Why A Horror?

Road Of The Trainee/ Road Of The Idol





It was time, Yesung was arriving soon with the horror movie and all the members were back from schedules. They all sat in the living room apart from Ryeowook and Sungmin who were preparing snacks. 
"I don't think I've seen so much popcorn before in my life" Kira said as she saw the bowls and bowls of popcorn being made. 
"When you have as many members as we do, it pays to make a lot of popcorn" Eunhyuk said, he was seated next to Donghae on the floor. Kira gazed over to Kyuhyun who was sitting a distance away from her. 
Whats wrong Kyu? Your not going to avoid me now right? She thought letting out a sigh. 
"When is turtle boy going to get here?" Shindong asked looking at his watch
"He has been a long time" Siwon muttered concerned.
"I'm home" Yesungs deep voice echoed through the dorm.
"Finally!" Shindong said as the boy entered the room.
"Looks like he found a good movie" Sungmin said as both him and Ryeowook brought drinks and popcorn into the room. 
"Its going to scare the pants off all of you, even Leeteuk!" Yesung laughed racing to the TV to put it on. 
"Yesung thats highly unlikely" Leeteuk muttered shaking his head.
Donghae and Eunhyuk got up and sat next to Kira on the couch before the others got the chance. The others sat at their feet or lay around on the floor. Sungmin and Ryeowook sat next to each other. The eternal magnae looked like he was going to faint in fright before it even started. 
Suddenly the movie title screen was on the TV, and Yesung made his way over to turn off the lights. The room was plunged into darkness, only lit by the TV. 
"Popcorn?" Donghae whispered as the movie began, he pushed the held the bowl in front of Kira leaving Eunhyuk to reach for Shindongs. 
"Thanks oppa" Kira whispered back taking a few pieces and popping them into . The movie seemed to be starting slow, Yesung was complaining under his breath until finally the horror began. 
Why did we have to watch a horror! Kira thought clutching the side of the couch in fright. Sure the movie took awhile to get into the horror, but my god it was terrible. 
Ryeowook was sinking his nails into Sungmin as he shivered. Kira felt bad for Sungmin, he didn't jump in pain but simply waited through it. Eunhyuk seemed afraid as well, he was sinking down slowly with each scare. Would he be able to sit any further down? She thought, she normally would have laughed if she wasn't in the same situation. 
Siwon, Shindong,Kangin ,Heechul and Leeteuk seemed fine, Yesung and Kyuhyun were enjoying it. Suddenly the main characters were walking through a silent hallway. With Kyuhyun narrating the horror it was even freakier. 
"Don't go in there, Don't go in there DONT!" Kyuhyun shouted with a dark grin plasterd on his face. With all the tension nobody even notice Yesung pulling on a mask and creeping around until he was in front of Eunhyuks legs. 
In the most perfect moment possible, just as the jump scare came and the monster appeared Yesung popped his head up in front of Eunhyuk, Mask, cloak and all. Eunhyuk nearly wet his pants on the spot, he screamed and did some sort of back flip roll thing and ended up falling on his head at the back of the couch. Even though Ryeowook wasn't the one targeted he just about ripped Sungmins arm off, Kira latched onto Donghaes arm.
Yesung and Kyuhyun burst into laughter waving the mask and cloak about like monkeys, the movie had ended with their prank. Eunhyuk pulled himself off the ground and appeared from behind the couch with a angry expression.
"Hey! I could have broken my neck!" He shouted angrily
"That was your fault for doing whatever the heck you did to get back there" Yesung grinned back as he highfived Kyuhyun. Leeteuk and Kangin went to see if Eunhyuk was unharmed as they talked. Sungmin would have but Ryeowook wouldn't allow him to go anywhere. 
"Where seriously sorry, ok hyukkie" Yesung finally gave in seeing he was still angry. 
"I cant say I wont do it again" Kyuhyun said folding his arms
"At least hes honest about it, right?" Kangin gave Eunhyuk a pat on the shoulder, the boy started smiling again with a lowed sigh.
"I guess so" He said "Anyways, thats enough horror for me, i'm going to bed"
"Agreed, I think you should all get some sleep" Leeteuk said turning to everyone.
"Hyuuuuuung" Kyuhyun groaned like a little kid.
"Kyuuuuuuuuuuuu" Leeteuk mimicked his groan with a grin. 
