The zing

Locked up


Key pov: 
The thick white fog in front of me died down, and I was left, with a tall grey brick castle like building standing in front  of me, I walked to wards the big thick oak doors of the building, and softly nocked 3 times, before loud creaks were heard from the moving door, and I was faced with a gleaming  red eyed handsome human being. I felt  dizzy as they stared at me blankly, an the last think I knew, my head was hitting the cold stoned path way. 
Jonghyuns pov:
As I walked back through the thick forest with a deer safely placed in my shoulder, as my house came into view , I saw my "father" pick up a limp body, I smelt blood in the air, and gosh! It smelt delicious, I felt my fangs peek through my gums, but I decided to see if the body was dead before I feasted, I walked up the path and into the house, the smell was now as strong as ever, as I walked closer to the lounge room, it was light brightly with the fire glowing against the hard stone walls, two white couches facing the fire and long red drapes, dropping from the windows, the couches block my view of my "father" onew, and the gorgeously  smelling body, I walked closer to see the body shivering on the black carpet, a blanket thrown over him, and onew dabbing a warm cloth on his pale skin. 
" who is he?" I roughly questioned 
" I don't know but he is hurt" onew stated 
" And you WON'T eat him." Onew spoke strictly looking me in the eye. 
As he saw my fangs stick out. 
" what ever" I said lazily and I walked into the kitchen, and placed the blood dripping deer on the bench, I quickly skinned it and started to drink the red substance known as blood. Onew didn't let me have humans, so I was stuck on this stuff, a trail of the thick blood ran down my ice cold skin, I whipped it ways and chucked the deer out, and, walked my way back to the sweet smelling man. He was  asleep but crying, as tears rolled out if his feline eyes and onto his pink cheeks and onto the carpeted floor, it made my heart hurt, I saw onew gently pick him up and cradled him until his small whimpers stopped,I felt a little angry at my father figure,not Because he was helping a human but because, I wanted to be the one holding him, as I watched the humans whimpers turn into silence i questioned myself Why was I feeling this way to a human, I hated them, I despised if them... Yet I just want to make this one feel better, even though I did want to eat him I didn't want him to be hurt 
" Jonghyun. Go get the first aid kit" my fathers deep voice echoed to my ears. 
I walked to the green box , grabbed it and walked back, handing it over to onew, he slowly unlatched the clips and brought out some bandages , wrapping them neatly around  the sleeping beauty. I knelt down beside him, and helped keep the human still, his touch sent a shock through my body, kinda like a zing feeling. I smiled and continued to help onew treat the unknown human. 
- " you only zing once in your life!"
Hey guys it is Maddy! Sorry for the boring chappie:(, but I promise they will get better :) ... I do have another story so I will update them both on DIFFRENT days... But I don't know yet so please stick with me. XD I love you all 
- fighting! 
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Chapter 6: I'm sorry. I had a chapter but I kept forgetting. MIANHE!

--Maddie 2!
Chapter 5: OMGOODNESSS!!!!!!!!! PLZ UPDATE SOON I LOVE IT!!!!!! <3
Hagumi_Uchiha #3
Chapter 4: That seems interesting! Please update soon! ^^
Chapter 1: Is onew interested with keykeybum too?
Update soon!! :)