~Chapter 5~

Finding the Right One


~Chapter 5


~Kibum’s POV~

I rushed downstairs after I heard someone calling me. It’s too early, yet I have a visitor.

I saw Jonghyun sitting in the sofa.

“Jonghyun? What are you doing here this early?” I asked

“Nothing. I just wanted to visit you. Is there anything wrong about that?” he said

“No. Nothing. I’m not just not get used that someone’s visiting me this early.” I stated

“Then, get used to it. Probably, every day.” He said.

‘Aww.. how sweet’ I thought

“So what’s your intension here?” I asked curiously

“Ohh. I’m just going to invite you to a breakfast in the Pancake Restaurant near the park. I hope you didn’t have a breakfast yet.” He said

“Yes. I didn’t have a breakfast yet. Wait here. I’m going to change outfit first.” I said making him smile

(that cause me blush)

I wore pink wife beater and a colorful thick jacket, paired with black tights and pink converse. Yes, I love pink a lot.

Jonghyun drove me to a Pancake Restaurant. We’re still outside of the Restaurant but I can already smell the scent of a delicious pancake.

We entered the Restaurant and sat in a table for two beside the window.

“What flavor of pancake do you want?” he asked me.

“Oh, I want the vanilla flavor with strawberry compote and chocolate syrup toppings.” I replied then smiled

“Ok. Anything for my pretty friend.” He said and winked at me.

I blushed heavily but I’m trying to hide it from Jonghyun.

‘Jonghyun, why are you making me feel like this?’ I asked in my mind

Jonghyun ordered the same as mine.

We eat silently… You know, AWKWARD!

“So, what’s about the song you’re composing?” I asked to ease the awkwardness.

“uhmm, it’s fine.” He relied

“Oh. Can I hear it sometime?” I asked

“Yes. Tomorrow I’ll bring my guitar.” He stated

“Ahh, can you teach me how to play a guitar? Or any instrument? I feel bad when I saw someone playing instrument while me, I don’t know how.” I stated

“You don’t know how to play any instrument?” he said then laughed so hard

“What’s funny about that? Yah! Stop laughing!” I said

“Nothing. Hahaha! You don’t know how to play any instruments! Hahaha!” he continued

“Haha! So funny.” I said in a sarcastic tone then I rolled my eyes.

We continued eating after his laughter faded.

Minutes after, Jonghyun laughed again.

“Yah! What’s so funny?” I asked

“Nothing. You just got some chocolate syrup on your lip. Haha! Let me wipe it away for you.” He said

He leaned closer and touched my lip using his thumb. He wiped it away but all I can feel is his hand touching my cheeks and his hot breath. I can’t stop my feelings to rise. My heart skips a beat and wanted to jump out of my chest.

“Yah! Stop staring at me like that!” he said

“Ohh. Am I staring at you?” I asked. Oh my. I really don’t notice that I was staring at him.

“Yeah. You know, a lustful stare.” He said jokingly. “And you’re blushing huh!” he continued

‘Oh my! I’m blushing in front of him! And he noticed that’ I thought

“Finish your food so that you can drive me home now.” I commanded him

“Yes boss.” He said sarcastically

After we finished eating, he drove me home.

“Thanks for inviting me to a breakfast. I really appreciated that.” I said to him and giving him a hug

“uh—oh! You’re welcome.” He replied

“I’m going to visit you later. I’m just going to home now. See yah later Key!” he shouted then waved at me

“Bye.” I replied

As I entered the mansion, I saw my umma fighting with my personal maid.

“What’s happening here umma?” I asked

“This maid broke my most favorite vase. Do you know how much is this? This worth 5 Million Dollars. And it came from the beautiful City of Paris.” She said to me

“You! Get out of my sight! You’re fire!” my umma shouted to the maid

The maid was now crying. She walked towards her room and packed her things.

