Chapter two

The Deepest Secret

krystal's  pov.

The first two weeks has been the worst period of me. In the middle of night, I would wake up because of the nausea. I barely ate anything, I lost so much weight and I am easily fainted now. Of course Kai did not know about that. He barely stays at home hence he had a business trip to Japan. I am not even complaining; in fact I am quite glad he was not at home. I do not need to pretend if I was fine, and I do not need to lies at him.

With these thoughts again, the wave of guiltiness hit me hard and punch me harshly in the chest. What kind of wife I am? Sleeping with another guy and now carrying his baby in my womb. What should I do about this? I do not want to do abortion; it is the least thing I want to do. But, what if Kai found out about this? Will he ever forgive me or will he thrown me away to the street? Is not it good? At least he would found the reason to get rid of me. It would be the nicest price for him.

I sighed deeply as my small hands unconsciously found its way to the small bump in my belly. The tears threaten to escape from my eyes and my lips smiles sadly. “Are you cold, honey? Could you hear me?” I whispered softly andcaressing my belly as if it was my baby’s skin. “I will make a hot chocolate for us, okay?” I might be insane, talk to myself like this. But I believe, the baby could hear me andwe are connected with each other.

The strong scent of hot chocolate finally makes me relaxed even for a little. I brought my feet into the small parlor in the left wings of the mansion, sits right away at the small chair; facing the window. I take a sip of my hot chocolate carefully, and its sweet taste lingered in my taste bud pleasantly.

“You must be hungry, right?” I placed down the cup in the rounded table beside me before I leaned back in the chair and my fingers caressed my belly once more. I do not know how many times I do this; it is become a habit for me. I think it is the way for me to communicate with him or her hence I still do not know its gender yet.

“Stal…” Sulli, a best friend of mine was calling my name from behind. Her voice filled with curiousness and many things I cannot tell.

“Hmm?” I hummed softly, and turning my head a little. Yet I still cannot look at her on the eyes. Sulli know me too well and I know she has been suspicious about something and perhaps she know I was hiding something from her.

“I never saw you around these past days— or weeks to make it clear. What’s wrong with you?" She sat in the empty chair beside me, and her long fingers reached my cold hands, squeezed it softly as her eyes searching for my answer.

“What are you talking about? I am fine as you can see. I just want to stay at home. Nothing is wrong happened to me.” I give her a reassuring smile, even though I am not sure my lips could curled into a real smile, or a fake one.

“You are a bad liar, Stal. You cannot hide anything from me.” I turned my head away. I cannot look at her in the eyes and I do not have a heart to lie at her. Sulli is my best friend; and I see her as my sister, not only a friend. We spend most of our time together. We shared the laughter and the sadness. She is the only one who knows my true feeling; and she knows me too well. It is the worst part.

“Cannot we… Not talk about this, please?” I pleaded her and I am still gazed on the floor. I just cannot look at her on the eyes.

“Of course Stal. I am sorry, I do not mean to pushed you.” She hugged me tightly and I feel safe in a second.

“I do not know what to do, I am scared…” I broke into tears; hiding my face on her shoulders and my hands shakily held into her coat.

“Why are you scared?” She asks me, and I feel her fingers caressing my back, and her voice softly whispered in my ears.

“I-i do not know. I am just scared.” I shake my head. I lie to my best friend. I know the reason why I am scared.

“Do not be. We all are here for you, Krystal.” Sulli broke the hug and wiped away my tears with her thumb. Her sincere smiles put me in an ease and I feel the light take away the small weight on my chest. Everyone never lie when they say Sulli’s smile could change the world.

"Thank you." I said, forced myself to return her smile and wipe the remaining tears on my cheeks.

“You do not have to, silly girl.” She laughed and punched my arms playfully. I cannot feel anything because she punched me really lightly; probably only to lighten up my mood.

“What a scary gangster,” I say jokingly, and for the first time I laughed.

“I know I am.” She mimicked the guy’s voice, and wriggled her eyebrows playfully.

“Stupid.” I shake my head and laughed once more.

Kai finally home, and now he was taking a shower. I avoided him as much as I can and I have not talked to him yet. I just cannot. I feel guilty and I feel dirty. I feel I am no different from the he always brought at home. Now I become one of them.

“Hey…” The deep and husky voice of my husband startled me for a bit; and a pair of his arms encircled my lean body from behind. His voice sends a chill through my spine of fear. He never touches me this way. In fact, he never touches me before—unless it is for public display.

“K-kai?” I stammered and try to turn away, but his strong arms held me still; my back press firmly against his chest.

“Do not you miss me?” His lips lingered on my shoulders, and brushed against my skin as he talks.

“I-I do.” I answered after a brief moment. What’s wrong with him? Why he treat me like… I am his wife? Yes I am legally, but from his heart, he never treats me as one. It is the first time and it is freak me out.

“Frankly, I missed you too.” He whispered once more; his voice near my ears and his hot breath breezed on my skin. “Do not you think it is funny, Krystal?” He turned my body around and his eyes with mine for a second, before I fixed my gaze in the marble floor. Everything is strange right now, and I am not used to this kind of behavior of Kai. I know him, and I feel like it is not the Kai I used to know. It is like the new Kai who was standing in front of me. And I do not know if it is a good sign; or maybe the worst one.

