


A/N: Alright, this is another free write chapter since I'm out and about. And this is typed on my iPod lol
Jinki was pushed into his English class, Minho's hand still on the other's shoulders.
"Jinki! And our new student I'm guessing?" The teacher's eyebrows shot up as he eyed the pair of students.
Jinki immediately stood straight and bowed a full 90 degrees. "I'm sorry for being late Mr. Kim! It won't happen again."
Jinki got up from his bow and he pushed his glasses up the ridge of his nose. He felt an arm around his shoulders and he looked up to see a smiling Minho.
"Sorry about being late Mr. Kim, not a very good impression is it?" Minho chuckled as he smiled at the teacher.
Mr. Kim looked between the two students before he cracked a smile of his own. "It's fine, I'll let this one pass. Just take your seats.. Minho you can sit in the free seat next to Jinki towards the back."
The pair bowed at the same time before they shuffled awkwardly to their seats, the eyes of the students on them.
Looks of ridicule and anger at Jinki and looks of interest at Minho (mostly from the girls in the class). 
They made it to the pair of empty desks and Jinki sat in one and Minho copied the other male. Both  of the students had just put their bags on top of their desk, when the teacher called for one of them.
"Minho-ssi? Could you please come to the front?" Mr. Kim waved his hand signaling for Minho to move.
Minho got up from his desk and walked up to the front, all eyes on him while he stepped over backpacks and textbooks that lay on the floor.
As soon as he reached the front of the room, the teacher smiled at him. 
"Would you mind properly introducing yourself? Since I didn't get to really do that earlier." Mr. Kim gestured towards the students and Minho felt himself feel the coiling of nervousness in the pit of his stomach.
But nonetheless, Minho nodded his head and smiled in response to the teacher. The tall student walked a little so that he was closer to the students and farther from the the very front of the room.
Minho bowed at a 90 degree angle before grinning at the students.
"Hello class, my name is Choi Minho and I'm a senior. I just recently moved here during the spring break.. I know it's a bit late for someone to start going to a school.. but I hope I get to fit in and have at least one friend before we graduate." 
Minho's eyes met Jinki's as he said the last sentence. And Minho wasn't laughing at his joke but rather he laughed wholeheartedly at the sight of a flustered Jinki as his cheeks reddened and he ducked his head in an attempt to keep his blushing hidden.
The students clapped in response to Minho's introduction and Minho absent-mindedly bowed before smiling in the general direction of the students.
Minho then looked over at the teacher and Mr. Kim nodded while motioning for Minho to go back to his seat. 
The tall student then went back to his desk the same way he came to the front, his feet moving over the backpacks and textbooks that still lay in the aisle.
Minho got to his seat and his body met the chair with a 'plop' before he let out a deep breath. The owl-eyed student looked over at the other senior, and was pleasantly surprised to see that Jinki was already looking at him, the flush of his cheeks now reduced to a dusting of light pink.
Minho smiled despite himself and he smoothly 'dropped' his pencil towards Jinki. Naturally Jinki bent forward to pick up the pencil and Minho did the same, their hands 'accidentally' brushing as they reached for the pencil.
Jinki's fingers wrapped around the pencil and he sat back up in his chair before he stretched his arm towards Minho to give him his pencil back.
Minho turned his head and opened his hand so that his palm faced upwards. Jinki gently placed the pencil in the center of the other's hand before his hand recoiled and Jinki began to lean back into his chair.
Jinki felt the same heat in his cheeks from before when he looked over at Minho again.
He had winked at him.. Winked. At. Him.
Minho's grin widened at Jinki's reaction and the taller student also leaned back into his chair. Jinki continued to stare at Minho's face,  still in shock of the fact that 'what the flying he just winked at me'. 
The class passed in a blur and Jinki didn't remember any of it (except for Minho's intro to the class and the 'pencil incident'). And Jinki was glad that he was accustomed to being a student because he had a page-full of notes atop his desk that he apparently wrote while half of his brain listened to the teacher.
Jinki was packing up his things as the bell rang before he felt a shove on the side if his body.
"Move it fatass, you're blocking the entire aisle." A skinny girl sneered at Jinki, the features of her face too sharp to be considered very pretty.
Jinki's eyes widened and he pushed his larger body against his desk to let the girl, and a few students behind her, pass by. 
Jinki felt his glasses get pushed askew from the weight of the other students' bodies shoving into him as they passed, the frames falling to his desk when the last person passed him. 
The senior felt the familiar sting of unshed tears in his eyes, but before he could try to rub at his eyes to hide them, a large hand was already doing so.
