Chapter 4. Tammy Anger

Rain Lead Us To Love

Chapter 4. Tammy Anger


In the school, Zelo hold Hyona hand so everyone can see that Hyona is him. Everyone in the school is really shock with this new couple. The problem is, they never see Zelo and Hyona together. 

"Wow ! They match together!" a boy said and pointed at them.

"The King and Queen finally be as one !" some girls shout happily.

"Hey Princess, so got the prince already?" Chanmi teased Hyona.

"Shut up girls, hey look ! Himchan staring at you Channie~" Hyona pointed at Himchan.

"Himchan said that he likes you" Zelo finaly speak. 

"But i dont like a player like him" Chanmi pouted.

"We'll see, Maybe you will date with him someday" Gyuri said.

"And Gyuri with her Daehyunnie" Jungha joke at her making Gyuri face turn red.

"Jungha just break up with kris an date with Yongguk you know" Gyuri said to Hyona. 

"Well there's Yongguk" Zelo said to Jungha.

"Oh My God" Jungha said with a red face.

"Well, We'll be going now" Zelo said and grab Hyona hand and pull her into his arms.

"Bye guys !" Chanmi waved at the new couple


Tammy was seating in the canteen table with a lot of boys beside her. One of the boy, Minjoo speak. "Hey, Tam do you know Zelo and Hyona are dating now?" 

"What!?" Tammy shock to death

"Yep thats the hot news today" another boy speak up.

"Those couple must be end as soon as possible" Tammy said with a hatred tone.

"We will help you with that" said Minjoo again. 

"Thanks" Tammy said and go to Zelo and Hyona table.

"I heard you guys dating" Tammy said with a smirk

"Yep. Thats right. Problem with that?" Zelo said lightly made Hyona, Gyuri, Chanmi, Jungha, Yongguk, Himchan, Youngjae, Daehyun, and Jongup giggle.

"Psh. Of course it does! I'm in love with you and you dating her !?" Tammy shout make all student at the canteen look at them.

"I dont love you. I love her. And she loved me. So we dating" Zelo said with a straight face.

"You love this !?" Tammy shout and pointed at Hyona.

"Dont you dare call her a when you the real " Zelo said with a 'youre-the-one-who-is-a-' look on his face.

"She like to seducing all boy in this school ! Not only the junior but also the senior ! She make Yongnam sunbae want to her and tell the school so Yongnam sunbae got expelled" Tammy shout in front of Zelo face. Yongguk stand up and slap Tammy beautiful cheek.

"My brother the one who want to be expelled ! Hyona does not tell the school about that problem" Yongguk shout on Tammy face making her shivering in frightened.

"I warn you Hwang Hyona ! I'm gonna make your life missarable !" Tammy shouted and run from the canteen.

"Dont you dare lay a fingers on her or i'll kill you" Zelo shouted back to Tammy. 

"You're fine Princess?" Zelo worried.

"Yep. Just a little bit shock" she said with a big smile. 

"I'm glad" he said and start eating his meal again. 


The last bell has rang. All of the student spread out from their class. Zelo and Hyona go to the dance club room. 

"I'm going to practice first. You're going to wait?" Zelo ask

"Nope. I will go home by walk" Hyona said.

"You'll be fine?" 

"I'm not a kid anymore Zelo" she laugh.

"Take care" Zelo pecked her lips.

"Bye~" Hyona waved at Zelo, and Zelo waved back. 

Hyona walk alone in the coridor. She hummed a song by herself. She doesnt notice their a pair of a hand holding a flower pot, going to slam that pot to her her from the second floor balcony. What will happen? And whose the victim?

-Chapter 4 End-

Guys, I'm Sorry if theres any typo in all of my Fanfics. I'll try better next time ppyong~


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MitsuKyuYamazaki #1
Chapter 7: Aawww this is so cute
I like it XD
Can u make a sequel
Pleash pleash pleeeeash