“What are you saying, Kai?” I asked back, and hesitantly look at him in the eyes.

“….” He did not say anything; and his eyes still stares at me deeply.

“… Nothing.” He just left like that with his unreadable expression; leave me puzzled in our bedroom. What’s wrong with him?


This evening, I and Kai visited Chanyeol’s place. He invited us for a dinner; as well as our other friends. Sulli was there too, of course. And she was busy prepare everything for dinner in the kitchen.

“You will make a good wife.” I stated truthfully, with a soft smile on my face.

“Stop it, Krystal. You make me embarrassed.” The red crimson of blush spread on her pale cheeks and Sulli instantly hide her face on her palm.

“I am just being honest.” After we set the food on the dining table, Sulli and I now sit on the chair side by side.

“I hope so.” With a flushed cheeks, Sulli twirled the hem of her casual cocktail dress with her fingers.

“You are so cute, Sulli. No wonder Chanyeol fallen in love with you.” I once more and rose up from the chair.

“Oh stop it, Krystal. Or else—“ I stopped her and put my palms on my mouth before I rushed into the bathroom, and locked the door right away before I throw up.

“Krystal, Are you okay?” Sulli knocked on the door, and I know from her voice, she was worried.

“I am fine.” I said, loud enough for Sulli to hear it. I fixed my hair and wash my mouth. The emptiness painted perfectly in my deep hazel eyes.

“Krystal?” Sulli knocked the door once more; she got impatience now.

“Wait up,” I opened the door, and smiles at her. “I am sorry. Did I make you wait too long?”

“Stal.. Are you just throwing up?” She holds my shoulders, and her eyes searching for the truth.

“Y-yeah. That’s probably because the spicy rice cakes I ate this morning.” I lied at her—again.

“You were lying…” Sulli take a step back with the hurt look on her face.

“Sul, i am not lying.” I shake my head in denied, and my heart aching badly for lying at her. I just cannot tell her the truth.

“… If you still see me as your best friend, tell me whenever you are ready.” She says to me coldly, and her eyes gazed at mine sadly before she leaves me alone—and again, I broke into tears.

After fixed my make up once more, I headed to the dining room and saw everyone already gathered around dining table, filled almost the chairs and leave one for me, right beside Kai.

Sulli did not even look at me, and Kai was busy talking with Baekhyun. I sighed softly, and sat silently on the chair. The maid pours water for me after I sat comfortably.

“Thanks,” I said to her and took a small sip of my water. I almost choked, and my eyes bulged in when I saw the most familiar figure. The guy who made me longing for his love every night.

And he too is staring at me, with the same gaze; a sadness, love, and longing. In bewilderment, I stare at him; my hands tightly grip the small napkin and the other hold into my glass. I feel so stupid right now. I should know if he will be here. He is Chanyeol’s best friend after all.

“Hai,” He greeted me with his melody-like voice; thrilled my sense, weaken my heart. Since the last time we met, this is the first time I see him. I want to run at him, I want to stay at his arms once more. I want to tell him if I carried his child in my womb now—but I just cannot. And I am not sure I will ever say this to him because I do not want to ruin his life. He deserved a better woman; even if it is hurt for me.

“H-hai.” I greeted him back, and I caught a soft smile on his lips—the lips I always adored.

‘Sweetheart… Your dad is here.’

Kris is here.

author's note
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I do not even know what i was writing right now.
and it is probably not my best work.
It is like a crap and i do not think this chapter deserved to be published.
I am sorry to disappointed you, readers.
But i promise to put more effort for the next chapter.
and thanks for all the subscribers and leave lovely comments for me.
Do not hesitate to wrote down your though for this chapter.







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Support Kristal till the end !!!
And I like the fact that Kai never touch her before ~.~
That's mean ,Kris is the first guy in her life ...
Just get divorce with Kai and married to Kris ...
Chapter 8: asdfghjkll KAI YOU ARE SO STOOPID ><
too much for his pride.
anyway you are such a good writer. i love this fic. keren banget pokonya :D
Chapter 8: AWWEEEEE
my eyes ; n ; i love this stroy so much ♡
Chapter 8: Oh god
i've noticed myungsoo's appearance. :)))
Anyway, still feel pity for Kris. Even i can tell that how hurt that wound be if the one i love leave me like that TT
its so hurtful
hope that will end up w Kristal :D
Chapter 8: kaistal plzzzz
myungstal too
both pairings FTW
I really want to see Kai's reaction to Krystal's returning.
Chapter 8: Ahhkk its soo complicated >_<
kaistal .. Krisstal...
Omo... >_<
updet ASAP
Chapter 7: AAAH Is Kai Love Krystal?
UPDET PLEASE... Great Story!
Chapter 7: kai you dipsheet e.e
kristal 69ever ;----; <3

sooooo. My heart was hurting to be honest =A=
often makes me wonder, you know the thing about love. This is too much angst for now ;--;

I feel like in this story, Kris is the type of guy who would just take her if she told him she was pregnant with his child. I mean like take her anywhere far from there or possibly even canada. I demand a divorce ;AAAAAAA;

KRISTAL. I hope this isn't one of those stories where the true lover never gets the girl.. it's just.. sad ono