Jinki's eyebrows furrowed in confusion and he looked up to see the same concerned face on the other senior from the incident with the group of bullies before school started.
"Are you alright? Why didn't you say anything? They shouldn't be shoving people around like that." Minho's thumb brushed along Jinki's cheek bone as he caught a stray tear.
'Because I'm not a person to them.'
"Oh it's no big deal, it happens all the time." Jinki tried to smile and shrug off the natural occurrence, but his smile faltered and the senior ducked his head to avoid looking Minho in the eyes.
Jinki picked up his glasses and he placed back on his face before he looked up again. Minho's eyes were still looking at the other senior.
"Where's your other class, I'll walk you." The words met Jinki's ears- and this time, Jinki looked up at the other in confusion.
"You might be late to class Minho-ssi.. it's fine just go to your class." The shorter senior began moving to leave the class and Jinki felt an arm wrap around his shoulder.
"I'll be fine, I'm more worried about you. My next class is calculus with Ms. Lim, what about you?" Minho started walking, making Jinki move forward as well.
"AP Calculus with Mrs. Jang.. oh wait, our classes are right next to each other." Jinki laughed at the coincidence, and he missed the smile that Minho shot in his direction, the taller students' arm tightening around the other's shoulder.
Jinki ended up leading the way since, after all, Minho was a new student. The pair turned a few corners, and Minho noticed the glares that Jinki received and how other students (probably seniors) would just look at the taller student in confusion. Minho made a mental note to ask the other senior exactly what was up with the people in this school.
They made it to the area of the school where the math classes were located and Jinki moved Minho's arm off of his shoulder.
"Your class in right here, 402. I'm 403." Jinki pointed towards the doors next to each other, gesturing towards the little plastic plates that read '402' and '403', before he smiled up at Minho.
Before Jinki knew what was happening, he felt Minho's arms move around him and they squeezed the shorter senior around his waist. Jinki felt himself stop breathing when Minho turned his head so that his cheek rested on the other's shoulder.
"Tell me if there are any bullies here too... I'll see you after class during our break." Minho tightened his hold on Jinki before he reluctantly released it.
As Minho let go, Jinki wrapped his arms around Minho's waist before he smiled against the taller student's shoulder.
"Thank you Minho-ssi-"
"Just Minho,' the shorter student looked at the other in confusion, 'just call me Minho and I'll just call you Jinki, deal?"
Minho raised his hand in a pinky swear and Jinki smiled as he copied the action, the press of their thumbs together making then both grin.
The two students parted and Jinki went to class, taking his assigned seat in the front. Jinki felt a tap on his shoulder and he internally sighed, already knowing what was to be said since there was a good 6 minutes until the bell rang.
"Hey Jinki can I borrow your homework?" The same senior as usual smiled a bit, the smile pulling at Donghae's lips. 
Jinki nodded, as usual, and he pulled out the worksheet before handing it to the other student. 
Ms. Jang, the AP Calculus teacher, was one of those teachers that didn't care how you did your homework- as long as you did your homework. There was an incident where a student literally copied down homework in front of her, and she completely ignored it. 
Jinki just assumed that she was one of those teachers that had the motto 'as long as you understand' and all that righteous bull crap.
The class passed by slowly, but Jinki didn't mind, he had already studied this chapter over the weekend, since he didn't have much else to do. 
Since Jinki already knew everything that the teacher was spewing to them in a lecture, he let his mind wander, somehow getting to his and Minho's encounter before class began.
The senior absentmindedly smiled down at his desk as he automatically took notes of the teacher's words.
The class ended and Jinki wrote down the homework that was assigned to them on the bottom of his page of notes. 
Thankfully, at least in this class, Jinki didn't feel he was particularly hated (Jinki assumed it was because every student had asked to copy homework from him once, and they took a liking to him since he never said no).
The senior packed his backpack again and he waved towards his teacher in farewell before he went out the open classroom door.
Jinki felt a body collide with his, and the senior thought it was another one of the bullies that were sometimes there.
"Hey Jinki." The deep baritone met Jinki's ears and the latter smiled, it was just Minho.
"Hey Minho, how was class?" Jinki started to move towards the doors that led towards the courtyard where the students could rest for their 20 minute nutrition break.
Minho followed behind the other senior and spoke loud enough just for Jinki to hear. "It was okay, I think I might be advanced for that class though.. I already learned the stuff that Ms. Lim was teaching." Minho sighed.
Jinki pushed open the door and he made his way to his usual bench underneath a large oak tree, the spot being usually empty since almost everyone stayed inside for the break.