“Umma, what are we going to do now? I have no personal maid now, because you fired her.” I asked my umma

“Let’s get a new maid.” She replied

Then after that, my umma’s personal maid posted a poster outside our gate.
It says that “WANTED: YOUNG LADY for MAID”

Minutes after, a young lady entered the mansion, wanted to apply.

“What’s your name?” my umma asked

“My name is Shin Ha Hyo.” She replied

“Go, introduce yourself.” my umma commanded.

Then the girl introduced herself….

Minutes after I heard my umma said “You’re hired!”

“Thank you Ma’am. I’ll make sure that you’re going to trust me.” She said

“Prove it.” My umma replied then they shook hands.

“Good luck Ha Hyo.” I said to the new maid then smiled


Hours passed. I’m here in my room. Bored.

Then suddenly, Ha Hyo entered my room. “Master, you have a visitor.” She said

I hurriedly went downstairs and for a surprise, I saw Taemin together with Jonghyun.


“Yah! What are you doing here?” I asked

“I told you, I’ll come back. And I thought of bringing Taemin here so I grabbed him. Haha!” Jonghyun said

“Yes Key-hyung. He’s so nice to me.” Taemin stated

“So what are we going to do now?” I asked

“Let go shopping!” Taemin suggested

“Yeah! I love shopping!” I shouted

“Every time Taemin suggests, it’s always great.” Jonghyun said

“Let’s go!” I said excitedly.

We’re now here at the mall.

“Let’s get in there!” I said pointing to the dress shop.

As we enter, I saw a cute pink Polo paired with red tights.

“Wow! I want this!” I said pointing to it.

“Go, try to fit it in the fitting room Kibum-hyung!” Taemin  said

I went to the fitting room and tried to fit it. And it fit to me well.

“Key, get out of the fitting room. We want to see you wearing that outfit.” Jonghyun shouted

As I opened the door, the two of them jaw dropped.
“Wow hyung. It fits you well.” Taemin said

“Yah! You look stunning wearing that!” Jonghyun said

“I’m going to buy this” I said with a smile in my face

I placed the pink polo and red tights in the counter.

Then suddenly, a shock implanted my face.

“Oh my! I forgot my credit card!” I said

“Don’t worry. I’m going to buy anything you want.” Jonghyun stated

“No. No.” I said

“Yes. I’m going to buy all you wanted to buy. Because you’re my friend. And I saw your eyes glistening when you saw that outfit.” Jonghyun said

“Thank you Jjongie.” I said and hugged him.

“You’re lucky, you have a good boyfriend like him.” The counter lady said.

“Haha! He’s not my boyfriend.” I said

“Aww, sorry.” She said then smiled

(3 hours passed)

“We’re still here at the 4th shop. Oh my Kibum-hyung. I’m hungry.” Taemin protested.

“Wait for a minute Taeminnie. This is the last store then, we’ll go eat.” I said to him

“Ok.” He replied

(Minutes later)

“Dou you see where’s Taemin?” Jonghyun asked

“No. Wait. Is he lost?” I asked with a hint of worriedness in my face

“Maybe.” He replied.

“Oh my God!” I shouted. “where’s he?” I asked

“I don’t know.” He answered

“Let’s go find him.”

I’m so worried about Taemin. Where’d he go? We’re in the middle of finding Taemin when I felt my phone to vibrate.

*Buzz *Buzz

To: Kibum~

From: Taeminnie~

… hyung, sorry if I didn’t tell you. I’m now at the food store. I’m so hungry. I know I worried you so much. Sorry. Have a nice time with Jonghyun-hyung.

“Jonghyun,! Taemin texted me that he’s in the Food Store.” I shouted to Jonghyun

“Ok.” Jonghyun replied

(5 hours passed)

We are done shopping. Me and Jonghyun are now here at his car. As he started to drive, I asked him…

“Jonghyun, are you tired of shopping with me?”

“No. I have so much fun.” He replied

Then Silence came between the both of us.

