Story's guide...

My crazy, unpredictable life!


What if...

What if the guy you fell in love with, the first guy you fell in love with, loved you back as much as you loved him.

What if you two could never be separated, that no force in the world could come between the two of you.

What if a force like that actually did exist.

What if that force...

Was his parents.

Marriage. In the old days, it was arranged so the families could prosper. It didn't matter if you loved your partner or not! 

In these times, you marry for love. 

In stories, there are still arranged marriages, but the couple ends up falling in love. 

In this story, marriage was forced, let go, asked for, turned down, asked again, and finally said yes.
finally pushed that stupid rock down the hill! Let's hope it doesn't squish anybody along the way!
this is where everything changes!
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Chapter 33: You can change your name to my best friend then it'll sound like he likes you. ;D
daejaebiased #2
Chapter 31: nooooo your story is awesome! Dont take it delete it! :(
klienchoung #3
Chapter 31: If you really wanna
Chapter 31: You hate it? Well, It's your story so I don't mind
Chapter 30: I'd rather make it easier on you and suggest you kill hyorin or ilhoon. /derp smile, shrugs/ JUST KIDDING. o-o
Chapter 27: LOOOL. I love your style of writing and your A/Ns. They're hilarious. xD
klienchoung #7
Chapter 27: Lmfaoooooooooookooo
Chapter 24: omg! Ilhoonie......... i am speechless
Chapter 23: It's alright Author-nim. I need a life too. c;
Chapter 22: LOL. "how could you Ilhoon!! I trusted you!! All I asked for was for you to put the empty bottle in the recycling, and what do you do? You drop it in the trash.

Yeah, that's right! We're through!
