The Gentle Man: A Cheater in Disguise

The Gentle Man


While driving our way to the nearest coffee shop, the tension between Dara and I were awkward. Of course, this is because it's our first time to meet one another. She was looking out of the car window, like a troubled person looking for answers for their problems, but she's calm. Calm like the waves in the nearest ocean possible. She studied my car, the things in it, the way I organized the things in it, the way I have a rosary wrapped around the mirror. "Do you pray?" she asked while looking at the rosary. "Every chance I get. I'm a Christian," I said. I continued to drive, and the radio. I find it a little crazy that she agreed to go somewhere with a complete stranger like me. Does she feel safe because I'm a little religious?
"Are you comfortable?" I asked. 
"Yeah, I'm totally cool with religious people," she said calmly. 
"I meant sitting there. Are you comfortable?" I chuckled. 
"Oh. Yeah..." she laughed. Although I was focused on the road, I felt her head turn to me. "Hmm... Jiyong-ah. Uhm, oppa?" she asked. Her tone was kind of cute.
"Mm? Talk comfortably to me, Dara-ssi. You sound like you're suffocating yourself mentally just because I'm a little older than you." I said reassuringly. 
"Oh, right," she grinned to herself. "Jiyong... uhm, so, where are you from?" 
"Why are you so curious?" I grinned, turning the steering wheel a little to the left to make a left turn. 
"Uh... just because. Maybe because I'm young, and curiosity is the cure to boredom," Dara pointed out teasingly. 
I laughed. "Touché, touché. You win." I said as I let one hand go off the steering wheel and push her shoulder playfully. "I'm from Canada. North of North America. Where the winter is cold, yet perfect to play ice hockey. Where people are made with sugar, spice, and everything nice." I said joyfully and playfully, shrugging my shoulders to be cute. 
"You're not a Powerpuff Girl, Jiyong," she glared. 
The traffic light turned red, and I stopped my car slowly. "Well, a man could always try." I said, smiling widely.
"You're so silly," she shook her head in embarrassment. 
 "I'll be Mojojojo then. Hmm, maybe I'll shave my hair out until my brain can be seen! AAAH!" I yelled, while tugging my own hair and flailing my arms around. 
"Nooo! Stooop! You're so embarrassing!" Dara laughed so hard, she had tears on her eyes. 
"Being a sweet, cuddly, and a too friendly Canadian had given Americans a free ticket to make Canadian stereotype jokes," I murmured while fake coughing between words. 
"Hey! We're not that horrible!" Dara defended herself. 
"AMERICAN!" I gasped exaggeratedly and  pointed at her, and continued to drive immediately as the traffic light turned green. "You cray-cray!" I shouted in a ghetto accent. 
"YOU are the one who's cray-cray!" she pointed out, still giggling. 
I nudged her shoulder gently and slowly those giggles fainted to simple sweet smiles. "Hey, what if I'll be Professor X, hmm? I'll be your protector and supporter. Although I may not be physically strong, I'll be here to share my thoughts with you. I'll be that band-aid you need from being hurt. Your shoulder to cry on. Your knight and shining armor. Does that sound good to you?"
"Cheeeesyyy~" Dara giggled. "You seem like a good guy, though. I like that about you," she smiled. 
I smiled back. Such gentle gestures make my heart feel weird. After, we had coffee together. We continued laughing and randomly telling each other the cheesiest pick-up lines ever existed. 
This "thing" we have, how do you say this, a flirtationship? More than friendship, but less than a relationship. Well, it went on for god-knows-how-long.  The steps to get where we are now was hard, but totally worth it. It's the three 2s. 2 weeks, 2 months, 2 years. 
- 2 weeks after we met -
Being friends. Those days were more of a let's-get-to-know-each-other-more kind of weeks. She shared things about her family, and I shared mine as well. I told her about my bestfriend Taeyang and his love or dancing, and she shared things about her bestfriend, too. Her name's Chaerin. A unique name, I thought. And lots of other funny things were talked about which made me laugh a whole lot. 
- 2 months after we met - 
I got to meet Chaerin, and Dara got to meet Taeyang formally and properly. We were once gathered at my apartment. Everyone seemed to get along very well. There were smiles everywhere, and even facepalming due to embarrassing stories shared to one another. Life is good, I thought. I was beside a woman I'm beginning to love. By this time, I liked her, but love was something different. That's something advanced. 
