
The Manhwa Namja
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A/N: I was in the mood of making a new poster, so I ended up doing that instead of working on Chapter 5. /sigh What do you guys think, though? It's the first time I did a poster with that kind of style (aka one of the most common styles around aff. hehe.) Also, I'm glad I proof read this chapter (I usually don't) bec there was a lot of grammar errors and stuff that needed to be restated. Mehe.




“Do you believe me now?”

Jieun turned to find Youngmin suddenly behind her.

She was at a loss for words. She looked at Youngmin, then back at the manhwa in her hands.

“This is insane.” She thought, but there really was no other explanation.

“But… how?” she questioned, looking up at Youngmin.

He shrugged. “I don’t know. Last thing I remember was waiting for you at that café. Next thing I know, I’m in your kitchen and you’re on the floor unconscious.”

“What happened to the ‘you know when you rub a magic lamp’ crap?” Jieun questioned.

“I made that crap up.” Youngmin answered a-matter-of-factly

“Wait, waiting for me?” Jieun’s eyebrows met in the center, remembering what Youngmin said. “Hey, if I really am your girlfriend, how come I’m still in the pages?”

“Probably because that was before you left.” Youngmin said a-matter-of-factly (again). Jieun looked at Youngmin in disbelief. She sighed at his logic. There was no way she as his girlfriend.

“Look.” Youngmin said, taking Jieun’s hand. “I understand if you can’t remember me. But I’m your boyfriend, and you’re still my girlfriend. Whether you like it or not. I’ll make you remember.” He winked.

Jieun gave him a look of slight disgust, pulling back her hand. She wasn’t interested in getting a boyfriend. She believed she doesn’t need one.

“I gotta go make a call.” Jieun said leaving.


“Appa.” Jieun gulped.

“Oh, hey Angel.”

Jieun called her dad. She doesn’t exactly know how she’s going to tell him that a guy jumped out of the manhwa he got her, but right now, she doesn’t really know who else to talk to.

Jieun explained everything to her dad, trying to make it sound as normal as possible. Her dad was surprisingly very calm, too calm.

“Appa,” Jieun said, as she ended her story with Youngmin insisting she was his boyfriend and refusing to leave.

“Yes, Angel?” her dad answered.

Jieun sighed. “You think I’m crazy don’t you?”

Her dad chuckled from the other line. “No, I don’t. I believe you.”

“Then why aren’t you freaking out?” It came out more panicked than Jieun would’ve liked.

“Well, it is quite unusual. But hey, didn’t I tell you that manhwa was special?”

“You knew?”

“Well I never thought a boy would jump out of it.” He laughed.

Jieun smiled hearing her father’s laughter. “I guess I should call Mr. Lee and get Youngmin a room.”

“That won’t be necessary.”

“What do you mean?”

“Just let him stay there! He’s your boyfriend, right? Let him use the spare room.”

“WHAT?! Appa do you hear yourself?! And he is not my boyfriend!”

Her father let out another laugh. “But you’re his girlfriend. Doesn’t that make him your boyfriend?”

“NO! I’m not his girlfriend! And what do I tell Mr. Lee? I can’t tell him Youngmin came out of a manhwa. I can’t let Youngmin stay here without Mr. Lee knowing, he’ll find out eventually!”

“I’m sure you’ll figure something out, dear.”

“Appa!” Jieun whined. She can’t believe her father right now.

“I have to go now honey. I’m about to hop on a plane bound for Australia. Say hi to Youngmin for me. Loveya”

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I'm too lazy to proof-read, so I'm sorry for any mistakes. Also, this isn't the last chapter with the title "Meeting" haha.


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Chapter 10: OH MY GAWD
He just, gosh youngmin
thanks for the update and please update soon!
Yendi_Heart #2
Chapter 9: SAUHDIUDA! Youngminnie please tell them she's your girlfriend and shut those annoying girls up he he. Thanks for the update :D
Thanks for updating and update soon!
ariesthha1602 #4
Chapter 9: Aaaaaa,,, my heart can't stop beating while reading your story.

This is the most romantic story I've ever read. and makes me really can't wait for the next chapter..
Chapter 8: baby.. don't force your smile!!! TT>TT Youngmin you'll understand sooner or later ;)
Chapter 7: Omg that was so cute!!!!
Yendi_Heart #7
Chapter 7: I was waiting for your update. Love your story and Youngminnie is so cute
Yendi_Heart #8
Chapter 6: Totally love your story ^^
Chapter 6: I love how she's so mean to him~~~ I just hope she starts to like him soon ((;