Chapter One

The Deepest Secret

The laughter filled in the room when the maids busy pour the tea for the guests. "... And you know what happened after that? Chanyeol kept thinking if i was saying the truth when i say if i cannot remember his birthday," The short haired girl with a fair skin and cute smile, giggled softly, her eyes glancing at her sulking lover; followed by the laughter from the rests inside the room.

"Yeah, and later at night, i found if she already prepare the gift for me in my room. How romantic you are, my love." A tall guy rolling his eyes. It was useless and embarrassing for him to mad at her for the whole day, when in fact she never forgot his birthday. 'It is makes me not manly,' He said, defending himself.

"I am sorry, honey. But it is so fun to make this kind of joke for you. You are so adorable!" Sulli, Chanyeol's lover teasingly pinched his cheeks and causing everyone in the room stares at them in amused. Both are childish, that's what they think.

When everyone was enjoying their moment, someone missed the fun and locked herself inside the bathroom. And being her usual observanst self, Victoria not missed anything. She get worried when her friend took a long time in the bathroom.

"Kai, i am getting worried. Krystal still in the bathroom, and believed me, it has been more than 15 minutes she stay there," She said to the younger guy, getting a soft sighed from him.

"Fine... I will take a look now," He said lazily, and walking toward the bathroom unwillingly.

Meanwhile, in the bathroom.

Her hands trembling and her legs shaking before Krystal finally broke down inside the bathroom. The tears keep flowing as her eyes stares in horror at the test pack in her hand.


No, it cannot be.

Immediately, she placed her hands on her stomach. Every memories flashed in her mind, and brought her to the event two months ago, the moment everything started, the moment she gave everything to that guy.


The heavy rain pelted down as the black sport car passed by the wet street in the hectic city of Seoul. The anxious footsteps in the road-side of these citizens who try to avoid the rain as soon as possible muffled by the sounds of the raindrops on the ground and the melodious thunder in the dark sky. They wished the same thing; how to get home or the place to stay at before the storm. Lately, the weather in Seoul seems horrible. When in the daylight, the sun could be able burned your skin by its heat glory, and when it is come to afternoon, the sky will get darker and the rain would pouring from the skies with no mercy. It is impossible for everyone to have a nice afternoon walk around neither in the park or have a good time chit-chatting in the coffee shop. They have no other choices but stay at home and warm up their freezing bodies by staying near the fireplace at their houses or apartments.

Nevertheless, it is different for them. These who called themselves as the one who placed in the highest society of the town; these who ruled everything with money. The laughter filled in the huge parlor in the mansion as they were telling a joke or had a light chat.

Therefore, the happy atmosphere could not crossed the heart of  the beautiful young lady. She was sitting in the large, green moss single couch that placed in the left side of small fireplace. She sighed exasperatedly after a maid poured the wine to her glass, yet her eyes examined the room from the corner of her eyes. What's make her upset because her husband seems not bothered by her presence. Regardless he seems ignoring her the whole time. Krystal turned her head away and looking at the scenery outside through the window from inside the room, she crossed her long legs whilst her slender fingers bring the crystal glass closer to her lips; take a sip of the liquid, enough to warm up her body. Al though she barely see anything from here through the darkness of the night, it is better than seeing her husband flirting with another girls, right?

And we know if her husband must be blind to ignored his wife like this. Whoever saw her would agree if she is the most gorgeous, beautiful girl existed in that place. With her narrow waist, smoothly flaring hips and the slender, long legs, she looks good with everything she wore. Just like a jasmine, the pale complexion of her skin made her blessed by an elegant, classic beauty.

Her face just like a blossom, her pinkish, rosy lips tempted any guy in just a second, her pointed nose give her an aristocrats look and these sharp brown eyes show the world if she is not like a girl with only a beauty. She is brilliant, accomplished, and powerful with her wide visions of the world, her gaze burned with the passion of curiosity of another life out there. The ordinary life she was longing for. Not like here, when everyone never cared about anything but fame and money. It is make her sick. In the past, all of the life inside this huge mansion seems heaven for her. Krystal and her husband used to spending time together. In the morning they will eating breakfast together, in the afternoon Krystal would wait for her husband return from the company. But everything has changed. The heaven she used to have turn into hell.

And finally, Krystal rose up from the couch, make the black silky gown that hugged her curvaceous figure fallen gracefully into her long legs, swiping gracefully the marble floor. With the light steps she took, a rhythmically tap of the floor faintly could be heard by the click sounds of her high heels; make most of the guests turned their head and focusing their attentions to the mistress of the mansion.

