New Neighbour

Rubix Friend

Your POV

As i got to my desk I opened up my books to do my homework. Lucky we didn't have much homework today or I would be throwing a fit. Apparently I am good at the subjects I don't like and at the subject that I do like. Right? Anyways the homework i had to do was really boring soo boring that i actually fell asleep.

"Dali-ah, are you ready yet? Dali-ah" I heard someone shouting my name. Someone then started shaking me.

"DALI why aren't you ready yet? the new neighbours are going to be here soon." It was umma waking me up.

"What time is it umma? " I asked still half asleep

" It is already 6:45 and dinner starts at 7" My eyes then opened widely. I took at least half an hour to an hour to get ready no matter what the occasion is.

"Get ready as quick as possible"

"Neh umma"

I quickly run to my closet searching for clothes that i can wear for dinner.

"Ah perfect" I said softly.

If you haven't realized yet I act quite mature for my age right? Doing nearly everything by myself and I'm quite smart too, not that im bragging it's just that I'm happy with myself.

What you're wearing

As I was walking to the bathroom in my room and the doorbell ring. OH NO the new neighbours are here. I must  get ready fast, I should bring a timer in the bathroom to say when i should be finished. Yeah thats a good idea. I ran to get a timer and then ran to the bathroom to to take a shower.


Your Mum's POV

My my. Dali must get ready fast they're going to be her any minu-


I walked towards the door and opened it.

"Hello and welcome, please come in" They walked in and I told them to wait on the couch. My husband immediately greeted them and then started a conversation. I went to go and prepare drinks for them. I put the drinks on the table and joined in the conversation. Well my husband is talking to Mr Lu so I decided to talk to Mrs Lu.

"So Mrs Lu how is it living here so far?"

"It's alright we're still adjusting but we'll get the hang of it soon" Mrs Lu said politely. I like this family.

"What about your son? how old is he?" Their son looks very doll like. I mean he is very cute.

"I'll let him introduce himself. Come here LUHAN deer dear and introduce yourself" Mrs Lu called her son.

"Annyeonhaseyo my name is Luhan and I am 8 years old". He has a funny accent.

"What school do you go to?" 

"I go to SM Primary School" (A/N I dont even know if that exists)

"Oh my daughter goes there too, she might be dressed already, hold on I'll call her."

"Dali-ah come down her quickly"


Your POV

I got dressed and i was ready so I walked out of my room.

"Dali-ah come down here quickly" I heard umma shout from downstairs. I started running down the stairs.

"Neh umma I'm her- LUHAN?"

"You both know each other?" umma asked me.

"Yeah! He was the friend that I met today". I smiled

"Oh I forgot to introduce myself. Annyeonghaseyo my name is Lee Dali and I am 7 years old."

"Well we will continue talking when we eat. Lets eat dinners ready" umma said

Luhan POV

I heard someone yelling from upstairs. I saw Dali running down th- WAIT DALI? Wow she looks better than the last time i saw her. She noticed me and then said my name. She then introduced herself in fron of my parents. She is indeed polite.

Your POV

I sat next to Luhan and started eating the food.

"You want to go to and from school with me?" I asked Luhan. He gave me a smile and nod as he had food in his mouth.

"Umma can Luhan come with me to and from school?"

"Of Course he can if he is allowed" 

"Would it be burden to you?" Mrs Lu asked

"Nonsense. Of course not. So is Luhan coming with Dali to and from school?" umma asked Mrs Lu.

"Sure if Luhan wants to". 

"I asked him Mrs Lu and he said yes" I said happily

"No need to call me Mrs Lu, call us auntie and uncle" Mrs Lu I mean auntie told me.

"Neh auntie"

"Luhan you can call us the same thing" umma said to Luhan.

"Neh" he said.


When me and Luhan finished eating I lead Luhan to the backyard and told him to sit while i get some things to play with. He is my very first friend so I want to make my time with him memorable. I got a board game from my room and headed to the backyard. I saw that Luhan had a toy with him and it was the shape of a cube. I'll go ask him what it is.

"Hey Luhan what is that?" I pointed to the cube

"Its a rubix cube"

"How do you use it?"

"Well all you have to do is try to get one set of colours on each side"

"Can you show me?"

"Sure" With that he started spinning different parts and it wasn't long before he completed it. I was amazed it looks so complicated.

"Can you teach me how to do it?"

"Well it is quite hard explain maybe later" With that i set up the board game which is monopoly.

"You know how to play this right?" I asked him. He nodded.

As we were playing I was thinking what does it feel to have a bestfriend. Everyone in school hasone except for me. Since Luhan is my only friend it wouldn't hurt to ask him right?

"Luhan do you have a bestfriend?"

"I don't have one"

"Would you like to be mine?"

"I would love to on one condition"

"What is it?" I asked

"Call me oppa" that was a word that I wasn't familiar saying.

"Oooopppaaaaa" I said slowly and quietly.

"You're officially my best friend" Luhan said happily.

