Chapter 1. Zelo The Bully King

Rain Lead Us To Love

-Chapter 1. Zelo The Bully King Start-


TS High. The School of the rich family and talented student. Hwang Hyona the first year student, but also the queen of the school. And Zelo also first year student and the king of the school. and as we can see, theres Hyona with all of her friends sitting in the canteen table and gossiping. While, Zelo was bullying all nerd that pass by his table.

"Hyona look! Zelo bullying Tammy again !" one of Hyona friend, Gyuri pointed at Zelo.

"Not my bussines" she said lightly with a 'i-dont-care-about-it' look at her face.

"You're not going to save Tammy from Zelo?" Gyuri asked again.

"Nope. Let that nerd be ! They cant always have popular student protection are they?" Hyona said it while chewing her meal.

"Yep. Hyona's right Gyuri. If we save Tammy, Tammy will be a baby forever. She couldnt stand up by her self in the future" said the tall girl in front of Hyona.

"I think you right Chanmi, Hyona" Gyuri look at her meal and start eating it again. 

Mean while, in Zelo place. Zelo, Himchan, Yongguk, Daehyun, Youngjae, and Jongup were still bullying Tammy.

"Hey Nerd. Where is your glasses? you want to be gorgeous like Hyona and all of her friends? keep dreaming !" Zelo laugh in front of Tammy face, making Tammy want to run and cry. 

"dude, i never knew you would said that Hyona was gorgeous !" said Himchan and patted Zelo shoulder. 

"Well i have to admit it she was gorgeous" Zelo said it lightly.

"By the way. Kim Tammy you should wear your big glasses back ! You were uglier than before ! Now get lost" Zelo said it with a scary smirk on his face, make Tammy run while sobbing. 

"He make Tammy cried !  How cruel !" Gyuri said it while looking at Zelo with a 'i-hate-that-person' look on her face.

"Come on Gyuri. Tammy is not gonna die if Zelo make her cry right?" Chanmi talk in a lazy tone.


"Lets go Gyuri" Hyona pat Gyuri shoulder.

"A-ah okay" 


Zelo and Hyona were in a different class. Hyona is in 1-1, while Zelo is in 1-7. In Class 1-7 theres full of naughty student, while in 1-1 almost a half of them is nerd. Zelo have a nickname 'The Bully King' in TS High, while Hyona is 'The Cold Queen' but their still the famous one. As can we see now, in class 1-7 Zelo was sleeping at the back of the class. His math teacher, Kang Sechan goes to his desk and hit Zelo head with a big ruller. 

"Aawww... songsaengnim !" Zelo shout while rubbing his head.

"No one gonna sleep in my class ! Go to the principal office now!" Kang Songsaengnim shout in front of Zelo face. Zelo only can walk to the door and go to the principal office.

its not the first time Zelo go to the principal office. Maybe .. 37 times already? While Zelo walk in the coridor he pass class 1-1 and see Hyonawas there yawning because of the chemustry lesson. He see Tammy besides Hyona still sobbing. What the earth he done to a new nerd at his school? He pass the class and enter the principal room. 

"Choi Junhong, now what did you do?" The principal ask when she see Zelo entered her office.

"i sleep at Kang songsaengnim lesson" 

"Good. Now pack you're bag and go home. You got detention for 1 week you gonna study in home" said the principal with a scary smile on her face. 

Zelo walk to his class, pack his bag, and walk to home with a sad face. What will he explain to his parents now? 

"Zelo !" a sweet girl voice calling his name, and Zelo turn back to ser that girl.

"Hyona ? why are you here?" Zelo ask her

"I Got detention for 1 week just like you" she smile.

"Are you going home?" 

"Nope ! I'll go to my apartement to hide from my parents" she smile innocently. 

"Can... I go with you?" Zelo ask carefully.

"Sure !" she said and grab Zelo hand. 

They running to Hyona's apartement because some people will recognize their uniform and tell the school about them. Its not far from the school, well a little bit far maybe. 

"So... why you got detention cold queen?" Zelo start the conversation.

"I'm yawning in class, and Kwon songsaengnim caught me. And yeah.. He's mad" Hyona replied. "And you bully king? i think you must be sleeping in Kang songsaengnim class. am i right?" she ask with a annoying smile on her face.

"Yep. You got me" 

"Okay okay" 

So there conversation was very sweet and romantic just like a couple. But One week gonna end fast will this relationship last? 


After one week, finally Hyona and Zelo can back to the school. But, they pretend like their never knew each other. Zelo like to bullying all nerd again and Hyona back to the cold self again. When the announcement day of the new second year class, Zelo and Hyona were in the same class. What will happen if the bully king and the queen in the same class? Will they be friend? Lets see in another chapter.....



Hey guys ! thanks for reading my fanfiction ! I appreciate all of you who read and comment this FF! Lets meet at the second chapter okay?

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MitsuKyuYamazaki #1
Chapter 7: Aawww this is so cute
I like it XD
Can u make a sequel
Pleash pleash pleeeeash