Love and Teasing

Patterned Souls

AN: Hi guys ^^ Eh, I have a question for you. Does anyone want to beta this story for me? Pwease? *puppy eyes* I really don't have the time to edit everything and well..yeah xD Though I do know that almost everyone else is busy too xD

Minutes later, Kibum was walking home slowly, a gentle smile playing on his lips. Jonghyun was walking right next to him, his muscled arm around the younger's shoulder as he kept him close, knowing that the blonde was still very cold, even with his thick jacket. 

Soon, they reached the younger's house which caused both of them to frown. "Well, here's my house."The blonde said as he pointed at the huge, mansion-like house with plenty of flowers sitting in its windows. It seemed like an ideal house, yet Kibum knew all too well that it wasn't.

"It's still raining, won't you invite me in?"Jonghyun asked, his voice light and teasing as he hugged the younger again, kissing forehead swiftly. 

"Why would I?"Kibum joked back, a soft, whole-hearted giggle escaping his lips as he wrapped his thin arms around his soul-mate's neck, snuggling as close to him as he could. A shiver ran down his spine as a drop of rain fell on his neck, sliding down to his chest that was covered by the already soaked jacket.

"Well maybe because you are worried that I will get cold?" The elder chuckled, rubbing the blonde's arms again, trying to warm him up. 

"Yeah right."The younger rolled his eyes as he slowly slipped out of the other's embrace and pulled him inside the estate, wincing when they were greeted by a couple of maids.

"Your parents are in their room, Kibum-sshi."One of them said as she smiled at them kindly, eyeing Jonghyun for a bit longer than she should have, which made the boy a little uncomfortable. 

"I see."The blonde mumbled, biting into his lower lip as he lead the other boy into his house, scared that he wouldn't like it. Maybe it was pretty and grand, and of course, everything was expensive, even the food that the maid's pets - a small cat, a puppy and a parrot, though no one really saw any of them - ate cost more than for example one of those not so expensive outfits some students at Kibum's school wore, but it didn't mean that Jonghyun had to like it. And the blonde was extremely scared that the one that was meant for him didn't like his home, even if he himself wasn't too fond of it because of his parents behavior.

"Wow,"Jonghyun muttered as he looked around the hall, realizing that what should have been a small place was almost twice as big as his room, and he and his family weren't poor either. His family just wasn't fond of spending too much on their house when it was already modern enough for them. "it's pretty cool."

The younger let out a sigh of relief as he took off his shoes and walked to the living room, looking back to see if Jonghyun was following him. Though he was a bit calmer now, his heart was still pounding loudly in his chest. He was simply terrified that something, anything in him would somehow make Jonghyun leave him for good. 

He had never felt like this before, and he hated himself for allowing emotions like this to take over him when he was supposed to be a bad boy, a rebel. Yet right now, he felt like he was a small animal that was waiting for its owner's praise. "I'm ing pathetic."He cursed as he reached for his pack of cigarettes that was in his bag. 

The elder frowned when he noticed what the younger had taken out, snatching it away from him quickly.

"Hey!"Kibum snapped, glaring at Jonghyun who took his time to snap all of the cigarettes in half, rolling his eyes as the younger tried to take them back from him. "Do you even know how ing expensive these were?"

"No, I don't know, love but that doesn't mean that I am going to let you poison yourself with this ."The dark-haired boy growled, his eyes suddenly dark and quite sinister.

Kibum didn't care though, just glared at his soul-mate who seemed to have fun breaking all of the little sticks as sometimes, his eyes held a sadistic glint in them. It was actually pretty amusing from Kibum's point of view, because the menacing look in his eyes had disappeared after a few moments, making him look like one of those small puppies that bark a lot and attack everything that gets close to their owner. 

The blonde couldn't help but giggle softly, though he was still a little mad at the other boy.

"What?"Jonghyun asked when he had finished all of the sticks that had been in the pack with a victorious grin. 

"You're crazy."The younger muttered as he looked at the mess the other had made since he managed to scatter all of the broken cigarettes on the floor instead of placing them in one place.

"But you already love me,"The dark-haired male said as he slowly leant closer his soul-mate, his lips barely grazing the younger's"don't you, Kibum-ah?"

"Jerk."Kibum mumbled as his eyes fluttered close, pressing his lips to the elders. Instinctively, he wrapped his arms around Jonghyun's neck, trying to pull him even closer as he felt the other's tongue dart art to his lower lip, asking for entrance.

An all-too-familiar, piercing sound echoed in the room, making both teens pull away, Kibum always falling off the couch as he had practically been sitting on the elder's lap, though even he couldn't remember how he got there. 

"."The blonde muttered, running a hand through his already messy hair as he took out his phone from his pocket, wincing when its sound only got louder as time passed."What?"He snarled, making Jonghyun laugh a little. His Kibum was like a cat. Both his looks and his personality resembled one, which only made him more adorable, even when he tried to act tough.

"Tae? Yeah, I'm home. "Kibum muttered as he slowly started picking up the forgotten, broken cigarettes, wincing when he heard loud, almost screeching-like rant from the other side of the line. "No, I didn't get in trouble. And I'm still older than you, so you shouldn't be worried."He added.

Jonghyun chuckled a little as he helped his soul-mate who was listening to the rambling of his friend. Their hands touched and Kibum giggled a little, scooting closer to the elder.

"Cute."Jonghyun mouthed, causing the rebel to blush deeply as he finally hang up, rolling his eyes a little at Taemin's little rant about why he should have gone back to him. "Who was it? Secret boyfriend maybe?"The dark-haired boy questioned jokingly as they finally finished gathering the now useless sticks.

"Yeah, a boyfriend."Kibum giggled as he rolled his eyes, dropping the trash into the tiny bin that was in the living room. "Actually, it was my best friend. I walked him home after school and he was mad that I didn't go back when it started raining. That kid can be quite annoying, to be honest."

"I've already guessed that, but he seems sweet that he cares about you."The elder said he pecked the younger on the forehead. "But you know, you really should have changed when we got here."He mumbled when he realized that he had completely forgotten about what he wanted to do. 

Kibum just shrugged a little, smiling at his soul-mate. "Your jacket kept me warm, you know."He said softly, blushing when he realized what he had said.

"Still, you should have. I won't play nurse if you get sick."

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FreezingLove #1
Chapter 6: Soo sweet!! When will you update? Update soon,please!
please update this ~ <3
iluvbubbles_yay #3
Chapter 6: This is so so so wonderfully perfectly beautifully sweet!!!
But I hope you feel better and that your birthday wasn’t completely ruined by being ill…
Chapter 6: I just want a pic of that ending kiss and frame it up on my wall. That way when anyone try's to deny JonKey being the perfect couple I will shout at them to "STARE AT IT! STARE AT IT AND ALL ITS GLORY!!!!!!"
Chapter 6: Asdgflkwjbfoxbeonaockambeioaoqpethc this is perfectttt
shikihime_hunhan #6
Chapter 6: Omg awww it's so cute I'm going to dieeee please call the ambulance or me ;)
Chapter 6: Naaaaaw this is just too cute <3
Chapter 6: aww~ this is so cute even though I actually feel sry for kibum :(
I think he has quiet a deep past, or at least that is how it looks to me xD hahaha or I am just reading too much into it again xD