… I didn’t realize that we’re now here in the mansion…

I opened the gate and let Jonghyun to enter. We both sat in the bench…

“Thank you Kibum.” I heard him

“For what? I’m the one who should thank you for treating me all of this stuffs.” I replied

“Thank you for being my friend. Thank you for the joy. Thank you for everything.” He said

Then suddenly, he leans closer to me. And closer, and closer until our faces are only millimeters away from each other. I can feel his hot breath.  Then all I can remember is my eyes close and I feel his soft lips in mine.


~~ I can’t help but put my arms around his neck…

Our lips fit together… we moved in sync motion…

Then, he bit my lower lip wanting to enter my mouth. So I opened it and let his tongue explore my mouth…

… We stopped for air …

“I love you Kibum.” He said to me

“I love you too Jonghyun.” I replied

I’m now the happiest man in the world! I hope he’s the One.

Then all of a sudden, we heard a bush moved from behind.

“Who’s there??” Jonghyun shouted. No one replied.

We walked to the bush but we saw nthing.

“Maybe just a rabbit.” Jonghyun said to ease our worriedness.

Then he kissed me again but this time, only a peck…

“I’m going to go now Key.” He said

“Ok. Goodbye. I love you!” I said

“Goodbye… I love you too.” Then he waved a goodbye to me…

I ran to my room giggling… I hope He’s Really the One…

~End of Chapter 5~



Yeah! Finally updated… Subscribe and comment please!!! Love yah!



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Violetta1313 #1
Chapter 15: Gahhhh!!!.... So curious ... .-.
Chapter 11: Uwaaa ~ Onew just appears out of nowhere ! haha !
I can't even guess that he's that freaking rich ! KFC and an airline company ?!

JongKey is backkkk ~ ♥
Tae_25 #3
Chapter 10: WAIT!! NO NO Jonghyun can't leave
please please please~ dont make him leave!!!!
when i read the last chapter yesterday i want to scream >< i don't want him to go but i can't comment because i'm in my uncle's wedding </3 BUT NO NO NO
PLEASE DON'T GO JONGHYUN ! you hurt him by not tell him all this ! you saw sekyung in his house you have to tell him ! but you're so stupid ! of course he'll believe her after saw all the pic >< and knew that you lied !
DON'T GO !! you heard him he was crying !! you have to go to him ! you have to fight for him if you love him ! not go away like that ! stupid stupid stupid ! not for 2 years that's so wrong !
author-nim if you make him go and leave kibum like this ! then i don't want that stupid jonghyun to be with him !!!!!
he didn't worth kibum ! PLEASE PLEASE don't make them be apart !! not for 2 years ! AND JUST FOR THIS STUPID REASON !

update soon ! BUT please please don't make them be apart for 2 years ! even 1 years ! because this is stupid reason ! please make minho & taemin help them ! make jonghyun yell at the sl*ut sekyung ! AND SLAP HER in front of kibum please >< i really hate her so much !
Chapter 9: Wow!! Another cute update!!!! By the way I REALLY REALLY hate that Stup*id Fu*cking Bi*cth!!! ^0^ Please update soon!! ^-^ *-*
Chapter 8: awwwwwwwww fu*CK you maid >< !!
i hate her >< stupid girl !
update soon
Chapter 8: haha.. Forever always blush :p
Chapter 8: Whoo Hoo!! *singing SNSD's 'All My Love Is For You'* Mr. Frog Prince!!! Please update more!!
exoticelf22 #9
Chapter 1: how i wished i was the maid..
Chapter 7: Jongkeeeeeeeeeeeeey sooo cute <3 i lovvvve them so much !!
Bur this maid make me feel angry >< i know she's jongie's ex !!
Jonghyun very cute & soo in love kekekeke
Ummm how about you make jjongie feel jealous !
Bc jjongie very jealous dinasour kekekeke
I really love ur story !
Update soon ~~~