- 2 years after we met - 
Somewhere along those two years of being together, Dara and I started dating. Then, we flirted. Then we started hugging, comfortable embraces that made me want to stay in that moment for a long time. Those hugs turned into kisses. On the cheeks, then forehead, then... the lips. And, finally, one night, I confessed. I told her I wanted her. I liked her. I wanted her to be mine. She smiled her signature smile, and said, "I do, too. I like you." Then... we're this. A happy couple. The "Cheesy Couple", we call ourselves. We're happy. Is this what it feels like having happy ending in fairy tales? 
-Present day - 
"You're Jiyong, right?" a voice called. I was just about to leave my apartment to go to my studio to write songs. When I turned around, I jumped a little, and saw Chaerin. She was wearing black boots and tights, a leather jacket, and a pink handbag.
"You scared me," I said, holding my chest. "Yeah, I'm Jiyong. You don't recognize me anymore?" I said jokingly while closing my apartment door. 
"I've been busy, so it's rare that I see you nowadays," she said. "I'm here to personally congratulate you and Dara on your relationship."
"Thanks, Chaerin! I appreciate that. That means a lot." 
"Jiyong, you're a nice guy. Or so it seems like it," she said while judging me from head to toe. "Don't ever hurt Dara."
"I won't let that happen, Chaerin," I grinned, patting her shoulder. "Uhm, I'm sorry, but I need to go to my studio right now. Wanna come with me? It's totally fine." I said as I looked at my watch. 
As I drove to my studio with Chaerin beside me, I was pretty much taking a slow drive. It was in the middle of the afternoon. No other car was rushing through the city. 
"You're so stupid," she blurted. 
"P-Pardon?" I asked. 
"Seriously, I can't take this any longer. You're the most stupid guy I've met. Don't you know?"
"Don't be rude! What are you talking about?" 
"Jiyong... Dara has been with a different guy." 
"I know." 
"Well, see, what the fu- wait... You know?"
"Yeah. Come on, every woman had boyfriends before actually committing to someone else." 
"Fool," she covered her face with the palm of her hand. "I meant, Dara is with another guy. You actually thought that she goes to business meetings when she says so? No! Your stupid girlfriend has been seeing a guy since the day that you two met! She kept it a secret. And you, Jiyong, you're babo. A fool! You're both fools! You call yourselves the cheesy couple because every time you're together, you all make the cheesiest jokes ever! When in reality, you're the stupid couple who has no time to talk about the truth!" Chaerin shouted in my car. She breathed heavily. "Two ing years, Jiyong. Two goddamn years. Nothing was said. Not one soul spoke. I knew you would know about this some day. That's why... I'm here today."
I was speechless. On that moment, many was said, but not even my own soul could speak. "I-I think I'll just... I'll just stay home for today. I'll... I'll just call in sick," I said weakly as I took a U-turn and went back home. 
"No. Don't even say anything more. Just... don't. I'm stupid and weak. Write that down on your phone so you'll remember what I am. JIYONG-SSI: THE FOOL AND THE WEAK." 
After I arrived home, Chaerin left without a word. Her facial expression was blank. No worry. No sympathy. But no signs of betrayal or revenge. She was something. How could she be Dara's best friend when she just said hurtful words behind her back? How could Dara do this to me? How could such a beautiful gem hide such a horrible secret?  
I slumped my body on my couch. I can't take this any longer. Maybe sleeping will relieve my stress. Maybe I'll forget about everything when I wake up. I'll force myself to dream a good dream. 
I woke up to the smell of cooked meat. It was evening already. I stood up lazily and walked around to see who's in my kitchen. I rubbed my eyes and yawned while stretching my arms. Once my focus was just right, I notice it was Dara. She was on an apron, cutting and peeling vegetables, and frying meat. I remembered I made a duplicate key of my apartment for her just in case of emergency. I guess this was an emergency. Starving?
"Annyeong, jagiya~" she greeted me sweetly and went back to cooking again with a small smile on her face. 
"Annyeong," I replied. It's not that often we speak Korean to each other. What is she trying to do now? I walked around again, and hugged Dara from her back. Trying to be sweet won't make this heart of mine any better. Not even near to being cured. 
