Unselective Hearts

If I Suddenly Disappeared, Would You Remember Me?

Disclaimer: SHINee, Jonghyun, Minho, or any of the other ppl I have in this fanfiction do NOT belong to me... -insert very sad expression here- this is simply a story written for fun, and is just what its called: Fiction.

After Jonghyun had disappeared from his room, Minho decided to continue on his studies for a while. Eventually his imo called him down for dinner, and he spent a while talking with his aunt and uncle about school. Once the table was cleared and Yooguen put to bed, the three decided to watch a movie together. Towards the end of the movie, Minho and his aunt saw his uncle starting to fade fast as he began to yawn more and more frequently. By the time the movie was over, his uncle was passed out with his head tipped back and mouth wide open. His imo giggled and began to wake her husband up to bring him to bed while Minho turned off the tv.

"Goodnight" the teen whispered to his aunt who was leading her half asleep husband up the stairs. She winked at him and mouthed the words goodnight as well before the two reached the top of the stairs and turned down the hallway. Minho cleaned up the living room a bit, folding the blankets they had been using during the movie, and putting some of Yooguen's toys in his small toy bin that almost never stayed full.
Minho finished getting ready for bed, but somehow, he didn't feel sleepy at all! He felt tired from the long school days, but when he laid down onto his bed, the teen felt wide awake. Sighing, Minho tried to close his eyes, and when he did, he pictured Jonghyun. That wonderful smile, those amazing eyes, that hair that's always slightly spiked just perfectly. It was a wonder that Minho hadn't realized how attracted to him he was sooner. A slight ache in his heart started to form when he had realized the thought that had just crossed his mind.
"I'm... attracted to him?" Minho whispered, opening his eyes and staring up at the ceiling. "But he's a ghost...so, it would never..." he bit his lip and started to feel tears burn in his eyes. He knew that saying, you can't choose who you love... but damnit why did his heart have to choose a ghost!? Why did it have to choose a relationship that was LITERALLY impossible?
"Wait... did I just think love?" he suddenly realized, face palming and groaning at himself. Turning to look at the clock, it was already 1:30am. Luckily, Minho didn't have to get up for school the next day. Sighing, the teen restlessly jumped out of bed and walked over to his bookshelf which held some of his dvds. Maybe watching a movie will put him to sleep like it did his uncle. Just as he was making a selection, a thud that sounded like something had just been dropped heavily onto his bed caused him to turn around quickly in a startled manner.
There, a heavily breathing, and really weak Jonghyun lay on his bed, looking like he'd just been dragged through hell and back. Rushing over to the ghost's side Minho looked the other over, concern and worry filling his expression.
"J-Jonghyun?!" upon hearing his name, the ghost opened his eyes half lidded and looked at him.
"Min-" Confusion crossed his features for a moment before his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he fell unconscious.
"Oh my gosh..." Minho said panicking, what are you supposed to do when a ghost passes out!? Doing the only thing he could think of, since Jonghyun looked almost like he was sweating, Minho rushed to get a wet wash cloth. When he tried to wipe the ghost's face, however, the cloth touched his head, but the water seemed to go right through him and soaked the pillow beneath his head.
", why did I think that would work?" the teen cursed at himself for not knowing what to do. Not knowing what else to try, Minho put the cloth away and then crawled onto the bed beside the other. The teen watched over the ghost carefully, seeing him breath as if he were in distress or in pain. He felt awful that he couldn't do anything for the other. Hours passed by and slowly Jonghyun's breathing became more even. Minho's eyes started to droop and slowly he drifted off to sleep.
The next morning, Minho awoke due to the annoying light that was streaming in through his window between the blinds, and straight into his eyes. Groaning, the teen rubbed his face with one hand, and suddenly realized that his other arm was occupied by something. Looking, his eyes widened when he found that his arm was draped around none other than Jonghyun! The images from last night, or rather, very much earlier that morning, flashed through his brain and Minho remembered how the ghost had suddenly appeared in his room looking just awful! Sitting up, the teen looked Jonghyun over again.
Jonghyun's tanned skin was back to normal and no longer... (no pun intended) ghost white. His breathing was no longer labored, and his facial expression was no longer distressed, but serene and calm. Minho didn't know what drove him to do so, but he found himself gently tracing the features on Jonghyun's face with the pads of his fingers.
He looks so calm this way, so pure, so vulnerable. Whenever Minho has seen Jonghyun, the ghost always has some sort of sad, troubled, or stressed expression on his face and in his eyes. Seeing him like this was nice. The teens heart throbbed painfully in his chest. He still had no idea what the hell had happened to make Jonghyun the way that he was last night. In fact, he didn't know much of anything about the other!
Minho felt that he wanted to better get to know Jonghyun. To learn about and understand him. He didn't care that the other was a ghost and that his feelings were probably pointless, he just knew what his heart wanted; Jonghyun.
A knock on the door came and Minho only panicked for a few seconds before he remembered that he was the only one who could see Jonghyun. "Yes?" the teen called, and his imo stuck her head in, smiling at her nephew who was still lying in bed.

