Weird Coincidences

If I Suddenly Disappeared, Would You Remember Me?


Disclaimer: SHINee, Jonghyun, Minho, or any of the other ppl I have in this fanfiction do NOT belong to me... -insert very sad expression here- this is simply a story written for fun, and is just what its called: Fiction.

He stared up at the small building with wide eyes. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. There's no way this is right. The coincidence was just TOO strange. But then again, life for Choi Minho was anything but ordinary. So why not add a little more strange? His friend stood beside him and smiled up at the building too, oblivious to the other's shock as he admired.
"Yeah my aunt picked out the paint herself, I earned a little extra money before school started when I helped out the professionals paint the building." Key said proudly while loosening his bright blue tie that was obviously not the school's uniform tie.
"This..." Minho trailed off, still in shock as he stared now at the front door which was decorated in festive beads. "This is your aunt's place...?"
Key laughed, "well yeah, actually she runs a business here but we live upstairs, come on lets go inside!" his friend grabbed his arm and Minho felt as he was pulled into an all too familiar place.
"IMO your adorable nephew is home! And I've brought a friend a long!" Key called, and there was only a moment of silence before a women dressed in lots of jewelery and a maroon dress came out from the back.
"Oh how wonderful to meet one of Key's friend- Minho?" Annie stopped short when she saw her nephew with his arm linked with Minho's. Key sported a very confused look and Minho gave a little wave to the women.
"Hello Annie..."
"You know each other!?" Key gasped releasing Minho's arm and side stepping so he could gape at his friend better.
Minho rubbed the back of his head and laughed nervously, "Well you see..."
"Somehow I knew fate would bring this day along!" Annie said in a rather dramatic tone.
"What do you mean? And how do you know each other??" Key pleaded for an explanation as his aunt walked over and swung her arm around her nephew's shoulders.
"Lets go into the back and discuss this over some tea, neh?"
"Neh" the two teens said in unison as they all went to the back room.
"So, explain." Key said firmly while his aunt poured the three of them some steaming green tea.
"Well dear it was during the spring, before your parents sent you to live with me during the summer, Minho and I met and became quite good acquaintances. Once I found out that you were coming to live with me, I knew that one day fate would have you meet and you would both end up here together in my shop."
The two teens sat down on opposite crescent shaped couches as to face each other, while Annie handed them their tea cups and the two began sipping quietly. Minho stared down at the hot liquid, it would be hard to explain things to Key without revealing his secret.
"So does this mean you're a psychic?"
Minho went into a coughing fit and Annie rushed over to pat him on the back. When he regained his breath he looked up at Key with wide eyes, "Wh-what!?"
Key laughed, "oh please, you think I've lived with my aunt all this time and not know a thing about psychics?"
He supposed that was true. Still, he was surprised since Key had never mentioned it at school. Although to a normal person, talking about psychics wasn't really cafeteria kind of small talk.
"He's sorta like a psychic to a certain degree, but our Minho here is different from other's that we know" Annie told Key.
Minho opened his mouth to explain but Key beat him to it, "So you can see ghosts then."

