
Patterned Souls

AN:Okkay, I actually wanted to wait with this story but I just...can't. Dunno why. I'm not in a good mood so the first chap might not be the fluffiest bunny with rainbows and whatever, but who knows xD I do hope you guys will comment. Aaand that some people will sub xD

School. For most people, it had always seemed like something incredibly boring, useless. A nuisance, nothing more. Especially when you could be out in the world, searching for your special someone. Kim Kibum was no exception. He detested said place with all his heart, soul and mind.

Yet he was a little different as he didn't want to go out and look for that person. He had already gotten tired of running around in damn circles.

A dry laugh left the pale, blonde-haired teenager's lips before he took a long drag from his cigarette, his face scrunching up a little in disgust. He was sitting on the roof where no teacher could catch him in the act, though it's not like they even cared. Kibum had always been rumored to be a spoilt, whiny child that had become a rebel. Of course, most of what had been said about him were just mere telltales, things that were far from what had actually happened. Still, it was true that he never really cared about what others said.

Another drag from the thin stick he was holding between his fingers, another sigh. It was just the usual day, just like the one before, and the one before that. And so on. Somehow, nothing seemed to happen to him lately.

He dropped the cigarette on the ground and stomped on it, some of the emotions he had previously felt subsiding. Honestly speaking, it wasn't even rage or fury, but something else. Maybe disappointment, and a little bit of fear.

Why, you might ask. Why would a rebel, like the blonde with pierced ears, dark, feline eyes and all-too-stylish clothes would be afraid of something.

It was easy, really. Actually, it was the reason for the boy acting like that: strong, tough, like nobody ever could hurt him. And it was the little, seemingly meaningless fact that he was terrified of being alone forever. No one seemed to realize that he was like that, that he just desperately yearned for someone to love him, hug him, cherish him. No one. 

Of course, he knew that one day he would find someone that he could admire, adore and all those fancy words they had to learn in classes, the ones he highly doubted he would ever use. But this person had to be very similar to him, because he or she had to be Kibum's soul-mate.

And here is where the thin, pale boy's story got complicated. Let's say that his soul, or rather the pattern on his soul was quite intricate. Even if it was quite small, seeming like a small dot on his wrist it was pretty complex, though beautiful.

The only tiny problem with it was that it was pretty hard to find someone that had even just a similar pattern to it. And even at the times when the boy found a person that's soul seemed to be like his, there was an other twist on their mark, or a plus spot or tiny flower, meaning that they didn't belong to Kibum. It was a maddening feeling, to live like that, knowing that even at the rare times he would find someone he could actually like, he couldn't, because apparently they weren't supposed to be together.

And after meeting so many people, it seemed like Kibum would never find them. He was still young, of course, yet sometimes he felt like there was no hope for him.

Then again, if his soul-mate ever found him, he was going to slap them for making him wait. He wasn't even going to care whether it was a girl or a boy. Oh no, he was already too angry for that.

The bell rang, snapping Kibum out of his thoughts. Rebel or not, he still went to all of his classes as he just didn't want to spend more time in this hell than he actually had to. He sighed as he reached the cold, gloomy English classroom. It was just too simple. But at least, this was the last hour he had to spend at the dull, dark building he loathed so much.

Dark wooden desks with small, uncomfortable chairs that were usually quite old, tattered, just like the school itself. The blackboard had that oh-so-usual, annoying green tint to it, scraped by the amount of chalk that had already ran across it, writing shorter, longer words, complex sentences and weird stuff that sometimes no one even understood. Or at least it seemed so to the students.

The windows were small and dusty, quite a dull sight. Even if the light shone into the usually lit room, it didn't seem to change anything. A couple of pictures hung on the wall, some of the black and white, while some colorful, or at least something like that as they had a grayish tint from age. The walls were no better, white with some dirty, darkish spots. So empty and ordinary. Like the people that hadn't met their lovers yet... like Kibum. A bitter smile played on his lips, and suddenly he felt the urge to smoke once again. It was so weird, so ironic. He hated the taste, the smell, yet he loved the rush of his nerves easing a little, his heart calming down just enough to make him enough to concentrate.

The blonde was greeted by a couple of people in the class and he nodded to them, a polite, forced smile forming on his lips. He walked to his seat, dark eyes looking at the small patterns, hearts, letters drawn onto it by ink that would never fade before sitting down.

The teacher arrived and started her lecture, dark eyes showing boredom as she talked on and on, her voice sounding irritating to Kibum. Sometimes he wanted her, and the other teacher just to disappear without their husband, wives and never come back again.

He sighed and glanced at the clock that showed how slowly the moments passed. Agonizingly, painfully. Kibum could find so many adjectives to express how the time went by... He hated it, sometimes so much that he could have screamed out in frustration. Yet the clock was ticking, ticking and soon, the bell rang again, signaling the end of the last class. For the first time that day, a relieved sigh left the pale blonde's lips as they curled up into a small, almost invisible smile since he was just too glad to finally go home.

Little did he know that something was going to change on the way to his home... And something would make his heart race for the first time.

AN: Okay, so this . And about the smoking-thing, I know that it's been done before, but I kind of had the urge to do the same (due to stress and things like that), so I wrote it out. And now I don't want to. Lol.

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FreezingLove #1
Chapter 6: Soo sweet!! When will you update? Update soon,please!
please update this ~ <3
iluvbubbles_yay #3
Chapter 6: This is so so so wonderfully perfectly beautifully sweet!!!
But I hope you feel better and that your birthday wasn’t completely ruined by being ill…
Chapter 6: I just want a pic of that ending kiss and frame it up on my wall. That way when anyone try's to deny JonKey being the perfect couple I will shout at them to "STARE AT IT! STARE AT IT AND ALL ITS GLORY!!!!!!"
Chapter 6: Asdgflkwjbfoxbeonaockambeioaoqpethc this is perfectttt
shikihime_hunhan #6
Chapter 6: Omg awww it's so cute I'm going to dieeee please call the ambulance or me ;)
Chapter 6: Naaaaaw this is just too cute <3
Chapter 6: aww~ this is so cute even though I actually feel sry for kibum :(
I think he has quiet a deep past, or at least that is how it looks to me xD hahaha or I am just reading too much into it again xD