"Would you like some breakfast?" she asked with a cheery good morning smile.
"Actually since it's the weekend, I'd like to sleep in a little longer if that's alright imo~" Minho pleaded, giving her his best aeygo. His aunt laughed and nodded, commenting how teenagers 'sleep forever' as she closed his door. Sighing, Minho turned back to the sleeping ghost and curled up beside him, wondering when the other was going to wake up.
Another hour passed and Minho had fallen back asleep. He awoke, however, when he started to feel Jonghyun stirring beside him. The teen sat up and ruffled the ghosts hair as he watched the other's eyes start to flutter open. His eyes were hazy for a moment before clearness of mind slowly came into his features. Minho was about to smile and say good morning when the ghost shot up into a sitting position.
"Wh-where!?" Minho blinked, placing a calming hand on Jonghyun's.
"Jonghyun, you're here at my house, do you not remember?" The ghost looked to him, confusion slowly erasing away when he did remember seeing Minho briefly before passing out.
"How long?"
"How long what?"
"How long have I been here?" the ghost pried. Minho didn't understand in the least the ghost's urgency, particularly because he didn't know how the other had ended up in his room all banged up in the first place.
"You got here around 1:30am this morning... and you've been here ever since." he said simply, wishing that the other would calm down for a minute and explain to him what was going on.
Jonghyun turned and looked at the alarm clock that was on the small table beside Minho's bed. It read 9:30am. , he didn't think he would have passed out for that long! A ghost only passes out for as long as his body needs to rejuvenate. The more energy you use, the longer you pass out for. Jonghyun must've under estimated how much power he had used last night, after all, he had gotten pretty worked up and was able to physically touch a human with a lot of force... twice.
"Jonghyun, what's happening?" the ghost turned to Minho, who was watching him with pleading eyes. He hadn't realized just how safe Minho made him feel, but now that his natural instinct made him appear here after passing out, it was apparent to him just how much the other comforted him. Staring at the teen, Jonghyun felt very grateful to him for taking care of him all this time and watching over him after he had just suddenly appeared in the manner that he did. Placing his hands on Minho's shoulders, Jonghyun gave him a serious look.
"I promise you, I WILL explain everything... but later, ok?"
"Later? Wait, no Jonghyun don't-" but the ghost was already gone. "God damnit why does he always do this!?" the teen shouted in frustration.
"Umma!? Umma!?" Jonghyun shouted instantly when he reappeared inside his mother's house. He knew that she wouldn't be able to hear him, but being as panicked as he was, the ghost didn't care either way and continued to shout as he teleported from room to room. When he appeared in the living room, he was surprised suddenly by Onew who was standing there holding his finger to his lips as if to say 'quiet down.'
"Onew!" he said with so much relief filling him, that he felt as if the world had been lifted from his chest and he could suddenly breath again.
"Your mother asked me to stay last night after I found her in the closet. I slept on the couch last night just to give her some piece of mind. She's in her room asleep right now." the man whispered to his friend.
Tears started to threaten Jonghyun's eyes as the ghost rushed forward and hugged Onew. "Kamsahamnida" he chocked, feeling the tears slip onto his cheeks. So very grateful to his friend who had taken care of his umma while he was sleeping off his little stunt last night

