Chapter 7


Himchan POV:

I saw Daehyun gave a wink to Yongguk after he said he’s going to have fun with Youngjae. Damn that Jung Daehyun. I’m totally furious now.

“Something’s wrong?” asked Yongguk worrily.

“YES. that Jung Daehyun. What is he going to do with my precious son, Yoo Youngjae ARGGHH!” I messed my precious hair because i’m so frustated right now.

“Calm down, babe. It’s okay, they’re not a little kid anymore.”

“I DON’T CARE!” I yelled to Yongguk.

“Himchan! Stop this! Stop being a over-protective umma. They’re not a little kid anymore.” Great, now i made Yongguk angry too. It’s all because of you, Jung Daehyun.

“But at least act like a good appa. I don’t want that Jung Daehyun ruins my precious son’s life. And I’m sorry for yelling at you. I’m just...frustated.” tears fell out of my eyes.

“Shh... It’s okay. Don’t cry, you look ugly when you’re crying.” Yongguk wiped my tears and hugged me. “Daehyun is a good guy, I knew him for a long time, so don’t worry, okay?”



Third Person POV:

Himchan is still pissed off. Although Yongguk said Daehyun is a nice guy, but he still pissed off. He walk to his dorm with a pissed off mind and he didn’t realize that Yongguk followed him behind, worried if he’s going to be furious again.

“HIMCHAN UMMAAAA!! I MISS YOU!!” Junhong shouted and hugged Himchan so dramatically as soon as Himchan entered their dorm.

“Umma miss my baby too.”

“Yay! Anyway where are you yesterday?”

“I stayed with Yongguk.” Answered Himchan annoyingly.

“Umma, something’s wrong?” ask Junhong worrily.

“That bastard, Jung Daehyun. He kidnapped my precious son, your lovely brother, Youngjae.”


Suddenly Yongguk pop out of nowhere. “It’s not kidnapping. Daehyun just having fun with Youngjae now.” said Yongguk with his infamous deep voice and almost got Himchan heart-attack.


“Hehe sorry.” Yongguk chuckles at Himchan.

“Yongguk hyung, Youngjae hyung is alright, right?” ask Junhong worrily.

“Yeah, he’s alright, trust appa.” Said Yongguk while ruffling Junhong’s hair.

“Appa?” ask Junhong with a confuse face.

“Yeah, now Himchan is my boyfriend, and Himchan is your umma, right? So I should be your appa now.”

“YAY! I got an appa!!”

Himchan only could smile seeing that father-son’s time.

“Junhong-ah, let’s go to Yongguk’s dorm and let’s spend a night there, because Youngjae isn’t here now.” said Himchan.

“Where’s Youngjae hyung?” ask Junhong curiously.

“He’s with Daehyun. Now let’s go to appa’s dorm.” Said Yongguk.

“Kajaaa~~” Junhong held Himchan’s right hand and Yongguk’s left hand, like a little kid.


Jongup POV:

I don’t see Yongguk hyung anywhere, also Daehyun hyung. Where are they? Suddenly I heard someone’s opening the door. Must be Yongguk hyung or Daehyun hyung.

“Jonguppie hyung~” Junhong ran to me and hugged me. But... Why Junhong? Where’s Yongguk hyung and Daehyun hyung?

“Looking for me? I’m here now.” Ah, that’s Yongguk hyung. with....Himchan hyung.

“Jonguppie hyung, you don’t looking for Junhong?” ask Junhong while pouting.

“I-It’s not like that, Junhongie..” I don’t know what to say. Of course i looking for Junhong too.

“Junhong-ah, appa wasn’t in dorm yesterday, so Jonguppie is looking for appa. Of course Jonguppie is looking for you everyday, because Jonguppie love Junhong, right?”

“Yeah, you’re right, hyung. Anyway, appa?” Appa? What is happening now?

“Yes. Because Yongguk appa is Himchan umma’s boyfriend, so of course he’s my appa now.” said the clinging Junhong.

“Oh, okay...” I was confused. Don’t know what to say. But I swear Junhong is so cute today. I love him more and more.


Yongguk POV:

“Gukkie, they’re so cute, right?” said Himchan while tugging my sleeves. I have to admit that they’re a cute couple, I mean Jongup and Junhong. And Daejae couple, they’re a funny couple I think although sometimes Daehyun can turned into a ert =_=

“Yeah, but you’re more cuter, Channie.” I showed my gummy smile.

