

A/N: Ok so this is being written at 11:24 pm on my iPod so sorry for any grammar/spelling errors~ and my iPod's safari would suddenly shut off so it might take longer for me to type if I have to start some parts over ㅠㅡㅠ


Jinki swung his bedroom door open, his slippered feet shuffling along the carpeted floor. 

"Jinki time for breakfast!" His mothers voice rang throught the house.

Jinki smiled at the thought of what his mother could have possibly cooked and how delicious it would be. 'Ill probably end up packing some for my lun-' His thoughts were cut off as his subconscious piped up.

Jinki internally groaned and his body slumped over his stairs.

'What do you think you're doing? "Packing some for lunch"? I thought yesterday you said that you would start dieting? Hmm? What happened to that? Tell you what. You're going to go down there and eat one serving of whatever mom made, alright? And that's it. You'll bring a sandwich and an apple for your lunch. And that's final.'

Jinki's body stayed slumped after his subconscious had given him a verbal beating- or rather, nonverbal? Since it was in his head...

Jinki willed his body to move down the stairs, even though every lift of his feet felt like he was moving lead blocks.

Jinki made it down the stairs and he trudged to the kitchen where his mom was bent over the stove. Jinki went to the sink just behind her and washed his hads, bringing her attention to her son.

"Jinki-ah! Good morning~" She smiled and went on her tiptoes to kiss the eighteen-year-old's cheek.

Jinki only smiled back in response before mumbling against her shoulder. 

"Morning mom." He moved his head so that he smiled against her hair before he moved away to sit at the kitchen island. Jinki pulled out a small stool and rested his arms against the top of the marble counter.

"Finished~" His mother spun around gracefully and Jinki momentarily thought that he was thankful that his mother didnt have two left feet like he did.

Jinki smiled at his mom as she turned away to wash her hands, before he looked down at his plate.

It was adorned with a scoop of fried rice; which had bits of carrots, celery, and sausage in it; along with a sausage and a sunny-side up egg, just how he liked it.

"Thank you, mom." Jinki thanked his mom with a grin accompanied with an adorable eye smile.

"No problem, hurry so you can ready for school!" She pecked his cheek again as she rushed to go upstairs and get ready for work.

"Alright have fun at work mom!" The eighteen-year-old called upstairs he knew she heard him when he heard a mumble of shouted words before he heard the water from the shower upstairs running.

Jinki ate his breakfast in silence, his hand holding up a pair of chopsticks and the other idely scratching his forearm. 

Jinki absent-mindedly scanned his arm and his eyes were met with the litter of horizontal stripes and scars over his forearm where it was exposed by his scrunched up sweatshirt.

Jinki's heart dropped as he hastily tugged the sleeve over his arm again.

No need to look at them, it'll only make you want to start that again.

Looking back at that dark time in his life, he realized that even if it wasn't the same as before, it was currently just as dark....


Woooo okay finally updated! Jinkis dark past and more about him will be revealed in the next chapter~ thank you for reading and look forward to more! c:

warning for the next chapter: dark themes- suicidal thoughts, sad themes 

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Chapter 5: loveeee thissss
update please!!!!!
keziayansen #2
Will wait :D
Fighting <3
(firephoenix you flawless)
Chapter 5: Minho can already see the future, they're going to be the cutest couple ever, I can tell! I'm anticipating the next chapter!
Chapter 5: I really love your story, well onho is my otp tho xD But very nice job until now~ Keep it up dear! :3
xoxogossipgoat #6
Chapter 5: omg i loved this! minho was so flkadjajhlfkdlfk;dfjdkfkasljdfsdajkfda bleehhhh so cute!
Chapter 5: haha, i actually laugh at the comment below.. it's cute.. n i just can't help to agree with it..
i love this full of fluffy story.. i just can't imagine how will jinki look if he really fat like in this story.. maybe he'll look cuter..
update soon ~
Chapter 4: YAAAAA!! MINHO!! youre sooo cute!!!~ I LOVE HOW YOU HAVE AN AMUSED GRIN! I cant wait to see how this turns out author!! :D ONHO!!! <3
*pulls guns out* DIE BULLIES!!