The teen's eyes widened, "How did you-"
"Part of the reason I took you here was because I was suspicious. I didn't know you knew my aunt, but I thought if you had some sort of ability, she'd be able to sense it in you."
The other was still staring at Key in shock, trying to soak in the fact that Key knew about this sort of thing all along, when Annie chimed in, "Key is also a psychic, Minho."
"He...You are!?" Minho exclaimed looking back and forth between Key and Annie.
Key nodded, "I can't see ghosts like you or my aunt can, but I can feel their presences." That's when his expression turned serious. "Ever since the first day I've always felt a presence in our math class. The feeling was on and off as if whatever spirit resides in there wasn't there one day." Minho recalled when Jonghyun was gone because his mother wasn't there to teach the class, but he remained quiet as Key continued, "then today I felt the presence again, and I noticed you. You were looking at what seemed like nothing, but you seemed to be interacting and that's when I became suspicious that you could see the presence I was sensing."
Minho started to fidget nervously in his seat. He remembered how serious Annie was about not getting involved with spirits. Even he himself never wanted anything more to do with spirits after Hyori, but somehow all that went out the window when Jonghyun came along. Minho could feel Annie's eyes trained on him.
"Minho, did you see a spirit in the room? Do you still have that amulet? Do I need to come to the school to-"
"No" the teen quickly interrupted the women who gave a concerned look. He looked to Annie and Key who were watching him closely. Here they were, the two people who he felt were the closest to him. Even though him and his aunt were pretty close, she didn't know about him being able to see ghosts. He felt as though these two people were the only two that completely understood him. And yet, he was scared to tell them about Jonghyun. Minho was afraid of their rejection and of hearing that he shouldn't be involved with Jonghyun. Mostly, he was afraid of Annie who had taught him all he knows, being disappointed in him. "I just..." the teen looked down at his cup which wasn't steaming anymore.
He felt a gentle hand on his shoulder, and Minho suddenly realized that Annie had moved to sit beside him. "Honey, we are your friends here. No one will judge you or scold you. We are only here to help. Arraso?" It was as if the women could read his mind. And shoot, she probably could. Taking a deep breath Minho clenched his cup a little tighter as he began explaining to Annie and Key all about Jonghyun. He told them about how when he first saw him in the classroom, he wanted to reach straight for his amulet. But then as time went on he felt too drawn to the ghost and wanted to know more about him instead of sending him away. Minho left the parts out about the night Jonghyun showed up in his room drained of energy, and the parts about Jonghyun's mother and his old debt. When he was finished the room fell silent. The silence was killing Minho as he looked down at his shoes.
Annie exchanged a quick glance with Key, who nodded to her, before they both smiled at the other. "Well my dear, it looks like you've made a connection."
"Huh?" Somehow this wasn't the reaction Minho had been expecting.
"Its rare" Key continued as he set his cup of tea down on the round table that sat between the two crescent shaped couches. "But there have been stories about humans making special connections with spirits."
Minho leaned forward nodding with interest as his friend continued, "there's always something that connects them together... whether it be a similar instance or life experience. Whatever it may be, the two feel powerfully drawn to each other."
"There are many theories as to why this connection happens" Annie began, taking off on Key's lead in, "But most people believe that the connection occurs when both parties are supposed to help each other."
"Help each other?"
Annie nodded, "because the two are connected by some mutual aspect, they are supposed to help and understand each other." Minho bit his lower lip. It made sense but...
"So you're not mad?"
The women laughed and ruffled the teen's hair, "on any other occasion I would have told you not to interfere and just use that handy dandy amulet I gave you, but like Key said, this is a rare occurrence. And I most certainly don't mess with fate!
Minho smiled, feeling relieved that his friends not only understood, but embraced his feelings for the ghost teen.
"Next time you come into contact with the ghost, you should try and find out what your similarity is" Key said as he finished off his tea, "in cases like this, the similarities are pretty exact, so try to get as much details as the spirit is willing to give." Minho nodded, making a mental note to talk to Jonghyun about all this later on tonight if the spirit appeared in his room. Which he hoped he would.
For the next hour Minho, Annie, and Key sat talking together. Minho explained to Key about how he became a psychic and about some his first experiences with it, and in turn, Key told him about when he first discovered his abilities.
"I'm pretty lucky that I have a aunt like her" Key said gesturing to Annie who smiled brightly at her nephew, "there are a lot of kids who get their first experiences and never have anyone to talk to about it. But once my parents discovered what was going on, they sent me straight here." The all laughed and Minho agreed that both he and Key were lucky that Annie was around to help them out.
"Omigosh speaking of which!" Annie suddenly gasped, looking up at the maroon wall clock. "I have a student coming in very soon!" she stood up abruptly and began gathering the tea cups from the table.
"A student?" Minho inquired.
"Yes, Annie posts advertisements on the internet regarding kids like us who have questions about their psychic experiences. Most people disregard it as hoaxes, but once in a while she gets a genuine call usually form some kid pretty desperate to understand what's going on." Minho nodded, he never realized Annie did this sort of thing.
"Fate is surely amazing" Annie mused and the two teens looked at her confusedly. "The fact that you two showed up here together on this day that I'm supposed to have a student come who goes to your school is most definitely fate!"
The two teen's eyes widened, "our school? Who is it?" Key asked excited to meet another psychic his age.
"I believe he's in a year younger than you, so you may or may not know him." Annie said as she cleaned up the room a bit.
As if on cue, the bell that signified someone had walked into the store rang out and Annie exited the room leaving the two teens straining to hear. They heard her greet someone followed by her inviting the other to the back for their lesson. When she came back in, she was followed by a young boy with poofy blonde mushroom hair, a dancer's physic, and shy eyes. His expression seemed worried when he saw the two teens wearing the same same school uniform as him (Well Key's version anyway).
"Don't worry hon, these two are fellow psychics and students. Key, Minho, this is Taemin. Say hello to your hyungs dear."
Taemin bowed slightly and said shyly, "A-annyeonghaseyo Key and Minho hyungs."

"Annyeong Taemin-ah" Key said politely and Minho smiled and waved to the other.
So, another student who goes to their school and is psychic. These coincidences were just too weird!

Hurray for Taemin finally appearing!

Want to know what ya'll are thinking about the story line so far. (Besides your vision on a sad outcome)

Thanks for reading and don't forget to comment!

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Chapter 11: Please update!! I love this!
Chapter 11: Hmm, I read this story and I really, really loved it.. This is such an interesting concept of a human-ghost relationship.. I would like to know what happen next, Author-nim. Do update if u can..Thanks
Chapter 11: Please update soon! Luv this story so much!
Shinee1997 #4
Chapter 11: Update soon plz ^^
Chapter 11: Kyaaaa.... Now all of them in the same chapter... WHoaa.... It's look like onew already planning minho to meet jjong...
Chapter 11: I was excited when i was reading cos im like omgosh now everyone knows each other its like a coincidence XD haha all the members of shinee know of each other now in the story :D
And going back to the sherlock input was it when they were looking for onew address the number 221A ;D
Chapter 10: This is awesome i finally caught up with the chapters ;D
Ahh everyone knows each other i cant wait till minho finds out that onew can see jonghyun too XD
Looking forward to the next update ;D
Chapter 10: This fiction is so good!:D
Can't wait for the next update <3
Chapter 10: Finally their four meet... Who knoow onew actually know key aunt... Update son...^^