Onew hugged his friend back, smiling lightly. When Jonghyun was alive, he was a very good friend to Onew, even working shifts for him when he had to study for an exam and still giving him the money for it so he could put it towards his student loans. When the ghost pulled away, he wiped his eyes and smiled at his friend.
"So what happened after I vanished?" the ghost asked curiously, wondering if his mother tired to punch Onew or something.
The man chuckled at how fast his friend seemed to recover before rubbing the back of his head, "well, I knocked on the door of the closet and called out to her that the men were gone and that I was a friend of yours. It took her a while to trust me, but eventually she came out to face me, and after seeing that I wasn't tricking her, asked me to stay the night."
Jonghyun nodded, listening to everything Onew had told him, and smiling slightly at how careful and smart his umma was.
"But man, you really did a number on those guys... and yourself as well. After you vanished I looked in your room to see if you were there but you weren't. Did you end up at my house?" Onew asked curiously.
The ghost suddenly blushed embarrassingly and rubbed the back of his head before murmuring, "um well, actually I somehow ended up at Minho's house..." His friend's eyes widened as his tried to keep his voice down to a whisper.
"Minho? You mean the kid you told me about who can see you?"
Jonghyun nodded, tracing circles on the ground with his foot. "I guess my instincts must've taken me to the most recent place I felt the safest..."
Onew laughed, choosing not to remind Jonghyun that the last place he actually was, was his own apartment, and that he probably ended up at Minho's because that's where he wanted to be. After a moment of chuckling which caused his ghost friend to blush even darker and give him a confused 'why the hell are you laughing?' expression, Onew's face suddenly became serious as he reminded, "You do realize you're going to have to tell him everything right?"
Watching Jonghyun rub the back of his head shyly, Onew sighed. If he knows Jonghyun as well as he thinks he does, then the ghost probably left Minho's room immediately after waking up, without any explanation at all.
"I know, I already promised him before I rushed over here..." Jonghyun turned his head to look in the direction of his umma's room. "Listen, Onew, I'll go back to Minho now... but will you stay until I either return or until my umma asks you to leave?"
Smiling kindly, Onew placed a gentle hand on his friend's shoulder, "you can count on me Jjong." The ghost looked to him surprisingly, only a few people knew about the nickname his mother had always used for him, and after he died and became rather sensitive about his mother, Onew hardly ever used it.
"Thank you." Jonghyun said, with so much gratefulness in his tone, that the man could even feel it radiating off the other.
Minho huffed as he wrapped the towel around his waist and stepped into his bedroom while wiping his hair with another smaller towel. Not even a nice relaxing shower could calm his anxiousness. That damn ghost was always leaving without any notice or explanation at all! His heart sunk a little, remembering how while he was watching over Jonghyun he had thought to himself how much he wanted to get to know the other better. With how unwilling Jonghyun seemed about sharing things with him, the task seemed almost impossible at this point.
He sighed and threw the small towel he had been using for his hair down onto his bed and headed over toward his dresser.
Minho spun around at the sound of another's voice to find Jonghyun sitting on his bed cross legged, with a dark blush streaming across his father. "J-Jonghyun, you've come back so quickly!" the teen rushed over to the bed and sat beside the ghost. Jonghyun leaned to the side, trying to distance their bodies as he looked away and blushed even harder.
"I- I promised didn't I?" Minho was curious as to why the other was being so shy all of the sudden. But suddenly, realization dawned on him, and it was as if the entire color of his face changed to a deep reddish color.
"O-oh, sorry lemme just...."
The teen hopped off the bed and hurried to his dresser, pulling out a pair of boxers and some sweat pants before locking himself back in the bathroom. When he closed the door behind him, Minho smacked his forehead with his hand.
Idiot! How embarrassing was that!? Sure Minho, just hop onto the bed beside the incredibly good looking ghost and just completely forget that you're wearing nothing but a towel! AISH! Minho quickly pulled on the clothes and then exited the bathroom, giving the ghost an apologetic smile.
Jonghyn blinked, smiling back shyly, although the other had put on some clothing, he was still shirtless. The ghost couldn't help but notice that Minho was well built, and that his muscles glistened from being in the bathroom's condensation. Minho walked over to the bed slowly and gave the ghost a serious look.
"Ok, no more disappearing this time... I think I deserve an explanation."
The ghost looked down and twiddled his thumbs as he murmured, "where do I even start?"
"Let's start with...how old are you?" although Minho wanted to ask him all about the early morning, he could tell that the ghost was nervous, so he decided to start with a more simple and less invading question.
Jonghyun blinked and blushed lightly as he said, "I was supposed to turn 19 last month."
"So 18 then" Minho said simply, smiling at the other, causing the ghost to smile as well. Oh god, that smile! The teen reached out and squeezed Jonghyun's hand. Time for another more personal question.
"Why are you always in the classroom, but never around when our math teacher is absent?" Minho felt that he already knew the answer, but he wanted Jonghyun to trust him enough to tell him himself.
The ghost seemed to take a deep breath before he looked into Minho's eyes, his eyes full of seriousness and determination. Minho could tell that this was a subject he was very sensitive and serious about.
"Your math teacher... she's my umma." Minho smiled when he said this. He knew it. But he was grateful Jonghyun had told him.
"So that's why you're so good at math?" Jonghyun nodded shyly.
"And that's why you're always gone when she is..." Minho started to say, something suddenly dawning on him, "you... you watch over her, don't you?" his voice was caring but also full of sympathy. He watched as the other nodded, his eyes filling with sadness.
"Whenever you would constantly look at my clock, and then suddenly leave... is it because you were going to see her?"
Jonghyun nodded again, not saying any words. Minho understood, he didn't need any further details as to why that specific time, only that the ghost had a very good reason for always leaving so suddenly. His umma seemed highly important to him.
"What happened, when you appeared in my room injured this morning... did it have something to do with her?" Finally the topic he had been dying to know about. Jonghyun's eyes hardened, Minho could see the internal battle inside of him as he wondered if he could trust the teen with his most sensitive and deepest of personal matters.
"You know... when a ghost ends up like I did when I got here... we always disappear from where we are at the time and appear in a place where we feel the most comfortable and safest." Jonghyun suddenly explaining this to him was not what Minho had expected at first, before it suddenly occurred to him that the ghost was basically telling him that he felt safe here in his room, and more importantly, here with him.
"I don't trust people easily..." Jonghyun suddenly flashed Minho another one of his heart throbbing smiles, "but I suppose my ghost instincts speak for themselves, neh?" The teens heart filled with joy and butterflies as he nodded eagerly.
For the next few minutes, Jonghyun explained to Minho about the gang he had gotten involved with during his days of having a heart beat, and the enormous debt he had left his umma upon his death. When he explained this part, Minho thought that Jonghyun might burst into tears, but the brave ghost it up and continued. The ghost told him about how the longer a ghost stays, the more power he/she accumulates especially when emotions are high. Minho didn't need an explanation for that part, he most clearly remembered when Hyori had gotten angry at the graveyard. What was new knowledge to Minho, however, was when Jonghyun explained that the real reason ghosts went mad so quickly the longer they've stayed in this plane, is because of the enormous amount of pain and exhaustion that it causes the ghost.
"So then last night, you used a lot of your energy?"
Jonghyun nodded and continued on by saying through clenched teeth, "after my umma had gone in to see my old boss to discuss payment options... he sent a couple of guys to my- ... her house, as insurance to scare her a little and be absolutely sure that she made good on their agreement." Minho could feel the anger radiating off the other and clenched his hand a little tighter.
"I showed up... and had to stop them from hurting my umma..." Jonghyun smiled sadly at Minho as he said embarrassingly, "Guess I used more power then I thought  did."
Oh god this guy just makes me want to hug him tight and never let go... Minho thought to himself when he saw the sadness cloud Jonghyun's beautiful puppy dog eyes.
"Thank you." Minho found himself saying suddenly. The ghost looked up to him in surprise.

