this is for you =)

Wanna bet Sungmin?

“Yaaaaaa!!! Stop right there! Ya! Cacao, don’t run!!” I shouted at the top of my lungs as I run after my puppy dashing his way outside the house. And heard someone laughing, I glared like automatically when I saw who it was.


“Who said you could laugh at me?”


“Ooppss..” He said while zipping his mouth with his finger and acting cutely. “Sorry.. It’s just.. funny...”


“Yeah right.. So, what are you doing in front of my house?” I annoyingly asked.


“Oh, I came to see you!” He answered with a flashed smile. Gee! I swear that smile is very cute that it annoys me even more. That’s why I shooed him away.


“What?! Geez~ Go spend your day with family or love ones. I’m busy right now. Bye!” with that, his cute vanished and left without a word.

I, then, continued bathing my pet, cleaned my room and the whole house. Yeah, I’m in a mood for household chores.


Now I’m starting to prepare for dinner when the doorbell rang. ‘dingdong’


“Who is it?” I asked as I opened the front door. “Ah, It’s just you...“


“Hey! I’ts not just me. It’s Kyuhyunnie!!! Your Kyuhyunnie~~~” He brightly answered as if I didn’t kicked him out awhile ago.


“I already told you that you-“ He interrupted my nagging as he showed me a colourful box.


“I brought cake!”


“Oh..” I bit my lower lip and reasoned out “but bribing me won’t work.”


“Really?? How about this one?” He flashed him smile again while holding an ice cream. //‘Okay. That did it! I’m such a glutton for sweets! Ugh!’


“Ya! Come in. I’m cooking dinner”


“What are you cooking? “asked Kyuhyun when he followed me in the kitchen.


“Umm.. Just.. anything.. or something as long as I can make it edible..” I shyly answered.


“Whaaaat? Are you serious?” He asked again but now in a mocking tone then his voice softened when he saw me started sulking. “Want me to cook?” he offered and I, of course shamelessly nod. ‘Cause his cooking is just DAEBAK!


“What brought you here by the way?” I started a conversation.


“Nothing special. I’m just bored”


“Eh? Am I just someone to kill your boredom?”


“I don’t want to be alone. Atleast not today..” He answered in almost fading manner but still audible to understand.  He seemed sad, so I didn’t press on the topic anymore.


Minutes passed.. “Are you done cooking?”




“Okay, I’ll prepare the table then.” I set up two plates and utensils. I placed the cake in the center, then some side dishes around it. An emptied space beside the cake and another small space beside Kyuhyun’s plate.


“When you’re done, will you place it here, I already prepared a space for it.”


“Got it!” He replied.


Then I sneakily,silently and carefully  placed a small pot beside Kyu’s plate.

When he was done cooking, he placed our food on the allotted space and noticed the small pot.


“Oh.. What is this?” He asked and opened the pot at the same time. He froze for a second when he realized what it was.


“Have a seat Mr. Chef” I motioned on the chair beside him.


“H- How did?? F.. for.. real??”


It was so amusing to see him with a surprised and flustered expression.


“A certain eonni told me just today and it happened that I have the ingredients needed. Plus, the cake you brought matches today’s celebration don’t you think-”


He hugged me tightly as I was about to finish my sentence. So I just greeted him, “Happy Birthday Kyuhyun ahjussi”

His took for quite a minute that its beginning to get awkward. “Hey, I know you’re touched and thankful but.. how long do you intend to hug me?”


He chuckled as he released me. I was just really surprised. “Sorry”


“I guess It’s true..”




“That, ‘the way to a man’a heart is through his stomach’, that saying.”


“You are basically saying that you’re trying to make me fall for you? And that you see me as a man now?”


I think he jumbled my words or translated it rather. Hmm.. Realization struck me. I mean, Am I really? But.. ugh.. whatever.. I refused to think anymore. I simply answered. “Just think whatever you want”


“Sungmin, thank you for today and for the seaweed soup.” His voice was sweet.


