
Locked up

we sat there for a while not really don't much, I learnt alot about key... He was one of those guys that you can have fun with, he has a diverish attitude and, has a really soft heart, he also suffers from depression but I gess I would to of my mother dried and my father beat me up as soon as I took a step I front of him, I also learnt how to hug crying people Whitch was WIERD because I don't do that stuff.... Right now I wa watching his   Soft pink lips move as he talked, I had a no idea what he was saying but his lips were really pretty 

" is there somthing on my face?" He asked curiously 

i looked up to his chocolate orbs 

"no why?" I asked 

" mabey becaus you won't stop staring at me" he said raising an eye brow 

" oh sorry" I said looking down 

what the hell jonghyun how long had I been staring at him... That's WIERD. 


" any way I have this friend Mir-" I cut him off 

" have you zinged yet?" I asked cutiously 

" zinged?" He asked confused 

" you know fallen in love" I exexplianed he went bright red.... And held his head in his hands

" I don't know" he lied, I could tell he was lying... I shrugged it off and looked at the clock 

" you better go to sleep" I said 

Key sighed and nooded 

" c-an you sleep with me?" He asked shyly 

my eyes widened 

" as in actually go to sleep not... That" he explained 

" unmmmmmmmmmmm... I gess " I shrugged my shoulders and went up to we're he had just laid down 

I got under the covers and he snuggled close to me, I could feel his hot breath on my chest 

" night jongie" he mumbled 

i put my arm around him 

" night key" I said 

-time skip-

i woke up to key sweating and thrashing around, he was screaming into my chest and cutting the circulation of in my Hand

i shook him 

" key!" I crooked 

"key wake up!" I shook him more 

he woke up and started crying, his breathing was out of whack and he was saying somthing but I couldn't hear it over his sobbing 

" shush, it okay I'm here" I said softly rubbing his back 

i placed my hand under his chin and brang his head up until I saw his red blotchy eyes meet mine 

" it's okay baby" my eyes widened at my word and I hoped he don't here it 

heyy guys sorry for not updating its supposed to be Maddie 2's job but she was to lazy so here is my short chappie please show some love and comment 

love Maddy 1

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Chapter 6: I'm sorry. I had a chapter but I kept forgetting. MIANHE!

--Maddie 2!
Chapter 5: OMGOODNESSS!!!!!!!!! PLZ UPDATE SOON I LOVE IT!!!!!! <3
Hagumi_Uchiha #3
Chapter 4: That seems interesting! Please update soon! ^^
Chapter 1: Is onew interested with keykeybum too?
Update soon!! :)