"Fine" Kyuhyun grumbled he was walking toward his room and Kira thought she needed to say something to him, at least say goodnight. 
"Kyu..." Kira said as the boy walked past her side of the couch, the boy froze and as if pained looked toward her. 
"You alright?" He asked 
"Yes I....I just wanted to say....." She started but the way he looked at her made her forget her words "I just wanted to say...Goodnight" She said looking down at her hands. 
"Goodnight" He replied walking out of the room. 
"What was that?" Sungmin shook his head "AwkwardKyu? Thats new" 
"Lets go see whats wrong" Ryeowook pulled Sungmin up and the two followed the boys footsteps to his room. Kangin looked on frowning as Shindong and Siwon went to their rooms nodding a goodnight. 
"Yesung, your his hyung...set a good example" Leeteuk lectured Yesung about Kyuhyun, arms folded and with a serious gaze. 
"Alright hyung, i need to feed my turtles, goodnight" He said dumping the mask and cloak on the ground before wandering off to his room. He knocked on Kyuhyuns door for a few moments calling Ryeowook to join him. The young man left Sungmin and Kyuhyuns room and followed Yesung to their own room. 
"Sorry Leeteuk, I shouldn't have egged Kyuhyun on like that for the horror movie" Kira apoloigzed
"Don't worry, he would have done it anyway" Leeteuk laughed "Now get some sleep ok?" 
"Ok oppa" Kira replied with a smile, with that the leader left the room.
Donghae smiled putting his arm around her staring with caring eyes, Eunhyuk joined in the stare witch made Kira nervous if anything. 
"I hope you didn't get too scared" Donghae said in a soft tone, the kind that would make any girl melt. 
"I-I'm fine oppa" Kira cleared a little looking away from the two who were staring at her. Eunhyuk smiled getting to his feet and grabbing Donghaes arm.
"Lets go to bed" Eunhyuk said pulling his friend up and motioning for him to go to their room. 
"I will join you in a minute" Donghae said staring back at Kira
"Now! Fish!" Eunhyuk put on a strict tone as he pushed Donghae toward their room. After a few moments Eunhyuk returned "Sorry about that"
"No problem oppa" Kira laughed it off, Eunhyuk took her hand and lead her to the spare room. Kira didn't really have time to think before she was suddenly flying through the hall and entering the room. 
"Milady" Eunhyuk bowed as he pulled back the covers to her bed with a funny accent.
"Ooo a gentlemen" Kira laughed back jumping onto the bed and settling under the covers. 
"Have a good sleep ok?" Eunhyuk said as he sat on the bed next to her 
"Eunhyuk! Your taking forever!" Donghae shouted down the hall, he had obviously been watching the entire time. 
"Donghae! Im trying to talk to a lady here" Eunhyuk shouted back with a laugh.
"Just hurry up Gentlemen!" He shouted before going back into his room. 
"Guess he was listening" Eunhyuk laughed "Sorry, I better go to bed" 
"Alright oppa, goodnight" Kira smiled 
"Goodnight" Eunhyuk turned off the light and shut the door.
What was that? Kyu doesn't want to talk to me now, and suddenly Donghae and Eunhyuk are acting weird around me? Was that.... Jealousy between them? No it cant be, why would they be jealous over just me? Kira thought turning so she lay on her side Kyu.....Sleep well 

14 chapters :O man i write alot XD anyways enjoy, does Kyu have some competition? Another image with this chapter :)

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Chapter 36: this woman... hey there, I absolutely LOVE your updates, but pls update soon cause you just made me want to kick something out of frustration
Chapter 32: another evil author... *sigh* update soon~
yuki-girl #3
Chapter 31: hehehe turtles :3
Chapter 26: 1,2,3...go!
Chapter 23: Continue please :-)
Chapter 23: I think its an happy ending and it should stop here but it depends on you
its my suggestion that why don't you stop it here and make a sequel of this fic starting from when she become an idol
its just my suggestion I hope you won't mind :)
Iam sorry if it doesn't look nice:)
yuki-girl #7
Chapter 23: hehehe continue chinguyeo even if you make it a sequel just continue... shipshiyo
yuki-girl #8
Chapter 22: Damn you really have a talent of making people cry dont you... update soon chinguyeo
cherrynona #9
Chapter 22: finally he realizes his feelings towards her god i'm tearing up
Chapter 22: *crying* the last three sentences were * crying harder*
relax.... Update soon author-nim:)
the story is getting very interesting and *cough cough* ;):p