I smiled and greeted him again, “Glad you liked it. Happy birthday!”


“You’re really prettier when you smile. Very nice. I love it!” I didn’t react. I don’t know how to react.


“Ahm.. Sungmin?”


I cannot even look at him straight in the eyes. Why say things like that suddenly. Damn you Kyuhyun. I fixed my eyes on my food. “Yes?”


“I can’t help to say this.. but..”


“But what?”


“I think.. you.. you are a kitchen’s enemy.”


“Huh? What do you mean??? You don’t have to push yourself on eating if you hate my soup. Might as well give it back or throw it!!” I was really irritated. Such a jerk. He really knows how to piss me off.


“Throw it? No. I will finish this till the last drop. You specially made this for me, right? I’m really happy!” He said while showing me a smirk that I almost glared.


“You glare a lot Sungminnie. If your glare could kill, I would’ve died gazillion years ago.”


“You’re exaggerating. If you’re done, go home.”




“What again?”


“Let’s date tomorrow after class. Yes?”


This guy really gives me a headache. He’s weird and just weird. “Can’t”


“But why???” He tried to act cutely..


“Not interested.”


“That’s weird. I have this feeling that you like me. Are you playing hard-to-get?” Those mischievous eyes are staring at me.


“Can I smack your head like, right now??”


“Haha! Just kidding.. Don’t get mad”


 /sigh/ “Just go. home. now.”


“How about the day after tomorrow? Will you be interested then?”


“Leave. While I’m still being nice since it’s your birthday.”


“Okay. Okay.. I get it!” He looks slightly disappointed.




“Bye Sungmin, see you tomorrow.” Then he sweetly whispered, ‘I will miss you!’


Then at last he left. Good thing he left already before he catches me smiling. I don’t know but.. I like it.. That he’ll miss me..



Hey there! It took me sooo long to update.. 
Hope you will still read my story..
and a Happy Happy Birthday to our dear evil maknae! ^_^
Kindly leave comments too, i'll be glad to hear from you readers.. Thanks!


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Chapter 5: Anyeong haseyo yukime_minnie i was touch in the 4th chapter of this story when you say hi to me kamsahamnida *smile cutely* i like this story of your's so i hope you update this story soon and don't stress yourself and write wonderful chapters that will captivate others attention :)
ichathoriqlover #2
Chapter 5: Oh my i just re-read the whole chapters and falling more and more in love with kyumib, happy birthday handsome kyu :)
Chapter 4: I don't think this is long, I like this story!!! Please update soon ^^
Chapter 4: Smug kyuhyun shows his sweet side as well now...and minnie is melting!!!!!
Story is lovely~~
Chapter 4: JAKJGDSAJHFGS so chul is kyu's sister huh ? kkkkk XD
ichathoriqlover #6
Chapter 4: I love it...what a sweet moment of kyumin, I could never imagine if almighty heenim will be engaged to evil!kyu kekeke but the way kyu shows his affection to minnie is soooo sweeet and I like it a lot...more please?
Chapter 4: hehehehe annyeong Author-nim ^^! LOL i don't think that this chapter is long actually if you ask me I still need more XD (but I don't want to burden you on thinking to make a chapter more longer)

I really had fun reading! For a second there I thought what Heechul said was true (fiance subject) Woah you really got me there >.<. Well at least it was a relief that Heechul cleared up the mess sooner before it got out of hand.

hehehe imagining Kyuhyun with a dumbstruck face is just *SQUEAL* >.<
XD the bunny got the fox off-guard there for a moment.

You don't know how much I want to write out all of my comments on this chapter but I don't want to have a comment box that covers almost all of the comments XD. BUT I REALLY HAD FUN READING THIS!!!!!
ybunnyMin #8
Chapter 3: awwwwwwwwwwwww,, , It was cute!!
not until heechul came