Photos and memories

Road Of The Trainee/ Road Of The Idol
It had been a few days and the Ice cream the group shared seemed to be simply a memory. 
Kira lay alone facing the ceiling of the spare room she had called hers for so long. The room she had recovered in after her terrible accident when she was hit by a car. It was times like these the memories flooded back. 
She was in the middle of packing her things but it seemed every item she touched brought back some sort of memory good or bad. 
The room was beginning to look so empty and lifeless, she sat up from the floor to take in the objects scattered around her. Something caught her attention and she immediately picked it up. 
It was the top she wore the night she was beaten up, holding it close to her chest she allowed the memories of the harsh experience to rejoin her. The feelings she felt as she begged on the ground and apologized at the attackers. The safety she felt when she was found by Leeteuk. The darkness she plummeted into on the way to the hospital. The moment she fell in love with Kyuhyun when he locked eyes with her. 
Kira felt as though her safety was being taken from her, the one she loved was going to abandon her when she became an idol. The possibility was there, after all idols rarely had time for relationships and a lot of them ended due to the lack of time for one another. 
Her family would forget her, just as her real family had and she would be alone. 
Kira wasn't a selfish person however, she would never try to hold them back because of her. She wanted the best for Super Junior, the best for Kyuhyun and she was well aware she wasn't the best. As much as Kyuhyun told her she was beautiful and that her voice was amazing, she never truly believed him. 
Deep down in Kiras heart she felt imperfect, she felt she needed to work harder then ever to keep up with Kyuhyun. His voice was amazing and when he was singing she couldn't help but sink into beauty that was Kyuhyun. It was those times she realized how imperfect her own skills were compared to a real idol. 
As Kira put the top into her suitcase and finished the rest of her clothing, her attention fell on the framed photos next to her bed. She got to her feet and took hold of one of them. 
It was a photo of herself and the rest of the super junior members. It had been the day she left the hospital and she was still bandaged up. However it was one of the best moments in her life. 
Gently putting the photo away she looked at the next photo. It was one of herself and Kyuhyun, they were both pulling some strange face to the camera. She squinted her eyes and found herself laughing when she saw Siwon in the background posing. 
"Why did this have to happen now...." She muttered to herself putting the photo away "I never thought i would grow so close to everyone" Kira remembered the first day she had met Super junior, in those days it was simply a job to her. Now they were family. 
"You fell for my devilish charms thats all" Heechul leaned against the room door frame with a grin. Kira pouted at him shaking her head "What is this face ugly?" He questioned pointing to his own face. 
"Heechul, how long have you been there?" She asked 
"As soon as i noticed your down face" He answered "Stop looking so depressed, it will give you wrinkles" Kyuhyuns head appeared behind Heechul, she guessed he had been hiding there. 
"YAH! DON'T BREATH ON MY SHOULDER LIKE THAT YOU !" Heechul shouted storming away from the room disgusted. 
"Hes overreacting i hope you realize" Kyuhyun muttered as he entered the room. 
"Don't worry, i know" Kira smiled as her boyfriend took a seat next to her. She was just putting away the last photo and was checking the room for any small objects that she may have missed. 
"Oh here's something" Kyuhyun spoke up, Kira turned toward him in search of what he may have found but found his lips crashing on hers. At first she was surprised but it didn't take her long to relax into the kiss. 
The kiss was long and intense full of lust and romance, it was different then the usual sweet kisses. Unfortunately Heechul was at the doorway again. 
"cant help yourself, you go from trying to seduce me to seducing her" Heechul acted as though he was a women who had her innocents taken. Kyuhyun broke the kiss immediately to glare at the older man.
"Thats not funny" He snapped frowning "Aren't you supposed to be the hyung" 
"Heechul, leave them be" Kangin appeared behind Heechul making sure to leave room after the Kyuhyun  incident. He definitely didn't want Heechul trying to joke around with him instead. 
"You kids never take jokes anymore" Heechul muttered waving his hands and following the younger "You have to admit he was surprised" .
Kyuhyun shook his head and he put his hand on Kiras. 
"Sorry about that" He smiled "Please don't take him seriously"
"Its fine really, You think i'm not used to Heechul oppa by now? You doubt my skills, remember i pranked that man" She found herself laughing at the memory, she guessed Kyuhyun was thinking about it as well because he was laughing too. 
Kira moved over to sit on his lap and rest her head on his chest. Kyuhyun gently pet the back of her head, every now then tucking lose strands of hair behind her ear. Kira was going to miss this so much for the next month. 
She tipped her head back and pressed her lips against his falling into another long intense kiss. She could kiss Kyuhyun forever, she didn't even notice when Kangin and Heechul shouted that they were leaving. 
Nothing mattered but that kiss, alone, together in the dorm. 

Sorry that it took a while to get this one up :) I hope you enjoy, there is a possibility the next chapter will be M :/ im unsure if ill be able to write an M chapter 

Suppose its up to everyone, just incase everyone wanted some sort of stuff thrown in for a chapter. Anyways enjoy :D


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Chapter 36: this woman... hey there, I absolutely LOVE your updates, but pls update soon cause you just made me want to kick something out of frustration
Chapter 32: another evil author... *sigh* update soon~
yuki-girl #3
Chapter 31: hehehe turtles :3
Chapter 26: 1,2,3...go!
Chapter 23: Continue please :-)
Chapter 23: I think its an happy ending and it should stop here but it depends on you
its my suggestion that why don't you stop it here and make a sequel of this fic starting from when she become an idol
its just my suggestion I hope you won't mind :)
Iam sorry if it doesn't look nice:)
yuki-girl #7
Chapter 23: hehehe continue chinguyeo even if you make it a sequel just continue... shipshiyo
yuki-girl #8
Chapter 22: Damn you really have a talent of making people cry dont you... update soon chinguyeo
cherrynona #9
Chapter 22: finally he realizes his feelings towards her god i'm tearing up
Chapter 22: *crying* the last three sentences were * crying harder*
relax.... Update soon author-nim:)
the story is getting very interesting and *cough cough* ;):p