Differences Between Friends

Patterned Souls

AN: Hi everyone, here is chap. two cause I felt like writing it :D 

"...and then they would kiss me and hold me or I would hold them and we would love each other for ever and ever and ever!" Taemin, Kibum's best friend rambled enthusiastically, his cheeks a light pink as they were sitting on the swings in the local playground. The blonde, as usual, was holding a cigarette between his thin fingers, sometimes taking deep drags from it as he pretended to pay attention to his friend's cheerful chatter. It was right after their last classes and they were spending some of their free time at their usual place. None of them really liked to go home early, because of very different things though. Kibum mainly because his parents were still somewhat in what seemed like their honeymoon-stage, cooing, giggling like teenagers. Like Taemin. 

The younger's reason was simple as well. He just didn't like the new house they were living in. He'd always loved the big, grey-blue one they had before, but sadly they had to sell it. This house was small, empty, dark and cold. Four things, four little reasons why Taemin hated to call it his home.

Kibum loved Taemin like a little brother, one he could pamper and spoil, but sometimes the lean, brown-haired boy's positive attitude in everything - especially in finding his mate - was just a bit too much for him. Of course, deep down he wished that he could think like the younger, like everything was just going to click and then everything in the world become pink, bright, happy but he just couldn't do it, not anymore. 

"Hyung, are you even listening?"Taemin, who had got off his swing by that time and was now standing in front of the older who was staring into space, eyes almost empty, asked voice a little hurt.

"No."Kibum stated dryly, taking another drag from his cigarette. "Sorry Tae, but whether you believe it or not, I just don't like listening to the same ing story every time. Yes, your other half will come for you, yes, you can already feel it, you are practically glowing and , I know."He added, scoffing a little when the younger's eyes saddened, tears already filling his eyes.

"But hyung, your soul-mate will come soon as well, you know it, don't you?"The brown-haired boy asked, his lower lip trembling. He hated seeing how Kibum was bitter like this as if there was no hope for him. Just a few years ago, Kibum had been so much happier, brighter. Now, even his eyes that used to glimmer with happiness seemed dull. 

"You're so naive, Tae."The elder said as he pushed the other back a bit, hopping off the swing he had been sitting on. He sighed and started walking away, knowing that the younger was going to follow him. 

"But,"Taemin started yet he didn't finish his sentence as he ran to catch up with the blonde. He truly believed that he was going to be happy, and it felt so weird to him that the elder wasn't like that too.

But Kibum was right in a sense. At fifteen, Taemin was still very young, and thus, quite naive. He had barely seen how their world truly worked.  The boy still hadn't experienced the heartbreak one felt every time they realized that the person they had their eyes on wasn't theirs, that they belonged to someone else, someone that was either with them, or out in the world, searching for them. He still hadn't seen the disappointment on other's faces when they realized that they just weren't the one for them. He still hadn't felt that distinct ache, not even in his heart but in his soul whenever he saw happy couples stroll around the town, sharing short, playful kisses. He still lived in the dream world his parents had created for him by telling him many, many fairytales. 

"But what, Taemin? I will find them, too? They will come for me as well? But when, huh? When? And where are they now?"The yell that left Kibum's dry lips was loud, yet broken as he shook his head. "I just can't bear waiting anymore... It hurts, Tae. You can't know how much it does, because you're still young. When I was your age, I was like that, too... But they are not here, are they? You know, I've given up long ago."Though he was frowning, his voice seemingly far from weak, the blonde's eyes were filled with sadness and frustration yet a tiny glint of hope still lingered in his gaze. But it was fading as the days passed and the younger knew it well. Now he blamed himself for once again rambling about such things. 

Still, deep down he felt a pang in his heart for how rude his best friends had snapped at him, how dark his eyes were. 

Small arms wrapped around the blonde's waist, trying to give him the comfort he desperately needed. "They are coming for you, hyung. Why don't you just trust me this once?" Taemin asked, rubbing the elder's back. He knew that what Kibum had said wasn't completely true though. He hadn't given up, not yet. He was just a little tired of running in circles  as he searched for love and now, even of waiting.

The young boy could understand it... Or at least he tried hard to pretend that he could. For some time, he'd been feeling like the other part of his soul was nearing him slowly. Well, he hoped so. Of course, he could never be completely sure. He could also feel that something amazing was going to happen, but not to him. It was in the air and he was sure that Kibum would have felt it too if he just opened his heart a little. It was so obvious. 

Of course, Taemin had tried to tell him many times, to reassure him that his special someone was coming but it seemed like he was talking to a wall. Or maybe a tree because it was alive, yet was never really paying attention or replying to the topic. To sum it up, whenever the brown-haired boy said something about such things, his friend ignored it with a straight face. 

They slowly started walking home again, Taemin a little slower as he took his time to admire the many spring flower, trees, birds, while Kibum's steps long and quick since he just wanted to get home as soon as possible.

And that's why the elder didn't, while the younger did notice someone following them slowly, a small smile lingering on their face as they looked at Kibum intently. 

The only thing the blonde did notice was the slight burning on his wrist, right where his pattern was. Yet he shrugged it off as he thought that he was merely hallucinating. 

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FreezingLove #1
Chapter 6: Soo sweet!! When will you update? Update soon,please!
please update this ~ <3
iluvbubbles_yay #3
Chapter 6: This is so so so wonderfully perfectly beautifully sweet!!!
But I hope you feel better and that your birthday wasn’t completely ruined by being ill…
Chapter 6: I just want a pic of that ending kiss and frame it up on my wall. That way when anyone try's to deny JonKey being the perfect couple I will shout at them to "STARE AT IT! STARE AT IT AND ALL ITS GLORY!!!!!!"
Chapter 6: Asdgflkwjbfoxbeonaockambeioaoqpethc this is perfectttt
shikihime_hunhan #6
Chapter 6: Omg awww it's so cute I'm going to dieeee please call the ambulance or me ;)
Chapter 6: Naaaaaw this is just too cute <3
Chapter 6: aww~ this is so cute even though I actually feel sry for kibum :(
I think he has quiet a deep past, or at least that is how it looks to me xD hahaha or I am just reading too much into it again xD