
We are Golden

She felt the tension. She felt the air of uncertainty. She felt like she was suffocating. Then she wondered why she felt like she was the only one. They are still in the kitchen, Changjo having gotten up and forcing Niel to fall. They were bickering in a playful manner and Chunji was laughing at them. Niel’s mother was making some soup and frying some eggs. If it wasn’t for her being so hyper aware to her surroundings, she would have thought that she was the only one who heard those whispered words.

She saw how Niel’s mother gripped the ladle. She saw how Changjo’s veins protruded from the tension. She saw how Chunji kept his grip on her. The only one that she couldn’t tell anything from was Niel. He was relaxed. He looked happy. He looked oblivious to the tension, and that scared her. How often has he had to fake his happiness? How often did he have to act as if nothing was wrong?

“Stop bickering and help me set the table.” Niel smiled and grabbed the table spread before going through another door.

“Can you three help him?” She looked over to her, caught off guard by her question. She didn’t have an opportunity to respond for she was given a large pile of utensils. Chunji was given cups and Changjo was given the plates. They nodded, and as the followed Niel out the door, Ricky couldn’t help but to feel the constant labor to breathe.

They went through the same door.

“Stay quiet and help me get this open.” Niel was on the ground, table its side, and he was trying to lift a floor board. When he saw Ricky, he motioned for Ricky to come.

“I can just tear it open,” whispered Changjo. Niel shook his head.

“I can too, but that will be too loud.” He took a knife from the pile that Ricky held and stuck it through the crevices, lifting it just enough for his fingers to grip. He seemed to struggle for a moment before Changjo went and helped him. “Once my mom comes in, we’ll jump in, I’ll lock it, and we run.”

“Son of a !” Everyone jumped at the sound of a loud voice followed by a loud crash. Niel ran out of the room, all hesitant on what to do.

“Go,” said Changjo. He stood and followed out to the door to fid Niel. Ricky and Chunji hesitated for a moment before following Changjo out as well. There were various men in the kitchen, one on the ground writhing in pain. The soup surrounded him.

Niel’s mother fended everyone else off with the cast iron skillet she had been using only moments earlier. Changjo and Niel stood ahead of her, keeping their eyes open and alert.

“I said go,” grunted Changjo. Ricky just stood. She wasn’t going to leave her friends. She wasn’t a coward. Chunji gripped her hand as he stood his ground as well. Changjo shook his head. He knew that they wouldn’t leave them, but he hoped that they would.

They were at a standoff. No one moved. No one looked away. They were all just standing, barely breathing.  Everyone watching each other’s every move.

“It doesn’t have to be hard,” said one of the men. No one responded. They just kept their eyes locked. “Just do as he wants.” He moved his hand down, as if reaching for something. They couldn’t take that risk.

“Move!” Niel had grabbed some of the dishes on the table and threw them. Changjo followed suit and threw the vase and the large pot of boiling water Niel’s mother had set out. The men had moved, trying to block the glass and water. They took the opportunity to run, Niel’s mother in front and Niel bringing up the rear with Changjo right beside him. They slammed the door of the dining room behind them.

“Jump in!” They followed orders and jumped in after Niel’s mom. Chunji first, followed by Ricky. Niel and Changjo both grabbed onto the edge of the opening and jumped in, pulling it closed with them. The door of the room was being beaten, but the men could not get into the dining room. Niel’s mother took the opportunity to lock the hatch closed. She grabbed a welding torch from the shadows along with an odd pair of dark glasses.

“Look away!” They did as they were told. All they heard was a faint sound of thumping and the sound of fire and air. They could smell the fire and feel the heat, but they weren’t sure if they were sweating because of that, or because of their situation. It was only as they waited that Ricky had realized that she still had the silverware in her hand. It was only then she realized that she was handed nothing but knives. She looked over, and Chunji still had the stack of cups. He saw her staring at the stack, so he tilted it to let her see.

There was ammunition in them. It wasn’t a stack of cups, but one giant faux cup. Chunji had seen them when he was handed it.

“Guess it pays off to be nosy,” he said. He was smiling, and at the moment, his smile was the most comforting thing she had seen in a very long time.

“Catch.” They looked away from each other at the sound of Niel’s voice. They caught what was thrown at them. Their eyes widened as they stared down at the cold handle of the guns given to them. “The ammo is all the same, so take some and carry it on you.” He peeled off his dress shirt, leaving him in only his black tank top. He loaded his gun and flipped a switch.  “Make sure the safety is off. I don’t want them to get you before they get you.” They watched as Changjo comfortably loaded his gun.

“Is this why you always took me to the shooting range?” Niel nodded as he helped his mother into his shirt. “And I’m guessing you always missed on purpose?”  Niel brought out more material from the shadows.

