Session #1

If I Suddenly Disappeared, Would You Remember Me?


Disclaimer: SHINee, Jonghyun, Minho, or any of the other ppl I have in this fanfiction do NOT belong to me... -insert very sad expression here- this is simply a story written for fun, and is just what its called: Fiction.

"Yes Taeminie?"
"I just... why are you coming with me?"
"To make sure you're safe and treated fairly of course."
"There's no way I'm letting my baby go to some stranger's house alone!"
"Alright, but then, why is Minho coming?"
Key turned to look at a pouting Minho who had his arms crossed across his chest and was leaning against the window. The three were sitting together on the bus, Key and Taemin together on one seat, and Minho on the one beside theirs on the opposite side.
"Because, my aunt says that it'll be good for Minho to see this new teacher as well. AND because WE'RE responsible for our little dongsaeng. Right Minho-yah?"
The teen sighed, deliberately ignoring the other as his friend continued to chatter on about how he didn't trust this new teacher of Taemin's and how he had to see things for himself. Because he had spent so much time at Annie's the night before, Minho must've just missed Jonghyun before the ghost went back to his umma's house. Not to mention they had, had another substitute teacher that day at school, so naturally Jonghyun wasn't there either. Minho was already in a bad mood from not being able to see Jonghyun, but now Key was dragging him to lessons he didn't want to attend.

Key was acting like they were Taemin's parents or something.
"Minho-yah, hurry or the bus'll leave without you!" the teen jumped from his thoughts and realized that Key and Taemin were already walking down the center aisle. Sighing, the teen quickly got up from his seat and hurried off the bus with his friends. They all came out into the cool afternoon air, looking up at a tall apartment building.
"So this is where Onew hyung lives"

"So... tell me again, why you're cleaning up the place?" Jonghyun was sitting cross legged on top of the dining room table while he watched his friend scurry around his apartment. Onew was not a messy guy, he usually kept things pretty tidy. But for some reason the man was making things extra clean tonight.
"I told you, the friend that I went to have tea with yesterday was actually my old teacher from when I first started to see ghosts... she's been wanting me to help her with her other student's for a while, but I've never agreed." Onew explained as he began drying and putting away some clean dishes.
"And you suddenly agreed to now because..."
"Circumstances." Onew said rather cryptically. At first he was just agreeing with Annie because he wanted to help his old teacher, he figured he would see how it went and then decide if he truly wanted to take it on full time or not. But after meeting everyone, circumstances had changed and Onew decided he wanted to pursue this teacher thing a little farther. He smiled a knowing smile to himself to which Jonghyun took no time noticing.
"What circumstances?" the ghost pried, but Onew said nothing as he moved over to the coffee table and gathered some of his college books that were lying about. Giving an exasperated sigh, Jonghyun called, "alright fine, I'll just take my leave then..."
"Yah wait!" Onew shouted from his room where he had been putting his books away, just before Jonghyun disappeared into thin air. The ghost stopped short and gave his friend a strange look.
"What? Suddenly ready to stop being so cryptic?"
"Actually, the student who's visiting can see ghosts, and I was sorta hoping..."
"Oooooh no! I am not being your exhibit A!" Jonghyun growled as he put air quotes around the words 'exhibit A.'
"But Jjong~" Onew pleaded using his best aeygo and Jonghyun's nickname which was the other's kryptonite.
"Yah, hyung, how could you ask me in such a way!" the ghost was yelling but Onew could see that he had won from the expression on his friend's face.
"Thank you Jjong!" Onew sang as he went to straighten up another part of the room.
"And stop calling me that..." the ghost murmured as he walked over and plopped himself on the couch.

"220B...221A... ah, here we go, 221B" Key stopped in front of a black door with faded gold plated numbers on it. He looked down at the piece of paper one more time just to be sure before nodding and smiling to his two friends who trailed behind him. "Ready?" Minho and Taemin nodded and Key held up his fist to knock on the door. They waited, but when Minho didn't hear a knocking his looked to Key who seemed to be hesitating, his friend's cheeks flushing slightly.
Raising an eyebrow Minho said, "Key?" seeming to snap out of it, his friend smiled at him and shook his head before knocking on the door.
"Just a sec!" the three teens heard a faded voice come from the other side of the door.

