chapter six

The Deepest Secret

The streets were still empty and there’s no sign from any vehicles anywhere. Only the sound of those leaves caressed by a cold wind in the dawn that accompanied him from this exhaustion and loneliness. But Kai was not cared about that. He let his feet brought him to any places and any directions. He ignored the sting pain of his feet as long as he would found her. His wife.

He searched through the dark alleys, motels and hotels, and the houses of Krystal’s friends but his wife nowhere to be seen. Where’d she go? Was she tried to run away from him?

“It is impossible, Sulli. I left her in Chanyeol’s house and you say she was not there, now?” He says through the phone. He sounded angry— and desperate.

Was she done this because the way he acted toward her? Was he too much and too harsh on her? He kept asking that to himself and never tried to found the answer. He was too scared if his assumption might come true. He was scared and regret treats her that way but he did not have any choice. He treats her like that to protect her from any harm— and from himself.

He remembered the time he saw her walked in the altar with her father. She was stunning as if she was the walking angel at that morning. He resists his need to smile at her and keep the coldness plastered on his face. He hid the pleasant feeling to marry her; he did not want anyone to know his true feeling toward her, the feeling that is forbidden to him. He cannot love, and he never deserved it. He thought if marriage had never become his thing before and presented him as any possibility. He was a carefree bachelor in the past; and until now he still acts as one. And since that time, he keep one of deepest secrets of him in his heart. The secret of loving her.

He was vow to himself to never marry anyone in his life because not only the marriage, the title of husband itself was something ridiculous, something alien for him. As if his freedom going to be prison by this title. And above all of the ridiculous title as a husband, a foreign thing called love at first tight shocked him. He never knew his heart will beat faster –if that even possible- the first time he laid his eyes to the young beautiful girl few years ago. He did not do anything. In fact, he cannot do anything but staring at her as the girl was sitting in the coffee shop. Through the window, he stares at her. How her slender fingers tuck the strand of her hair behind her ear, and how those fingers flipped page by page the book she was reading. Her large and genuine eyes stare at the words in the book as if it was her only interest at that moment.

He smiles just by looking at her and his heart warmed by the smile that formed on her lips. But soon, his smile faded as he saw she gave that beautiful smile to someone else. His little hope broke into pieces as he saw a tall guy walk toward her and took her in his arms; and as if she was waiting for him, she welcomed him with a light peck on his cheek when the smile never left her lips. The love at first sight he had few minutes ago, turned into a broken hope.

And he knew who he was. Kris, Chanyeol's best friend. Kris, the poor and foreign guy. He cannot see how the uncapable man like Kris could make her fallen in love like that. For Kai, he was so much better than Kris. He could give anything she want in this world. He could give a happiness for her, unlike him.

Since that day, he cannot get the girl out of his mind until one reality hit him hard in his chest. After few weeks he met the girl in the coffee shop, his parents told him if he should marry a certain girl; the same girl he saw in the coffee shop was walked in the altar. The beautiful girl who smile at another guy in the coffee shop at that time now become his bride.

Was the marriage some kind of joke for her? Or she just a gold digger like any woman he was ed before? He was not sure about that. But one thing he was sure about, he cannot see the sweet smile anymore from her because the only thing he can see from her eyes are the emptiness and the pain.

And when he saw Kris was there too at Chanyeol's house, he was furious and anxious. Were they still talked and meet with each other? Were they still love each other? Because when he saw her staring at Kris last night, he could see the thing that already died in her eyes years ago. He saw love in her eyes, and it broke his heart-- again.

And here he is now, the man who lived with his pride, the man who hid his love from his own wife, and the man who treats his wife like some trash. Nevertheless, he did not want to become the men who lose his wife. Not in million years. Because he swears after he found her, he will put aside his pride and he will make her falling in love with him. Kai want to become the reason for her to smile like years ago and he want to become the only man in her heart.

“For god sake, Kai! I won’t lie to you if I really know where she is right now. I thought she went home with you,” Her voice sounded as desperate as him, “Where are you now, Kai?” Sulli asks him worriedly.