“Yup.” He handed his mother a pair of shoes before taking the welding torch and putting it on his back. He handed a backpack to Changjo and gave his mother the flashlight. He hugged her close. “Stay beside me. We’ll make it through.” She nodded before he let her go. He grabbed a hold of her hand and held Changjo’s in his other. “Hold onto each other. I don’t want some horror movie crap to happen.” Ricky quickly grabbed onto both Changjo and Chunji’s hand, leaving Niel’s mother’s hand free for the flashlight.

Their stomachs had dropped, and it was hard to breathe for Ricky. As she looked at Niel, she couldn’t help but admire him and be petrified of him. How steal hearted is he now to not even be affected by this situation? And how has he been able to give love a chance under these circumstances? Is he selfish? Or selfless? She didn’t know, but she did know that they had to move quickly.

Chunji couldn’t help but to hold tightly onto Ricky’s hand, too terrified of the idea of losing her. He didn’t question Niel or his mother, for he knew that they were the only ones he could trust with his life, but he felt like Ricky’s life was his to guard. Ever since they met, he felt the need to look after her, even if she always looked at him after Changjo. It tugged at his heart. He was never beside her, but always right behind them, even now.

Changjo… Changjo tried his best to keep his face calm. He did all that he could to keep himself from breaking down. All those years of facing Ricky’s father and hiding his weakness paid off. All those years of being beaten in the school yard for being friends with Ricky, and all those years of hiding his pain and fear had paid off. Sure, he had cried himself to sleep in Niel’s arms, but Ricky had yet to see any of the tears. He always thought that his silence was strength, and during times such as these, he is right. He always thought that his vacant mind was an advantage, but right now, he couldn’t vacate it. Worries and conflicted thoughts attacked his mind.

Even though they looked confident in their movements, even though they walked purposefully, they were scared. All the years of running and fighting did not remove the constant fear from their shoulders. Now, with people to protect, their fear had only increased, yet neither of the two wanted to run away anymore. It was a silent agreement. They were to hide. They hid their faces. They hid their movements. They hid everything they could, but Niel was discovered anyway. It was then that they realized that Niel was no longer the main objective of the father.

“Where is she?” Niel kept his feet grounded as he stared down the man before him. He was bigger than him, he had no weapon, and he underestimated Niel.

“I don’t know who you’re talking about.” He remained firm, but kept his stance ready. He wasn’t foolish enough to be like those in action movies who stood straight and kept themselves open for attack.

The man scoffed; a demented smirk made its way onto his features. He looked cocky. He overestimates his ability and undermines Niel’s. It was obvious with his stance and his mocking eyes.

“Don’t be a fool. He may want you dead but he wants your mother alive.” The smirk on his face grew into a demented smile that angered Niel to no end, but Niel refused to let his face give away his thoughts. “However, you can’t die by my hand, at least, not without your mother.”

Niel remained silent, refusing to answer. The man kept trying to prod Niel with daunting threats, but after nothing but silence, he had grown impatient.

“ civilized. I’ll just tear this place apart.” The daunting smile reappeared before he stepped forward. He overestimated himself.

He was brought to the ground with a swift kick to the side. The power behind the kick was enough to cause him to fall over into the wall. Niel quickly jumped back, being wary of his opponent’s movements. He became angry. He attacked.

His attacks were slow. Niel was able to dodge all his hits. He made sure to avoid backing himself into a corner as he evaded the large man’s attacks. In doing so, he also kept an eye on the men’s waist, having become aware that he did not come completely unarmed. It’s only by luck that this man had come when his mother was out, the biggest problem being that she had come down with a sickness that worried him to no end.

As exhaustion started to overtake him, he reached for his side. Niel was able to catch it. He removed the knife from his holster before he could and used it against him, and with a quick motion, a slit was taken through his face from right eye to chin, resembling a tear. Niel had made it so that he would not die nor lose his vision. Niel had wished it to be nothing more than a warning. He knocked him out soon after the man went into hysteria, quickly showing his inexperience.  

He had hoped that it would have been the last he had seen the man. Sadly, it was not. He was at the front of the assault. He was the one he had heard. And the recognition was apparent.

“Do you know him?” Changjo had whispered to him.

 “Yeah,” He nodded. “It’s the milk man.” 

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School started! Surprisingly, that means I have more time XD Or at least for now~


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I am waiting for your update~ :)))
Chapter 18: This really intetesting...what will happen to them next..hopefully all of them will be safe..please update soon..
Chapter 18: Omg..please update soon...its so breathtaking...
Chapter 17: So sad omg TTnTT Your so good keep going girl! ♥
devillish-angel #5
Chapter 16: this is fate that they keep on meeting. update soon! :)
Cereah #6
Chapter 15: ".... the receptionist with slit." oh god this is horrifyingly good XD it's like a horror movie, with Niel and his mother as the main characters haha love it! oh and his mother is too funny srsly. XD "... He wasn't that cute though." -- My favorite sentence in this chappie lol

But...just keep on typing :)