
Locked up


" um key I really shouldn't" I said About to turn around and leave 
" please jonghyun, I don't like being alone, this place is kinda creepy" he whined 
" argh! Fine" I said. 
I turned into a bat and flew over to his bed before turning vampire again, he looked at me amazed 
" what?" I asked a little confused on his look 
" HOW.THE. HECK. DO. YOU. DO. THAT?" He asked 
I simply shrugged my shoulders. To be honest I had no idea how I did the whole bat thing, I just do 
" dunno" I simply stated 
We sat there in silence for a while nothing really to talk about. 
" you do realise I could kill you, right?" I asked just in case he wasn't already aWARE  ( a/n: I purposely  made the ware Bigger because I have a crush in my English teacher mr Ware, he looks like Australian version of key) 
" yer I know" he shrugged. 
What the hell this guy must have game, if he can sit in front  of a man eating creature without a hassle 
Once again it was silent. I really started to get annoyed of sitting here
" so key?.. How did you get here? And why the hell were you in the forest you could have gotten hurt!?" I said frantically not noticing how worried I sounded 
I watch key  blush but then weakness and sadness flashed through his chocolate brown eyes that were normally filled with power And strength 
" I had to run aw-way" he stuttered nervously 
" why?" I tilted my head 
" my mu-m-m di-ed A-while a-ago and ev-ver sin-e then m-my f-father b-ea-" I saw a tear stream down his cheek. 
. Oh crap. 
" key stop crying, I CAN'T HANDLE CRYING PEOPLE!? What do I do, like do you normally cry because if you do I can't go near you. How do I make you stop!?!?" I panicked 
Key looked at me and all the sudden burst out laughing, 
"What?" I asked very confused on his sudden mood change  
" what do you mean you can't handle crying people?" He asked and continued to
" I don't know what to do, like.,, yer" I said drugging my shoulders
" okay jonghyun when some one is crying you hug them" he said in slow motion. 
" like this" he said 
He started to lean foreword , what the hell is he doing? 
Before I could react I felt a pair of warm skinny arms being rapped around my body. Before I could process that he was hugging me, he had key go and I felt empty again, like something was missing 
" that's how you do it jongie" 
" jongie?" I questioned at the new weird name he just called me 
" yer, sorry if you don't like it" he apologised 
" no it is okay" I said 
Jongie, I like it. 
Hey guys Maddy 1 here! Wow the awesome one!
Just thought I would update sory for the wait, I love you all please comment 
Maddy 1 :) 
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Chapter 6: I'm sorry. I had a chapter but I kept forgetting. MIANHE!

--Maddie 2!
Chapter 5: OMGOODNESSS!!!!!!!!! PLZ UPDATE SOON I LOVE IT!!!!!! <3
Hagumi_Uchiha #3
Chapter 4: That seems interesting! Please update soon! ^^
Chapter 1: Is onew interested with keykeybum too?
Update soon!! :)