"What are you doing?" she chuckled while mixing eggs in a bowl with chopsticks. 
"Something I should have done a looong time ago," I said with dark eyes, dark feelings and dark thoughts. I put her hair over one of her shoulder. I inhaled the scent of the back of her neck, then softly kissed it. That single touch sent shivers to her body. She was sensitive to things like this. A single kiss makes her moan. A single touch makes her giggle. And a single act of passion and want makes her want just as much as you do. I continued placing kisses on the back of her neck. She unconsciously let go of the bowl of eggs on the countertop and moaned softly. Dark thoughts dominated my mind. I wanted something from her. Not love, but revenge. I hugged her stomach tight then turned her around roughly and pushed her against the nearest wall. Then and there, she was frozen. She looked at me with wide eyes. She looked a like a five year old girl who was shocked after another five year old took her ice cream and ate it in front of her in a mocking manner. Tonight, I'm not the bully. I'm just doing what's supposed to be done back then. 
"Jiyo-" she spoke. 
"Miss Park," I cut her words. "I'm not a selfish man, or an impatient man."
"You used to be so gentle. Babe, what's wrong? What are you talking about?" she looked at me in the eye with a worried expression.  
"Don't you dare act like you don't know what's happening. Don't you dare call me BABE." I said in a rough and serious manner. 
"Jiyong, please. Stop whatever has gotten into you. You're scaring me." she shivered. 
"You're scared? Scared?! Of what? Me? That I know the truth?!" I shouted. 
"What... what truth?" 
I took a deep breath and sighed heavily. "Choose one. When we became a couple, were you cheating ON me, or were you cheating WITH me?" 
She hesitated and looked away. "Jagiya..." 
"Don't call me that. I said don't." 
"Why are you so uptight and rough right now?" 
"Sandara Park. I asked you question. I need an answer." I said coldly.
She her lips and stood properly against the wall. My arms were on both sides of her so she couldn't get away. I then pounded on the wall. "Tell me!" I shouted. 
"Either way, I cheated," she said. "Nothing can cure that." 
"You already had a guy before we became a couple. Keeping your mouth shut was you best talent, Dara. I'm amazed for the past two years, you made me fall. Now, I'm broken. How's your man? The other one? Is he alive? Do you love him? Does he give you the right amount of attention, love and support? More than I do? Is he any good? A good kisser? A good lover? "
"... Jiyong, please..." she begged. 
"Is that why you have your legs open every night? You want ? Is that all you wanted? One man is enough, but oh! Having two men at a time is perfect! Keeping it a secret would be fun,too!" I said sarcastically.  "Why, Dara? Tell me one mothering good reason why you did this to me." 
She gulped. Silence took over my apartment. I could even hear a water drop from my bathroom sink. All we both could hear is our heavy breathing. 
"I... I don't know," she mumbled. 
"What did you say? Tell me. Did you just say that you don't know?" I couldn't believe it. "Two years, Dara! And you don't know why?!" 
"I wanna die," she said sadly. "My friends have probably come up to you already and told you not to hurt me. The truth is, I'm the one who's doing all of the hurting and stabbing. Jiyong, I love you. That's real. That's the truth. I fell in love with you because you're wonderful, harmless, and so attractive from head to toe," she said while she reached out to cup one of my cheeks. "Mr. Kwon, I'm an evil genius, huh? I'm probably the only woman on the planet to keep such a big secret. I don't know why I stayed. I don't know why I didn't leave his side. I just don't know at all. I'm leaving. I don't deserve you. Don't try to see me again. Because if you do, it will just feel like a knife stabbed me in the heart with no hesitation."
She was just about to leave the wall she leaning against but then I stopped her. I held her and kissed her roughly on the lips. I bit her bottom lip so hard it started bleeding, but I it. Then I her neck really hard that was enough to leave a mark. I don't know why I'm doing this. I'm not this kind of man. I refuse to. She then pushed me away which lead me to sit on the kitchen floor. Then she walked away and left without a word. 
Author's note: 2nd chapter! What do you think will happen next? Comment and subscribe!
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naomi11 #1
Chapter 3: i don't really understand what CL's role is in this story..she seems to be all around..
abigxxx #2
Chapter 2: Wtf?? I don't get it~
geeeemae #3
Please updateeeee :)
Eatpray #4
Chapter 2: What will happen next??? cant wait!