"Kai," A soft whispers thrilled his sense and makes him take a quick glance for a short moment. It was his wife's voice that whisper on his ear, Jongin know it so well.

"Hmm?" Jongin only hummed in a respons, not even bothered to look at his wife properly and continue to talk about his business with his collegue. After his father passed away months ago, automatically the company become his responsibility. Because as the only heir of Kim Corporation, Jongin chosen as the new CEO. It is not like he have another choice to oppose this decision, he already promise to his father to become the good CEO. And what's the conclusion of this new position of him? Of course the company running well but what's something he did not knew, his wife feel unloved by his careless and insensitive side.

"Can i leave now? I feel so tired, I want to rest at the room, Kai." Plead the young wife to her husband, all the vision around her slowly become blurry and the room seems spinning that she swears she could broke down any time soon.

"No, you cannot! What they gonna say if you were not here, Krystal? You can rest later when the party are done," His responds are cold, and Kai did not even try to look at his wife for once.

"And stop bothering me, could you?" Kai turned his head a bit and take a quick glance at Krystal, nonetheless, from that short moment, Krystal knew he was glaring at her.

A soft sigh escaped from her lips and without any word, Krystal leaving her husband and walked to the balcony. She really need a fresh air right now or else she might faint soon. Yes, Krystal is an anemic that's why she easily get tired, too bad her husband seems never cared about that.

Krystal and Kai have been married for over two years now. Do not imagine if everything started with love. In fact, they never loved each other. Both of their parents arranged married them in the past and because of some matters, they forced to get married, and both Kai and Krystal does not have any choice but accomplished their parents' wishes. And thanks for that, now Krystal should spend her life with the guy who never care about her.

A cold wind caressed her porcelain skin as her long hair dancing gracefully and her gown swaying slowly. Krystal rest her arms in the balcony, propped her elbow for a support as her eyes gazed into the dark scenery in front of her. Even though she want to cry now, the tears still refused came out from her eyes-- or maybe because she was crying too much in the past that now no more tears left. Sometimes Krystal wished she could turn back the time. Maybe she won't ended up become Kai's wife. Maybe, she could get a better life.

Drowning with these though, Krystal did not realized if she almost fell to the floor when her head getting dizzier and her body seems like cannot support her anymore. Fortunately, someone fast enough hold her waist and stopping her to fell down.

"Thank—" Even before Krystal could say a proper thank you to whoever help her, her eyes bulged in shocked. The familiar figure stood in front of her. With that defined jaw lines, a pair of sharp eyes that always send a tingle on her heart, and the intoxicating scents that take her into his little world.

"Soojung..." The guy called her name. His voice just like a soothing melodic on her ears, and his hands tighten its grip in her petite waist. Even now, the way he called her by her Korean name makes her heart pounding hard. "I missed you so much," The said guy brought Krystal even closer at him, embraced her with his arms and drowning her with his gaze.

"What— what are you doing here?" The young lady stuttered and try her best to pushed the man away, nonetheless it is failed miserably; he even brought her closer and closing the gap between them. She could hear his heart beat by this distance.

"I come to see you. I cannot hold myself anymore, Soojung. I want to meet you." He placed one of his arms in her small back as he brought another one to caress her cheeks. His palms give a feather-like touch on her back, causing her to hold her breath for a moment.

"No, you cannot. I am begging you... Please leave me alone. You cannot be here, not with my husband in another room. Someone, or even Kai could walked in here anytime. Please..." Her voice shaking lightly and her eyes stares down at the floor as her mind busy ignoring the fact now once again her fragile heart fell into his soft touches and warm embraces. Oh how she wished she could hug him as tight as possible and never let him go anymore.

"I do not care about them, i do not care about your husband. Just once in your life, can you do something you really want to? Cannot you see i am the one who love you, Soojung? Not him." The man rest his forehead at hers, his hot breath softly caressing her skin and sending a chill down her spine. "Do not torture me anymore, i cannot live without you. I love you. I still do." The guy brushed his lips softly, planting a soft kisses. The kisses that always makes her knees weakened.

She wanted to push him away. Whatever the reason he come here to met her, if anyone ever see them now, she know it won't be good, it would be a disaster and her marriage might ruined by this, but she was too weak. She cannot deny it anymore, she missed him dearly. And with his lips on hers now, Krystal lose with this mental battle. She give in and closing her eyes. A tears escaped as slowly, she kissed him back. It was a kiss full of love, yearning and longing. He want to show her how much he misssed her and how big his heart worship her with his unconditional love. He will never cared anymore if the Soojung he always loved now become someone else's wife; because one thing he knew for sure, he owns her heart. Now and forever.