"For what?"
He smiled  a tipped his head to the side, "for trusting me enough to tell me all that." The smile made Jonghyun blush profusely as he looked away.
What is this? His smile makes me feel as if my heart is racing. But I don't have a heart to race... the ghost pondered the strange feeling coursing through him.
"Hyung?" the blushing ghost looked to him, startled to have found himself lost in thought.
"Will you stay with me today?" maybe the request was strange, and to his aunt it might seem like he'll be held up in his room all day, but MInho just wanted to spend time with the other. To get to know him and hang out with him when he's not all stressed out. Jonghyun bit his lower lip, with Onew being so nice as to watch over his umma for now, there shouldn't any reason why he couldn't. Except for the fact that Jonghyun could sense his feelings for the other growing. Being attracted to a human? What could be more devastating to his non existing heart than that, besides something involving his umma? The ghost knew that for the best he probably shouldn't.

"Sure." Minho's face lit up when the ghost smiled to him and agreed.
"Great, I'll just got let my imo know that I'm going to watch a movie or something in my room!" with that, the teen got up and raced out of his room.
Jonghyun stared at the door Minho had closed behind him. Which was silly since no one would see him anyway.

"What the hell am I doing?"

Just wanted to say thanks to those of you who are reading and to those of you who have commented thus far. Seeing the comments really keeps me motivated. Going to introduce Taemin pretty soon and get Key a little more involved soon. Please look forward to it. Thanks ^^


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Chapter 11: Please update!! I love this!
Chapter 11: Hmm, I read this story and I really, really loved it.. This is such an interesting concept of a human-ghost relationship.. I would like to know what happen next, Author-nim. Do update if u can..Thanks
Chapter 11: Please update soon! Luv this story so much!
Shinee1997 #4
Chapter 11: Update soon plz ^^
Chapter 11: Kyaaaa.... Now all of them in the same chapter... WHoaa.... It's look like onew already planning minho to meet jjong...
Chapter 11: I was excited when i was reading cos im like omgosh now everyone knows each other its like a coincidence XD haha all the members of shinee know of each other now in the story :D
And going back to the sherlock input was it when they were looking for onew address the number 221A ;D
Chapter 10: This is awesome i finally caught up with the chapters ;D
Ahh everyone knows each other i cant wait till minho finds out that onew can see jonghyun too XD
Looking forward to the next update ;D
Chapter 10: This fiction is so good!:D
Can't wait for the next update <3
Chapter 10: Finally their four meet... Who knoow onew actually know key aunt... Update son...^^