
Patterned Souls

AN: Hi guys xD You were surprised by how Key reacted, weren't you? xD Whatever, I hope you'll like this update. 

Running. The only thing the pale blonde could think of was that simple action, taking him further and further away from Jonghyun. He had to. He couldn't bear this - knowing that maybe, he did like the other already. Maybe his heart was pounding wildly in his chest, its rhythm uneven, and not only from the crazy, exhausting pace his feet were placed in front of the other. 

But he was scared. Oh, how strongly had fear enveloped him the moment Jonghyun touched him. This had happened so many times before... He knew that this boy wasn't different from the others.

They didn't belong together. He knew it. So many times had he felt like he had found the one, his true love, so many times did he have to suffer silently as the others looked at his mark than shook their heads, showing him their completely different patterns. He didn't want it to happen again, no. He was well off alone, anyway.

He heard a desperate voice begging him to stop, but it only made him run even faster, his small, skinny form sometimes wavering as he did. The rain that was pouring harder and harder didn't make it easier for him as his clothes were now soaked, sticking to his bare skin almost in an almost painfully tight way. Tears slowly trickled down his pale face as he ran, ran until he couldn't anymore. His legs seemed too weak to carry him further, he had to stop slowly, shaking a little as he leant ahead a bit. His lungs were burning, begging for some normal intake of air as only soft gasps were able to escape his dry lips. He was hot, yet cold at the same time, almost falling ahead completely as he tried to run again.

And then he heard it again, Jonghyun was practically screaming for him, his voice filled with anger and worry. His heart ached, a weird feeling tugging at his soul, wishing to take him to where the elder was. But he couldn't go. He didn't want to live through the pain anymore. 

Slowly, he started dragging his heavy feet in an unknown direction, hoping that the other wouldn't able to catch up with him, even after this little break. Yet at the same time, his soul was pleading for Jonghyun to reach him, to hold him, love him. 

Suddenly, he heard panting, shuffling of feet as thunder struck near them. Then,  he heard a call again, and the next moment, he was back in those tight arms that were already rubbing his bare arms, warming them up a little. "What on Earth do you think you were doing? If you don't want me, tell me, but don't run off in this weather."The brown-haired boy's voice was barely louder and less sinister than a mere growl, but his touches were sweet and gentle.

Kibum just shook his head and turned away, wanting to run again. But Jonghyun kept a tight grip on him, his anger rising. He had no idea why the blonde was acting so childishly. He just wanted him to stay there with him, was it that hard? 

Of course, it wasn't only anger that was bubbling up in his chest; worry was, too, seeing, feeling the small form tremble against his chest. 

"Leave me alone."Kibum breathed out, his lower lip trembling. "I don't want... no..."Incoherent sentences left his dry lips as he tried to get out of the iron grasp Jonghyun had on him. "Just..."

But the elder didn't budge, just held him tight, trying to warm his shivering body up. He knew that before anything, he had to get the younger to somewhere warm. He, who knew what the weather was going to be like, had taken his jacket with him, so he was fine... 

The idea flashed through his mind as he cursed himself for being stupid. His jacket was very warm, just what Kibum needed. Shrugging the it  his shoulder quickly, he laid it on the younger's skinny frame, glancing at his wrist he was trying to hide as he helped him into the jacket. He smiled before taking the small, frail hand of the blonde in his and planting a gentle kiss on the pattern that matched his completely.

Tears filled Kibum's eyes, but they were washed away by the rain, mixing with it until he couldn't tell what was really running down his face, was it the cold liquid that fell from the sky, or was it his own tear, a warm drop of sadness mixing with confusion caused by the gentle actions of the other.

"Let's get you home, okay?"Jonghyun asked quietly as the rain started to soak his long-sleeved shirt.

Kibum nodded numbly and started walking slowly, his legs suddenly feeling too weak to walk. They buckled under him and he would have crashed onto the cold, hard pavement if the elder hadn't caught him. 

"Are you okay?"He could hear worry in the other's voice, yet he had no idea why... They didn't fit, he knew it. Jonghyun was going to find someone else, the blonde could feel it in his aching heart.

"You don't have to..."He started, only to be suddenly slapped, though not with enough force to leave a mark.

"I still don't know your name, so I can't say it, but look."Jonghyun muttered, showing him his pattern that was glowing a little.

Kibum's eyes widened as he realized that it was the same as his. His heartbeat picked up as he finally put two and two together, a soft smile already tugging at the corners of his lips.

"Until this is the same as yours, I do have to."Jonghyun added smiling as he saw the adorable, confused yet happy look in the lean boy's beautiful brown orbs. 

"I..."Kibum started weakly, his voice shaking. "My name is Kibum."He added suddenly as he had no idea what to say. He couldn't believe that this was true. No, this couldn't be real. This was a mere dream... 

Or at least it felt like that to the boy who was a little shocked. A wave of happiness mixing with exhaustion washed over him as he suddenly snuggled close to Jonghyun, a relieved sigh escaping his parted lips as he realized that the warmth, the love... everything was real. 

AN: For some reason, I hated this chapter. It was hard to write and all xD But it might be cause I'm thinking about other things, so sorry if it was weird xD

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FreezingLove #1
Chapter 6: Soo sweet!! When will you update? Update soon,please!
please update this ~ <3
iluvbubbles_yay #3
Chapter 6: This is so so so wonderfully perfectly beautifully sweet!!!
But I hope you feel better and that your birthday wasn’t completely ruined by being ill…
Chapter 6: I just want a pic of that ending kiss and frame it up on my wall. That way when anyone try's to deny JonKey being the perfect couple I will shout at them to "STARE AT IT! STARE AT IT AND ALL ITS GLORY!!!!!!"
Chapter 6: Asdgflkwjbfoxbeonaockambeioaoqpethc this is perfectttt
shikihime_hunhan #6
Chapter 6: Omg awww it's so cute I'm going to dieeee please call the ambulance or me ;)
Chapter 6: Naaaaaw this is just too cute <3
Chapter 6: aww~ this is so cute even though I actually feel sry for kibum :(
I think he has quiet a deep past, or at least that is how it looks to me xD hahaha or I am just reading too much into it again xD