“Yongguk!” he hid his face. Cute.

“Jonguppie hyung, I’m the cutest, right? I’m more cuter than Himchannie umma, right?” said Junhong with a shining eyes to Jongup. I only could chuckles.

“Yeah, Junhong is the cutest. Even cuter than Himchan hyung.” said Jongup and then he pecked Junhong’s lips. I could see Junhong is blushing and I took a glance at Himchan who’s fangirling at Jonglo moments right now.

“Gomawo hyung.” Junhong hugged Jongup.

“Yongguk hyung, do you know where is Daehyun hyung?” asked Jongup. I took a glance at Himchan. Here’s that pissed off face again.

“He’s going somewhere with Youngjae.” Well, I couldn’t tell them the details because they’re still underage, especially Junhong.

“Yeah, he’s kidnapping my precious son, Yoo Youngjae.” Snapped Himchan.

“Channie. Stop this.” Seriously...

“Yah Moon Jongup. You better take care of my precious baby, Choi Junhong. If I caught you hurt him or do ‘that’ to him, I’ll kill you for sure.” Snapped Himchan at Jongup. Jongup look frightened.

“Himchannie, you scared him.”

“O-o-okay, hyung. Don’t worry, I won’t hurt Junhong.” Jongup stuttered.

“Umma, don’t be like that to my Jonguppie hyung.”

“Okay, umma is sorry.” Said Himchan while ruffling Junhong’s hair.

“Junhong-ah, I’m sleepy. Let’s go to sleep beside hyung.” Jongup hovered Junhong to lay beside him.

“Me too, hyung. Good night appa, good night umma. Junhong loves you.” Junhong laid beside Jongup and in a few minutes they slept already while cuddling to each other. This Jonglo couple is really cute.

“Gukkie, they’re so cute right? Look at them. They’re cuddling to each other. My baby is grown up.” Said Himchan with the motherly feels again.

“Yes they are, Channie.” I smiled at him.

“Gukkie, I think you’re gonna be a great appa, while I’m a great umma, right?” said Himchan while holding my hand. I interwined our fingers together.

“Yes you are, Kim Himchan.” I gave Himchan a kiss, a soft kiss.

“Gukkie, I’m sleepy. Let’s sleep now. Good night, Gukkie.” He laid beside me. I turned off the light and pull the blanket.

“Goodnight, Channie. I love you.” I pecked his forehead.

You are always the cutest to me, you are always the best umma for me, Kim Himchan.




so... this is the end. god... i made a creepy ending. but yeah in this last chappie i focused to banghim also jonglo. and is it too fluffy? anyway the four of them sleep in yongguk's dorm, jonglo on jongup's bed while banghim on yongguk's bed. and no one in daehyun's bed (?) anyway thank you for everyone who subscribed and commented this creepy fic :A; i love you all <3

@KAZEYAMaru: that's why i called that chappie is a trashy chappie bcs it's too fast and i had a heavy writer-block e_e yeah daejae is a cute otp and their skinship is just the best lol~



and... here's the bonus...

the way himchan is looking at yongguk asdfghjkl


yongguk's reaction lmfao ._.


fighting over cheesecake (?)


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i'm planning to write banghimup fic and this story gonna end in 2-3 chapters more~


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Chapter 7: Great little story. Loved the banghim Daejae and jonglo~
Chapter 7: Cute Jonglo
Chapter 7: turned into a fluffball
@KAZEYAMaru: I don't think I would redo it but yeah you're welcome ^^
Chapter 7: don't worry ^^ (you can always redo it later if that what you really want)
but anyway thanks for your story really enjoyed it !!
Chapter 6: lol wow so fast but anyway greatttttt !!!!
lol Daehyun I love him too, with Jae they're so cute too !!!
Chapter 5: and Channie and Gukkie are so made for each other *sigh* ahhhhh lol
Chapter 5: lol Zelo is just too cute lol ^^
Chapter 4: yeahhh thanks for the update ^^
great really great for Channie-ah >w< so cute !!!
Chapter 4: I swear to god that I totally like this story and u know what??! I like the background of ur fic lol!! I searched like a crazy girl for it but I didnt find it lol:P. Anw finally bang stopped denying his true feelings