"Oh wait I'll call you lulu. lulu oppa" i said

"Then I'll call you lili then" we both laughed

Luhan POV

Isn't this day being too good? My first friend at school was Dali, my next door neighbour is Dali and now I'm going to go to school with Dali.

It's all Dali. I dont know what I am feeling inside but it feels good.

Your POV

"LUHAN ITS TIME TO GO HOME!" I heard Mrs L- I mean auntie say from inside the house. I should really try and get used to saying auntie and uncle.

Luhan helped me pack up the game then we went inside. I bid Luhan goodbye as he got out the door. After that i went to my room and changed to my pajamas and started to sleep

Next Day

Your POV

I woke up feeling freshed and headed straight for the bathroom but I went to get the timer first. I decided to bring the timer in the bathroom now so I wouldn't take long to get ready. After I have finished getting ready I would pack my bag and go downstairs for breakfast. I SMELL PANCAKES. As i got to the table the breakfast was really pancakes. I have just discovered that I have a dog nose.

"Thanks for the pancakes umma"

"No problem"

"Is Luhan coming with us today?" i asked umma

"I spoke with his mother and she said she would take *DING DONG* him here. Keep eating I will go get the door" I continued eating while looking at the door seeing if it was Luhan and it was. Luhan came in and I told him to sit next to me while our mums talk for a little while.

"Did you eat yet Luhan?"

"I have eaten and didn't i tell you to call me oppa?"

"Oh yea. I forgot."

"Dali-ah finish up and brush your teeth so i can take you two to school" I realized umma finished talking to auntie.

"Neh umma" I took one last big bite and went to brush my teeth. It took me 2 minutes to brush my teeth.

"I'm ready umma" I shouted 

"Take Luhan with you to the car I'll just get my keys" she said to me. Umma took us to school and bid us goodbye. Me and Luhan walked to class.

Skip to after school. (A/N We all know what happens in school right?)

Your POV

After school Luhan stays at my place for a while so what we do is do our homework and after that I would teach him some korean. After that he would go home. This has been our daily routine. On weekends and holidays we would sometimes spend our time with each other. Before we knew it a year has passed by.


1 Year Later. (A/N too fast don't you think)

Luhan POV

Here I am laying down on the grass at the park with my bestfriend next to me. We are one year older now as one year has passed. Time goes pretty fast but I dont want it to go really fast because I want to spend more time with her. I think I have decided what the feeling I had from one year ago is, I think I like her no I think i love her but I should keep it to myself because i still dont what she feels. But there is another reason why I want time to go by slowly .. .


1 week ago

"Luhan deer dear we some sad news for you". My parents told me

"What is it?" Iasked

" In about 1 week we're going back to China" I stood frozen

" Why" 

"Your dad found business there and means that we have to move back to China" umma told me

*End Flasback*

The day that I'm leaving is tomorrow and I need to tell her before I leave. But I just don't know how to break it down for her. Okay, I'll tell her before I leave to go to the airport.

"what are you thinking about?" She asked me 

"Uh nothing just enjoying the wind" 

"Well its getting late we should head back home"

"Yeah we should" 

It was silent as we walked back. We were on her door step and i waited for her to go in before I walked off. I wonder how the day is going to be tomorrow.

The next day

Your POV

"Dali-ah wake up" I feel someone shaking me. I woke up

"Dali hurry and get dressed we're going to the Lu's"

"Wae umma?"

"Didn't you know? they're going back to China today and they're already outside to go to the airport"

"What?!?" I got out of bed and ran outside and there I saw Luhan standing outside his car looking at me.


"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?" I yelled with tears running down my face

"I didn't know how to tell you?" he said guilty

"Luhan come one its time to go" I cried even harder.

He took his bag and got something out of it. It was his rubix cube. He mixed it up then came and gave it to me.

"Take this and when you have completed it I will come back for you" He gave me a hug

"How would you know if I finished?"

"I don't know but I will come back for you okay, I promise"

"Okay Lulu oppa iloveyou" i said quickly. He laughed

"I love you too Lili"


"Yes and I have to go now. I'll see you . . . soon Lili"

"I'll see you soon too oppa" He gave my forehead a kiss then walked to his car.

I cried so hard that I was crying a river. Everything wouldn't be the same without him. School will be different I'll be alone again, my weekends and holidays will be different.

"We'll see each other soon oppa" I walked back to the house while hugging the rubix cube.


End of Chapter 2

Is it alright? I think its bad because I'm bad at writing stories.

Uggh I'm stressing because of school. I hate it except for break time :)

Anyways I hope you liked it and

heres your pic of the day

Cute luhan ^.^


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Chapter 6: The story is just so cute... Love it author nim
xSmilesForYou #2
Chapter 7: SEQUEL PLEASE!!!
Chapter 7: yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes :$
Chapter 5: so sweet :D
KpopLoverSelina #5
Chapter 6: I was trying to hold my laughter at Sehun's acting skills! This a cute little story that I really like so........ ..yeah......
Chapter 5: What a cute little story :D
Lol Sehun is such a terrible actor~