"Why does it sound like there is more than one person outside?" Jonghyun asked before crossing his arms stubbornly.
Onew tried his best to keep a poker face as he shrugged, "well one of the kid's friends seemed really protective over him when I met with them yesterday, so maybe he came along." he was straightening out his light blue button up shirt that was partially ed at the neck with the sleeves rolled up. "So here's what I want you to do, go hang out in my room and DON'T come out! I want to lead him into this so I'll let you know when I'm ready for you. Arraso?" Onew was stressing this request as if it were very important.
The ghost rolled his eyes, "alright, sheesh...but you owe me!" and with that he disappeared from the room.
"Actually, I think you owe me..." Onew murmured under his breath as he walked over to his front door.
Taking a deep breath, Onew took a moment to take notice of his heart beating faster when he thought about opening the door and seeing that cat like face of the eccentrically dressed teen he'd learned was nicknamed Key. Turning the knob, the man opened the door and put on his best smile, "glad you guys found the place alright, come on in~"
Key walked in quickly, trying to hide the blush that spread on his face from seeing that angelic smile. Taemin and Minho said their thanks as they followed Key inside.
"Please, go ahead and have a seat on the couches over there and I'll get us some snacks." the three teens made their way to the couches. It wasn't long after the three had made themselves comfy before Onew appeared with a small plate of buffalo chicken wings and four cups of water. For the next few minutes, the four teens just sat comfortably enjoying their snacks.
Finally, Onew finished his water and cleared his throat, "alright so, I'd like to start off by asking what exactly is your comfort level with ghosts?" the man was looking to Taemin when he asked this. Taemin was after all supposed to be his student and therefore his main priority. He watched as the shy teen blushed and looked down at his hands.
"W-well, not very much... after I first started to realize that the people I was seeing were not human, I tried to ignore it... but eventually..."
"It became too hard to ignore and that's when you sought out Annie?" Onew finished, and gave Taemin a reassuring smile.
He's so gentle and kind... Key thought to himself as he patted Taemin on the back comforting the other who was smiling from Onew to Key now.
"The reason I ask, is because for our first exercise, the most important thing to do first, is to come to terms with what you can do. This ability, well, it's not going to go away" Onew began gesturing to himself, Taemin and Minho, "and just as you've experienced yourself, no matter how much we try to ignore or fight it, the fact remains that we are different." Everyone nodded in agreement, Onew put it into the perfect wording. "So" the man continued, clapping his hands together, "in order to do that, we have to be comfortable around ghosts."
The three teens eyes widened. This was always exactly the opposite of what Annie had always told them. "Stay away from them, mind your business" she always said. Onew laughed at the three's facial expression. "I know this philosophy is different from what Annie has told you, but what you have to understand is that Annie lives a life immersed in the psychic world. So her encounters with ghosts are different from those of us just living our lives with the rest of the normal people out there. Our encounters are different, therefore our approach must also be different."
He's so smart... Key found himself staring at the man with complete wonder.
"I'm sure that Annie must've realized this, and that's why she passed you onto me" Onew explained and the three nodded, finally understanding their teacher's line of thought completely.
"So then, for our first session... we will be concentrating on getting more comfortable with ghosts?" Taemin asked and Onew nodded with a smile.
"That's exactly right Taemin." he praised and the other blushed.
"How exactly are we going to do that? Do you have a ghost in the next room or something?" Minho joked, still not taking this session entirely seriously since he still wasn't thrilled to be there anyhow.
Onew turned to the dark haired teen and flashed him one of his famous bright winning smiles, "why yes Minho, actually I do."
Again, the three teen's eyes widened in shock. "You do!?" Key exclaimed looking around the room to see where the next room could possibly be. All at once all three pairs of eyes landed on the bedroom door.
"So who wants to go first?" Onew asked, completely amused by the three's reaction. Not to mention he was pretty much counting on the fact that Taemin would be too shy to speak up first. "No one?" he asked when the three teens remained silent. Turning to Minho, Onew raised an eyebrow, "How about you?" Minho looked to Taemin and Key with an unsure expression before biting his lower lip.
"Alright, I'll go." the teen said as he stood up from his seat on the couch. Onew smiled, this was all too easy.
"Go right ahead then" the man gestured toward his bedroom door.

Minho approached the room slowly, placing his hand on the door knob he looked back to his friends one last time and gave them a confident smile before opening the door and entering the room. The room was empty, and Minho was about to leave and tell Onew that his ghost had left when he suddenly heard the door close behind him. Turning around quickly Minho placed his hands on the door, "Onew?" he called, but received no answer.

"Onew hyung, why did you close the door?" Taemin asked, fidgeting uncomfortably in his seat, wishing he could see or hear what was going on in the room. Onew turned to the younger two and smiled.
"Just allowing for a little fun, is all."

Minho turned to the sound of the voice, and nearly fell to the ground in shock.
"Minho!?" Jonghyun was finally able to exclaim despite his immense surprise.
"J-Jonghyun what are you..."
The two stared at each other for a second before they both said in unison, "Onew."

I hope that the transitions in this chapter were not too confusing for everyone. Been busy with lots of school work, hope everyone is doing well!

Ps. Regarding this chapter... any Sherlock fans notice my little input?

Keke, thanks for reading, please review!
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Chapter 11: Please update!! I love this!
Chapter 11: Hmm, I read this story and I really, really loved it.. This is such an interesting concept of a human-ghost relationship.. I would like to know what happen next, Author-nim. Do update if u can..Thanks
Chapter 11: Please update soon! Luv this story so much!
Shinee1997 #4
Chapter 11: Update soon plz ^^
Chapter 11: Kyaaaa.... Now all of them in the same chapter... WHoaa.... It's look like onew already planning minho to meet jjong...
Chapter 11: I was excited when i was reading cos im like omgosh now everyone knows each other its like a coincidence XD haha all the members of shinee know of each other now in the story :D
And going back to the sherlock input was it when they were looking for onew address the number 221A ;D
Chapter 10: This is awesome i finally caught up with the chapters ;D
Ahh everyone knows each other i cant wait till minho finds out that onew can see jonghyun too XD
Looking forward to the next update ;D
Chapter 10: This fiction is so good!:D
Can't wait for the next update <3
Chapter 10: Finally their four meet... Who knoow onew actually know key aunt... Update son...^^