
I don't want to be an idol

19 March, 2013


It was 2.45 and Heeyoon was already sitting in starbucks, waiting for Sungyeol. She was the type of person who'd rather wait than make people wait for her. She sighed, as she looked out of the window. It was a rainy day, with raindrops going splitter splatter, she tapped her finger in unison with the tempo of it. She laughed at her habit, and stop tapping as she saw a tall figure walking through the front door. He was wearing a black pullover, hair styled up in a perfectly neat manner and he wore geek spectacles. She was "starstrucked". Well, not really as the guy walking towards her was her bestfriend, but having not seen each other for years, Heeyoon was surprise at how much he'd actually changed. Sungyeol half walked and half ran to Heeyoon as he was afraid of being noticed by the people sitting in the cafe. Thank god Heeyoon was smart enough to pick a corner seat the far end of the cafe, that way he didn't have to worry so much about being noticed.


"Hey, you're here"

Heeyoon plastered a great smile on her face and gleefully exclaimed.


Sungyeol said in a "oh-so-formally" tone

"I'm really glad you made it, thanks alot. It really means alot to me"

"Anything for you dear" 

Heeyoon blushed slighty at what Sungyeol just called her but thank god the cafe was pretty dark so it hid it. 

Slience immediately took over and both of them were having a staring competition, probably the person who blinks first has to speak.

To be very honest, Heeyoon was disappointed. She didn't know why...10 years of friendship turned out to be so.....awkward, as of now. Yes, so what if they haven't seen each other for many many years, true friends aren't meant to be drifted apart, right?


"So, how's your career going?" Heeyoon managed smile as she said, although it is hard

"Well, things are going not too bad. We just cameback with our new song a few weeks ago and it has been topping the charts ever since"

Heeyoon almost wanted to pinch his cheeks because he had no idea how cutely proud he looked as he said that.

"How about you dear, things going well in your family?" 

Heeyoon pressed her lips into a thin line, then she remembered, that Sungyeol doesn't know the news of her dad's death.

"Actually...appa died, 2 years ago. I'm sorry, I've been wanting to tell you but I didn't have a chance to..."

Sungyeol's eyes widen in shock as he heard the news.

"I'm so sorry Heeyoon. I can't believe that I wasn't there for you..for your father..even though he took care of me so well since we became friends...hey, can you bring me to his grave someday? It's only normal that I pay my respects to him.."

Trying her best to not cry, Heeyoon nodded, "definitely, and I'm okay, really!! I kinda got over it so I guess its okay to me already..."

Sungyeol wanted to hug her right at the instant, but his pride held him back, he was afraid of being seen by others, and the he didn't want that.

Trying to change the topic, Heeyoon said "Hey, I'm going to get coffee. Americano for you? I suppose."


'She actually remembers...' Sungyeol thought to himself as he nodded to Heeyoon with a smile.





Sorry for not updating for days omg really sorry T-T

Infinite's comeback teasers...oh god they're driving me crazy. YEOL AND HOYA my ot2!!! 

GOD DAMMIT they're such hotties I think I'm gonna die soon <3



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Chapter 7: Whoaaaaaaaah, I hope they will get along again~
I really enjoyed those updated chapters, so pleaseee update soon again :D
HangmannJR16 #2
Chapter 7: OMG!!!!!!! PLZ UPDATE SOON!!!!
amanda_low98 #3
Chapter 7: Love where this story is going! Keep it up, alright? :)
Chapter 7: Omo ! I saw it too yeol is hawt!
Chapter 7: omg yes, i saw the teaser photos too. and woohyun's! /dies/
someone recommend me to read this. so, i started reading it minutes ago. ghee.
anyway, nice story you got here! lol, hongbin is my bias from vixx. well, yeol... idk who's my ultimate bias from infinite bcs all of them are just... lovely & talented. D: oh oh, back to the story. god lee sungyeol, if i can, i want to strangle you to death for not knowing about heeyon's father's death. k jokes. ofcourse she remembered! unlike you. o n o italktomyself, orz. update soon & i hope you get more readers and subscribers because this story deserves them! goodluck! XD
Chapter 7: I like it:) cute!!!