
Patterned Souls

AN: Actually, this chapter had been in my head for days xD And I hope you'll like it. And comment and sub and all the usual stuff that make authors happy xD

A dry sigh left Kibum's lips as he hugged Taemin goodbye. The younger lived around twenty to thirty minutes from him, depending on how quickly he walked,  which wasn't too pleasant, especially in this weather. The wind had picked up, blowing the blonde's bangs into his eyes annoyingly. It was getting a little cold as well, which wasn't too good considering that he was dressed quite lightly.

"Just fantastic."He muttered sarcastically as he watched the other boy enter his house. He could see him wave a little before turning away and slowly starting to walk home. 

The teen scoffed when a drop of water fell on his nose, followed by another and another as the distant sound of thunder echoed in the neighborhood. Kibum shivered as the cold liquid hit his bare arms. "Can this day get worse?"He asked himself, mentally cursing himself that he hadn't taken an umbrella with him- well of course he didn't as the forecast said that it was going to be sunny and hot that day - his voice dry and empty as he looked at his pattern. There was a weird, burning pain around the area where it was on his wrist, but it wasn't too bad, plus it was almost immediately soothed by the cool rain. It was actually nice how the water could put out the fire so quickly... "Like one can end their life..."The blonde chuckled at his own, weird thoughts as he walked slowly, glancing up at the dark, gloomy sky."Like I could do it..."he added silently, not sure if he was actually serious about that little sentence. Many times had he wondered if he could just disappear one day, erased from the world. Living without someone to love was useless and he knew it well.

Something was off. Now that the brightness of Taemin was gone, Kibum could feel that something just wasn't normal. The rain, the cold, the wind were common at this area, the slight scent of smoke as well because there were factories nearby, but there was something else in the air that made him shiver. 

Taemin had always been able to somewhat distract his friend as long as he didn't speak about finding his true love, of course. He just had this vibrant, innocent aura around him, something that just made everyone forget their sadness, if only for a little while. He was just... Taemin. 

Even if they fought often, Kibum cherished his best friend. The fact that their views on life were different was just a little thing, a meaningless detail... It was something unimportant. They had been friends since they'd been little, living very near to each other at that time. Of course now, even the bigger distance between their homes didn't matter as both of them were old enough to go out  alone, even if Taemin usually begged his friend to walk him home, a quite annoying habit of his. But no one could say no to Lee Taemin's puppy eyes. No one. 

The blonde was shaken out of his thoughts by the loud, terrifying sound of thunder, quite near to him. He tensed for a moment, taking a deep yet shaky breath. He wasn't too found of storms. Actually, he was sort of scared of them.

Taking hesitant, yet quicker steps Kibum slowly sped up until he was almost running, his heart pounding wildly against his chest. He just wanted to get home and lie down in his bed, curling up with his favorite stuffed toy, the one he'd gotten when he was really small.

"He'll be guarding you until your special person find you,"his mother said, a sweet smile playing on her thin lips,"so take care of him."

And Kibum did. Even after so many years, in which he'd been through so much and had lost his faith in ever finding his soul mate, slowly becoming bitter, he had cherished the toy more than anything...

He was running, panting a little. Only a few more turns were left and he was going to be home... 

Suddenly, a shooting pain in his wrist made him stop. Tears filled his dark, empty eyes as he winced, wishing the pain away. For a moment, nothing happened. And then someone had pulled him close, flush against their chest.

A weird feeling tugged at Kibum's heart as he relaxed in the person's arms. He had no idea what had happened as he was still dazed from the intense pain he was feeling. But slowly, the pain subsided and the snarky, bitter boy returned to his senses, prying those arms off his waist.

"What do you think you're doing?"He hissed, yet his voice wasn't as strong as he wanted it to be as he turned to look at the stranger that was smiling at him softly, a loving look in his eyes. Kibum gulped, the ache returning to his wrist for a few moments.

"Don't tell me that you can't feel it..."Was his answer as the stranger gently took his hand.

Of course Kibum could feel it! His heart was racing, his breaths coming in small gasps, hands shaking. His heart felt like it was broken into pieces only to be repaired slowly. He slowly placed a hand on his heart to calm it, a deep, content sigh escaping his lips when another hand was placed on it, igniting tiny flames in his own, reaching his pattern slowly. 

"Who are you?"The blonde asked breathlessly, staring into the dark, brown orbs that were boring into his. He wanted to run off, this was too... maybe too sudden, too quick, even he had no idea about what was going on, yet his soul wasn't letting him go. It was like he was trapped there, in the arms of the dark-haired, tan-skinned stranger.

"Jonghyun, for your service."The other joked a little, grabbing Kibum's other hand and bringing it his lips. 

But the next moment that hand was pulled away, only to slap him with force, shaking. Jonghyun looked up, his eyes widening a little as he stared at Kibum whose lower lip was shaking. What shocked him was the pure fury in the blonde's feline-shaped eyes.

"Bastard..."Kibum whispered, his voice dripping venom, piercing the other boy's heart again and again as the skinny boy repeated the word,"bastard!"

And then the blonde was running, his legs almost given out under him a few times. Still, he knew that he had to get away. He had to...

AN: Such a weird chapter o.o Umm, if someone didn't get how Key and Jong met (though it's kinda obvious), our dear Puppy followed Kibum until he mustered up the courage to talk to him - and was worried about him because of the storm xD So yeah xD

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FreezingLove #1
Chapter 6: Soo sweet!! When will you update? Update soon,please!
please update this ~ <3
iluvbubbles_yay #3
Chapter 6: This is so so so wonderfully perfectly beautifully sweet!!!
But I hope you feel better and that your birthday wasn’t completely ruined by being ill…
Chapter 6: I just want a pic of that ending kiss and frame it up on my wall. That way when anyone try's to deny JonKey being the perfect couple I will shout at them to "STARE AT IT! STARE AT IT AND ALL ITS GLORY!!!!!!"
Chapter 6: Asdgflkwjbfoxbeonaockambeioaoqpethc this is perfectttt
shikihime_hunhan #6
Chapter 6: Omg awww it's so cute I'm going to dieeee please call the ambulance or me ;)
Chapter 6: Naaaaaw this is just too cute <3
Chapter 6: aww~ this is so cute even though I actually feel sry for kibum :(
I think he has quiet a deep past, or at least that is how it looks to me xD hahaha or I am just reading too much into it again xD