Locked up

Hello everyone! I am the Co Author of this Fic! I'm OnewSarangae. Call me Maddie 2! :) Hope you enjoy my chapters! 



Jonghyun POV 

"Jonghyun, You seem, Off task." Appa said with a slight hiss. "Ani Ani! No Appa! I just want to eat him. every ounce of blood from his body." I said and dragged my tounge along my fangs.  With every touch, sent a shiver down my spine. Appa cocked an eyebrow at me. "Jjong. Are you sure?" he dragged placing the bandage on. "Trust me." I said. "Here, I'll take him to the guest room." I said with a smirk. "Well take Flame with you." Appa said as the raven flew from the ceiling. I sighed and rolled my eyes. Why didn't he trust me?! I picked up the lifeless body. "Look at these bruises." I muttered eyeing every bruise with my red eyes. I my fangs again. I took the boy to the spare room. Lay him on the bed. His Auburn brown hair fell perfectly into place. I leaned towards his neck. "I DON'T THINK SO." Flame sqwarked. I huffed and turned. I swiftly moved towards the door and shut it. Leaving the boy alone. 


Key POV 

I woke up in a dark room. "Where the f-ck am I?!" I swore under my breath. "I should stop swearing." I growled. I looked up at the drab black veil over the double bed. This room was painfully black. "Where's the life?!" I nagged to myself. I swung my legs over the side of the bed. I groaned and rubbed my feline eyes. I stood up shakily. I looked down at my outfit. "Oh no!!!" My greenish coloured jacket was ruined. Dirty and torn.  My maroon shirt was muddy. My pink skinny jeans were blood stained. "What The -" "I see you're up." I turned to see a man with black hair and a pearly smile. He was fairly tall. "Annyeong. I am Onew. And you are?" "Kim Kibum. I'm Key." I said shakily at the man. He smiled brightly making the room seem brighter. "Come on. lets get you fixed up. JONGHYUN! Come and attend to Key. Get him new clothes." Onew yelled down the halls. Soon a small bat flew ini the room. Then changed into Human. The boy had a blonde fringe and brown hair. His eyes gleamed of a deep red colour. "I'm Jonghyun." he smiled. 

My heart stopped. 

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Chapter 6: I'm sorry. I had a chapter but I kept forgetting. MIANHE!

--Maddie 2!
Chapter 5: OMGOODNESSS!!!!!!!!! PLZ UPDATE SOON I LOVE IT!!!!!! <3
Hagumi_Uchiha #3
Chapter 4: That seems interesting! Please update soon! ^^
Chapter 1: Is onew interested with keykeybum too?
Update soon!! :)