“Somewhere.” He replied after a long pause, and heaved a heavy sighs before he continued take an anxious step in the street. “… If-if she called you or you know where she is, please do call me,” He pleaded her. For the first time in his life, Kai pleaded to someone. He put his pride in the corner and letting his heart decided what he should do and say at this moment, because for the first time in his life, he was scared to lose her.

After the moon had separated from the night and the sun finally joined in the sky, the bird chirping faintly through the glass window of Kris’s apartment. This morning was quite as usual but there’s one thing make it different from the other morning; the presence of his beloved one.

His eyes take the sleeping figure beside him. Her head was resting against his chest and their fingers interlocked with each other as his other hand held her close. They shared the heat; they share their heartbeats against the coldness in the morning.

He did not remember for how long he was awake—perhaps since the dawn or before. He just cannot resist the urge stares at her angelic face and her cute snores. Kris smiles pleasantly by the scene, and bring her even closer.

“Kris?” Her soft yet sleepy voice makes him loosened the hug and fixed his gaze into her face.

Kris welcomed the sleeping beauty that just woke up by his tender kiss on her forehead and a gentle on her small back.

“Good morning, sweetheart.” He whispered softly and tucked few lock of her hair behind her ear, “How was your sleep?”

“It was good. How about you?” Krystal asks him back and gives him the sweet smile in the morning.

“Never been well like yesterday,” He murmured and pecks her lips softly, "Because you are here with me."


The time went by and now Krystal was standing in the kitchen and mixed the vegetables with some olive oil in the bowl to make a salad. Aside from that, bacon and scrambles eggs already on displayed in the dining table.

Even thought her hands were busy doing work, she was feeling guilty to stay at Kris’s apartment till now. She did not know if this is the best decision for her to leave her husband and stay with her lover, and the thought of telling Kris about her pregnancy does not help either. It is make her heart seems going to break in any moment.

Just then, her phone vibrated and Krystal reluctantly takes it from her pants. After take a deep breath and gathered all her courage, Krystal slide her fingers into her pocket and takes her phone. Sulli’s named appeared from the caller id.

“H-hello?” Krystal put down the spoon to the bowl and her other hand tremblingly held her phone close to her ear.

“Krystal! Oh thanks goodness! Where are you now?!”

Krystal bit on her lips and her eyes darted into the floor, “I-I cannot tell you where I am now. I am sorry.”

A heavy sighed heard from the phone, “… Okay, I won’t ask anymore where you are now but please I am begging you just come to your house now. Kai hurt his feet badly when he was looking for you. He did not bring his car and he was walking on the street since last night.”

“Wh-what? How… How is he now?” Krystal’s eyes widened in shocked. Kai was searching for her since last night and now he was hurting himself for her but what she did? She stays at her lover’s apartment. She feels disgusted to herself.

“I cannot tell you anything now, just comes here please, Kai such in a mess right now.” Sulli’s voice softened.

“I-i…” Krystal reluctantly glancing at the closed bathroom’s door where Kris was taking a shower, “…. Okay, I will come now.”

Krystal put her phone back to her pocket and went to Kris’s bedroom. Her eyes scanned the room and her feet step in the small nightstand beside the bed. Her hands reached the wooden nightstand and take her bag from there. As if she was ready to leave his place, she saw Kris walked out from the bathroom with a white shirt and boxer covered his body.

“Soojung, where are you going?” Kris as shocked as she was and he hurriedly approached her with fear on his eyes.

“Kris, I am sorry. I cannot stay in here anymore. Kai… He hurt himself when he was looking for me. I need to meet him now. I am sorry, Kris.” Krystal hold back the tears that threatened to escaped from her eyes as she cannot look straight into his.

“…. What? You want to leave me again, Soojung? Do not you—“

“Kris, please do not make me choose again this time. Everything has wrong between us from the start. I should not stay here when my… When my husband hurting himself because of me. Please Kris, let me go this time.”

