
Road Of The Trainee/ Road Of The Idol


Kiras lay silently trapped in her own thoughts, she wasn't sure where she was or what had happened. Fear sparked in her heart and pain ran through her body. Strength had began returning to her and after hours of trying her eyes fluttered open. She didn't see much, only the bright light of the torch being shone in her eyes by a doctor. 
"W-wh-" Kira began to move in an attempt to talk "K-yu"
"Don't worry, your safe in the hospital" The doctor said "Kira, can you follow my finger" He waved his finger in front of her eyes. She was afraid but did as he asked, after a few more tests she was given the ok. 
"What h-happened" She asked "A-and why d-does it hurt s-so much"
"You were hit by a car" He explained 
"A-re m-my oppas ok?" She asked in a worried tone
"They were fine, just get some more rest" He said in a kind but stern tone. Kira grew more scared, she wanted to see Kyuhyun. 
"I-I want to see t-them" She began to grind her teeth in pain 
"You will be able to see them after a few hours rest, its 3am right now" He said "Now rest"
Before Kira was able to argue anymore, exhaustion took over and she fell asleep once again. It didn't matter that she was afraid to sleep, she felt she would be trapped in darkness again.  
The doctor had brought a blanket out for Kyuhyun and Leeteuk finding them asleep. He gently put it over the boys before quietly escaping the room. Everyone including the members at the dorm had a restless sleep that night. 
When Kira woke up again she was greeted by the comforting light of the sun shining through the window. She began to try and sit up but pain forced her back into a lying position. Her breaths were even more painful and short then when she had been beaten, and her hip continuously ached despite the pain relief. 
"Good morning" The nurse said in a kind tone 
"Morning" Kira replied trying to smile although she was still scared.
"There is a few people to see you, they stayed here all night" The nurse explained guiding two boys in. The very sight of Kyuhyun brought Kira to tears, Leeteuk too was already crying. Kyuhyun grabbed hold of Kira hand as tight as possible. His tear filled eyes begging for a hug but he new it would cause her too much pain.
"Kyu oppa! Leeteuk oppa!" She bit her tongue as tears sprung forth from her eyes "I, was so scared, did anyone get hurt? I'm so sorry! I should ha-" Kira began suddenly her lips were caught in a kiss. Kyuhyun and Kira kissing made Leeteuk cry even more for some reason. He was on the phone to the other members blubbing in a way that was almost impossible to understand. 
Kiras heart soared when the two kissed, she wanted to stay that way forever. Pain eventually took over her chest and caused her to break away, nothing but a smile on her face.
"I-I thought you didn't like me" Kira blushed still unable to stop smiling
"I don't" Kyuhyun frowned "I love you" The girls face brightened even more as the two stared eye to eye. Leeteuk finally walked over still blubbering something she didn't understand. She took his hand as well, having them there seemed to ease her pain. 
"YAH!" Heechuls voice suddenly burst through the room "You idiot!"
"Heechul oppa!" Kira jumped hearing his voice
"Watch both ways when crossing the street!" He lectured
"It was a carpark hyung" Ryeowook corrected him
"Don't run in carparks then!" Heechul shouted a little louder
"How about don't get hit by cars ever again" Yesung frowned, a single tear fell from one of his eyes but it wasn't of sorrow. It was of relief seeing she was ok, he had been one of the last to find out and it scared him to death. All the members entered the room sitting on what seats there were. A few nurses brought in some spare chairs for other members who hadn't had the chance to take one. 
"I'm sorry oppas" Kira said tears still falling 
"It wasn't your fault, don't be sorry we are just glad your ok" Sungmin said in one of the sweetest voices shes ever heard. Donghae and Eunhyuk were in the far corner. Donghae still disliked hospitals and seeing all the bits Kira was hooked up to reminded him again of his father. Kira understood this and was glad Eunhyuk was next to him to comfort him. 
"I'm sorry for pranking you Heechul oppa, really" Kira began but Heechul only shook his head.
"I'm not a baby, i can take a joke" He poked out his tongue 
"Thats his way of saying its ok" Kyuhyun laughed
"Thanks oppa" She said to Heechul reaching out the hand that was previously being cried on by leeteuk to the man. Heechul too the hand with a kind gaze before suddenly jumping back in anger.
"YAH! ITS SOAKING WET!" He wiped the tear water on Leeteuks shoulder. 
"Stop being so loud in a hospital room" Siwon instructed
"I agree with Siwon" Kangin folded his arms 
"You kids, ganging up on your hyung" Heechul sighed with a small smile
"Its brings us closer" Yesung grinned
"I like you better when your talking to your turtles alone" Heechul shot back with a grin, Yesungs smile vanished within an instant causing the other members to laugh. Soon he found himself laughing as well, nothing would break his good mood. 
"Kyu and Kira kissed again" Leeteuk suddenly said with a grin
"Ooooo really? so all dramas paying of huh? DraKyu?" Eunhyuk gave him a nudge as he guided Donghae over to join the circle. Kyuhyun turned and shot Eunhyuk an evil glare "Never mind, i had you mistaken for someone else EvilKyu" Eunhyuk backed away slowly.
"See, the most powerful force" Sungmin laughed
"Second!" Leeteuk said folding his arms
"Right! i keep forgetting you hyung" Sungmin laughed apologetically
"So when did they say you can come home?" Ryeowook asked "I really want to cook something special" He jumped in excitement.
"Any food you make is special wookie oppa" Kira replied, the boy almost melted on the spot. To him it was the best complement he could ever receive "And they said I'm gonna be stuck in here for a month, i guess ill be back at my dorm when i return" She smiled, although on the inside she was disappointing. 
"Yeah....about that....." Leeteuk grinned awkwardly "I sorta talked to the manager, and he wants you to stay longer" Kira brightened up with his words.
"How much longer?" She asked
"Until you debut" He replied, all the members shouted with joy including Kira. 
She loved staying with the members.
She loved Ryeowooks cooking.
She loved Yesungs turtles.
She loved dancing with Eunhyuk.
She loved being dragged by Donghae.
She loved following Leader Leeteuk.
She loved trying to arm wrestle with Kangin.
She loved joking around with Heechul.
She loved talking about books with Siwon.
She loved the food Shindong recommended.
But most of all, Kira loved Kyuhyun.

Sorry its a bit late haha XD this is the end for the fanfic, im actually rather sad that its over :( I will possibly make a seqeul or make more fics in the future :) thank you for reading this story ^-^ 


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Chapter 36: this woman... hey there, I absolutely LOVE your updates, but pls update soon cause you just made me want to kick something out of frustration
Chapter 32: another evil author... *sigh* update soon~
yuki-girl #3
Chapter 31: hehehe turtles :3
Chapter 26: 1,2,3...go!
Chapter 23: Continue please :-)
Chapter 23: I think its an happy ending and it should stop here but it depends on you
its my suggestion that why don't you stop it here and make a sequel of this fic starting from when she become an idol
its just my suggestion I hope you won't mind :)
Iam sorry if it doesn't look nice:)
yuki-girl #7
Chapter 23: hehehe continue chinguyeo even if you make it a sequel just continue... shipshiyo
yuki-girl #8
Chapter 22: Damn you really have a talent of making people cry dont you... update soon chinguyeo
cherrynona #9
Chapter 22: finally he realizes his feelings towards her god i'm tearing up
Chapter 22: *crying* the last three sentences were * crying harder*
relax.... Update soon author-nim:)
the story is getting very interesting and *cough cough* ;):p