuhyun called and asked me to keep you company at the party, its just as well he cares about you so much" Minho started the car and they pulled out onto the road. 
"I..I don't know who that guy was..." Kira muttered clutching onto her seat belt strap. 
"Neither do I" Minho replied shaking his head "You shouldn't have been at a party like that, where was SNSD?" He asked, his tone starting to get angry at the thought. 
"They were catching up with friends, it wasn't their fault really...I was the one to detach myself and sit in the corner" Kira spoke up, shifting in her seat a few times.
"I'm just glad i came" Minho breathed out a sigh before the car fell into silence again. 
"Thank you...." Kira said quietly as she gazed at the older man "I was...I was really scared"
"Don't apologize...Just don't go to a party like that again, if you want to have fun or something come see us, we are in the same building after all" Minho said with a smile. 
The car arrived at the building slowly reaching a stop, outside it was dark and damp. Kira had to check for puddles before getting out. Minho to her relief waited for her to join him on the walk up. Part of her was still scared of car parks and now even more with that guy around. 
"You welcome to join us for dinner, i'm guessing you haven't eaten anything" Minho said as they entered the elevator. 
"Nah ill be ok" Kira answered as the two walked into the building. 
"If your sure...." Minho said hesitating when he was about to press the button to the floor her dorm was on. 
"I'm sure, Don't worry" Kira giggled "Your turning into Key or something"
"Well alright" Minho said "And i'm not turning into Key"
"Whatever you say....Umma" Kira teased 
"I'm glad your going back to your dorm" Minho replied with a smirk 
"I'm so hurt" Kira said sarcastically, she poked her tongue out for effect as they arrived at her door. 
"But really..." Minho suddenly turned serious "Get some sleep, you look tired" 
"I will" Kira smiled "That is when i get the chance to be tired"
"Don't forget to call Kyu" Minho waved as he got in the elevator again. 
"Go back to your dorm before Key rings me and starts complaining that i'm a bad influence" Kira called back as the doors shut. 
The moment she stepped inside her dorm and shut the door she sank to the floor. She let out a labored breath feeling utterly exhausted. She would have just fallen asleep right then and there if it weren't for the fact she needed to call Kyuhyun. 
Kira took her phone from the bench and held it close as she could to dial his number. She didn't have to wait long before he picked up.
"Kira? This is you right?" Kyuhyun asked
"Yup i'm here oppa" Kira brightened up enough so that her voice didn't sound as exhausted.
"I'm glad your ok, Minho told me what happened at the party" He said "I wish i was there...." 
"I wish you were here too oppa, but i'm ok" She said rubbing her temple to try and get rid of her headache.
"You sound tired, Make sure to get some sleep ok?" Kyuhyun's warming voice was enough to send Kira to sleep. Luckily the phone was close enough to her face that he was able to tell by her breathing. 
"Goodnight" He whispered 
The next few days were hell on earth to Kira. Nothing but singing, dancing and more dancing.
Kyuhyun and the other members of super junior were extremely busy preforming so they never had time to make contact with her. Times had grown stressful to the point that Kira had snapped at more then one of the other people around her. She had even done so to Onew when he asked if she was ok. Kira now understood why she had seen trainees about to debut crying on others shoulders. Kira didn't have a shoulder to cry on, she had promised Kyuhyun she wouldn't cry.
You would think that the worst had come......But oh no......The worst was hiding around every corner staring at her. 

O__O Hes always watching!!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


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Chapter 36: this woman... hey there, I absolutely LOVE your updates, but pls update soon cause you just made me want to kick something out of frustration
Chapter 32: another evil author... *sigh* update soon~
yuki-girl #3
Chapter 31: hehehe turtles :3
Chapter 26: 1,2,3...go!
Chapter 23: Continue please :-)
Chapter 23: I think its an happy ending and it should stop here but it depends on you
its my suggestion that why don't you stop it here and make a sequel of this fic starting from when she become an idol
its just my suggestion I hope you won't mind :)
Iam sorry if it doesn't look nice:)
yuki-girl #7
Chapter 23: hehehe continue chinguyeo even if you make it a sequel just continue... shipshiyo
yuki-girl #8
Chapter 22: Damn you really have a talent of making people cry dont you... update soon chinguyeo
cherrynona #9
Chapter 22: finally he realizes his feelings towards her god i'm tearing up
Chapter 22: *crying* the last three sentences were * crying harder*
relax.... Update soon author-nim:)
the story is getting very interesting and *cough cough* ;):p