“No, I cannot Soojung. I was not strong enough to let you go from my life. Not with that bastard. Cannot you remember the thing he did last night to you? He cheated on you!” Kris holds her shoulders and his eyes burning with anger. Seems like the love always making fun of his heart, but not for this time because he will fight for his love. He will fight for the girl who already become his since the beginning. He was tired being the weak guy and only watching his lover from afar when he knew she never feel happy around her husband. He want to give her the love he always have from her.

“And what makes me different from him, Kris? I cheated on him too!” Krystal pushed his hands away from her shoulders and then wipes away her tears.

“Please do not make it hard for me, Kris. I love you too and this feeling never faded even a bit, but now he needs me. I should be there.” Krystal take a deep breath and walked toward the door without looking at him because if she ever laid her eyes once more to him, she know if she will changed her mind and choose to stay here with him because his love always makes her weak.

“Only this time I will let you go, Soojung. Only because he need you now,” His voice was shaking and his heart scattered into pieces when he saw her never looking back at him, stepped out from his apartment and leaving him behind, “... Because later, I will take you with me." With her figure dissapeared from behind the door, his hot tears rolled down from his cheeks and drop in the floor.


As soon as she arrived at her house, Sulli ran up to her, “Thanks god you are here. Kai has woken up and now he was lying at the bed. Just meet him, okay.”

“How was he?” Krystal asked her worriedly and the sweats running on her forehead.

“Pretty bad, actually. His feet stepped on the broken glass in the street and he was bleeding a lot and fainted. Fortunately Myungsoo oppa saw him and he was done treated his wound.” Sulli explain as both of them walked in the corridor toward her bedroom.

“M-myungsoo oppa? I thought he is in Florida now.” She asks half surprised and half confused.

“Yes, I do not know how he could found him and I do not have any idea what he did now in Korea. But that’s not important.” Sulli said and turn the knob of the door, “Because Kai who’s important now. He need you, Krystal.” Sulli give her a small smile before let the door slide opened. And there he was, lying helplessly in the bed with the bandage covering his wounded feet, unlike the strong and confident Kai she used to know.

Krystal slowly walked in the bedroom as she feels the wave of fear being alone with her husband, at the same time she noticed the shadow of pain mixed with anger painted in his face, and all the sadness reflected from his sleepless eyes. She was scared; will he exploded if she ever takes a small step toward him and approached him? Or will he getting angrier if she ever tries to spoke this time?

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Support Kristal till the end !!!
And I like the fact that Kai never touch her before ~.~
That's mean ,Kris is the first guy in her life ...
Just get divorce with Kai and married to Kris ...
Chapter 8: asdfghjkll KAI YOU ARE SO STOOPID ><
too much for his pride.
anyway you are such a good writer. i love this fic. keren banget pokonya :D
Chapter 8: AWWEEEEE
my eyes ; n ; i love this stroy so much ♡
Chapter 8: Oh god
i've noticed myungsoo's appearance. :)))
Anyway, still feel pity for Kris. Even i can tell that how hurt that wound be if the one i love leave me like that TT
its so hurtful
hope that will end up w Kristal :D
Chapter 8: kaistal plzzzz
myungstal too
both pairings FTW
I really want to see Kai's reaction to Krystal's returning.
Chapter 8: Ahhkk its soo complicated >_<
kaistal .. Krisstal...
Omo... >_<
updet ASAP
Chapter 7: AAAH Is Kai Love Krystal?
UPDET PLEASE... Great Story!
Chapter 7: kai you dipsheet e.e
kristal 69ever ;----; <3

sooooo. My heart was hurting to be honest =A=
often makes me wonder, you know the thing about love. This is too much angst for now ;--;

I feel like in this story, Kris is the type of guy who would just take her if she told him she was pregnant with his child. I mean like take her anywhere far from there or possibly even canada. I demand a divorce ;AAAAAAA;

KRISTAL. I hope this isn't one of those stories where the true lover never gets the girl.. it's just.. sad ono