"Well.. yeah, Ms. Lim is like that I guess. I knew what she was teaching when I had her in first semester too." Jinki sat on the stone bench and he patted the spot next to him, signaling for the taller student to sit down.
Minho did so and the pair pulled off their backpacks, letting them rest on the floor besides their feet. Jinki started to look over the small courtyard in the back of the school, the scenery being cut off by the same brick walls that lined the perimeter of the school.
"So....  would you mind if I asked you something?" Minho looked at the other expectantly.
Jinki tore his gaze from a small rabbit that was by the base of the oak tree besides them, before looking at Minho. "Mm no I don't mind, what is it?" 
"What's up with the other students in the school.. or at least the seniors? They look at you as if you were enemy number one." Minho tacked on the weak joke as an afterthought, trying to lighten the mood he had unwillingly set.
Jinki laughed despite himself. "Well, I guess I kind of am enemy number one in school.. in case you didn't notice, the majority of this school is either a) skinny and beautiful or b) fit and handsome. And as you can clearly see here,' Jinki motioned to his body and face, 'I am neither of those things. I guess that's why they hate me, well.. that or the fact that I'm the second place student in the entire school." 
Jinki sat back to lean against the stone bench, taking in deep breathes to alleviate his throat from the sudden rant. 
"But you're pretty handsome..." Minho mumbled under his breath, and the other senior's head turned to look at the taller student.
"Wait, what was that?" Jinki asked breathlessly, wanting to make sure that- yeah Minho didn't say that and Jinki might a hearing aid with his glasses because apparently, his senses were absolute .
Minho had an uncharacteristically shy smile and his face was slightly flushed when he looked at the other senior. 
"Er... I said that you were,' Minho covered the bottom half of his face with the back of a hand, 'pretty handsome." The last words came out a bit muffled, but that was enough for Jinki to hear.
The shorter student lurched forward and hugged Minho around his waist, his glasses pressing against his face as he pressed his cheek to the other's chest.
"Thank you Minho, it means a lot actually." Jinki grinned against the other's chest and he felt strong arms wrap around his shoulders.
"You're welcome Jinki. Just speaking my mind."
The pair spent the rest of the break looking over Minho's schedule, both of them in shock at the fact that they had almost the same classes, save for the art class that Jinki had being replaced by the photography class that Minho took (and the different math classes).
Despite that they had pretty much the same: English, history, and lunch periods.
(Jinki's eyes widened as he gazed over the schedule. "What, what is it?" Minho peered over the other's shoulder. "It's just.... we basically have almost all the same classes." Minho laughed at the coincidence- like Jinki had before with the case of their math classes. "Well then I guess we're permanent walking buddies then, huh?" Minho didn't miss the flush of the other's cheeks before Jinki covered his face.)
The bell rang and out of habit, Jinki said something along the lines of "see you later". Minho laughed again and the shorter student looked at him, confused.
"You mean 'see you right now' yeah? Permanent walking buddies, remember?" The taller student smiled at Jinki.
Jinki looked flustered for a bit, mumbles of "oh yeah" and "sorry I forgot" spilling from his lips. Minho placed a finger against the other's mouth, effectively silencing him.
"It's fine Jinki, no big deal." Jinki felt himself flush- for like, the tenth time that day- and he nodded his head in response before they made their way to the doors leading to the inside of the school.
Jinki felt as though his future was brightened from the chance encounter on the bus that morning, and now- his first friend (and protector- as Jinki wanted to put it) in the school.
And it was safe to say that Minho felt the same at the thought of already having a friend (and maybe something more) after he just moved there.
A/N: Wooo, longish chapter lol. I hope you guys liked it! 
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Chapter 5: loveeee thissss
update please!!!!!
keziayansen #2
Will wait :D
Fighting <3
(firephoenix you flawless)
Chapter 5: Minho can already see the future, they're going to be the cutest couple ever, I can tell! I'm anticipating the next chapter!
Chapter 5: I really love your story, well onho is my otp tho xD But very nice job until now~ Keep it up dear! :3
xoxogossipgoat #6
Chapter 5: omg i loved this! minho was so flkadjajhlfkdlfk;dfjdkfkasljdfsdajkfda bleehhhh so cute!
Chapter 5: haha, i actually laugh at the comment below.. it's cute.. n i just can't help to agree with it..
i love this full of fluffy story.. i just can't imagine how will jinki look if he really fat like in this story.. maybe he'll look cuter..
update soon ~
Chapter 4: YAAAAA!! MINHO!! youre sooo cute!!!~ I LOVE HOW YOU HAVE AN AMUSED GRIN! I cant wait to see how this turns out author!! :D ONHO!!! <3
*pulls guns out* DIE BULLIES!!