"Soojung," He likes how her name rolled over his tongue every time they kissed like this. He like it that he never get tired calling her name; and sometimes Krystal get annoyed when he keep calling her name. But as stubborn as always, he never stopped calling her name, even when she got upset by that.

He focused his mind once more to the perfect lady in his embrace, he back kissing her with a lot passion for now. His tongue penetrated her warm tongue after he nibbled on her willing bottom lip softly, his long fingers give a light in her small back. Maybe they destined to be together, hence he think her petite figure fit perfectly in his embrace. He could hugged her for the rest of his life— if it is even possible.

Soojung, on the other hand, totally broke the wall, lost her mind as his tongue teasing hers in the most pleasing way. A soft whimper and husky moans escaped from and willingly, Krystal scoothed herself closer, pressing her chest with his as his arms wrapped around his neck, her fingers softly tangled on his soft locks. She do not care about the future, she lived her life for the present— for now. She want to pay all the time she lived her miserable life without him, she want to filled the emptiness in her heart with his presence, with his love and his touches.

"Take me. Make me yours for tonight," She whispers ever so softly after broke their intense kiss and her eyes sending love at the pair of his dark orbs.

"Do you mean it, Soojung? Because after this, i am swear for the name of love, I will never stop. I will -once more- filled you with my longing feeling, with my great love. I want to give you something your husband cannot fulfilled." He said ever so sincerely, his strong arms lift her up into his arms and locked her legs around his waist as his eyes gazed intently in hers, a soft smile -finally- pursed at his lips.

"... Yes, i mean it. Make me yours for tonight." Krystal give a reassuring smile at him, wrapping her arms once more into his neck and pressed her lips lightly into his.

And with them shared their love once more, they never knew if everything in the future changed with their little mistake that night.

Krystal sob even harder when everything become clear now. How stupid she was to make a mistake in the past, now she should bear with the consequences of what she did. She cheated from her husband and now she is pregnant. She disgust with herself.

"What should i do now? God, what should i do?" Krystal threw the test pack away from her sight and hit her stomach a few times.

"Krystal!" The loud knocked in the bathroom's door startled her for a bit and the harsh sound could be heard from outside. It was him; Kai. He must realize if she stay too long in the bathroom, "What the hell are you doing there?! Come back here! Everyone is waiting for you!" He said once more, and with the sounds of the footsteps outside, she knew if he might return to the living room now, living her alone.

Krystal stood up slowly and took the test peck that she threw away previously on the floor and hid it inside her bag. After washed her face and dried it with the small towel, she took a deep breath for a brief moment. "You can do this, Jung Soojung! Just pretend if nothing happened." She said to herself, and slowly opecned the door of the bathroom, brought her feet to the living room.

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Support Kristal till the end !!!
And I like the fact that Kai never touch her before ~.~
That's mean ,Kris is the first guy in her life ...
Just get divorce with Kai and married to Kris ...
Chapter 8: asdfghjkll KAI YOU ARE SO STOOPID ><
too much for his pride.
anyway you are such a good writer. i love this fic. keren banget pokonya :D
Chapter 8: AWWEEEEE
my eyes ; n ; i love this stroy so much ♡
Chapter 8: Oh god
i've noticed myungsoo's appearance. :)))
Anyway, still feel pity for Kris. Even i can tell that how hurt that wound be if the one i love leave me like that TT
its so hurtful
hope that will end up w Kristal :D
Chapter 8: kaistal plzzzz
myungstal too
both pairings FTW
I really want to see Kai's reaction to Krystal's returning.
Chapter 8: Ahhkk its soo complicated >_<
kaistal .. Krisstal...
Omo... >_<
updet ASAP
Chapter 7: AAAH Is Kai Love Krystal?
UPDET PLEASE... Great Story!
Chapter 7: kai you dipsheet e.e
kristal 69ever ;----; <3

sooooo. My heart was hurting to be honest =A=
often makes me wonder, you know the thing about love. This is too much angst for now ;--;

I feel like in this story, Kris is the type of guy who would just take her if she told him she was pregnant with his child. I mean like take her anywhere far from there or possibly even canada. I demand a divorce ;AAAAAAA;

KRISTAL. I hope this isn't one of those stories where the true lover never gets the girl.. it's just.. sad ono